Author Topic: Dhardon Shaling got married?  (Read 43233 times)


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Re: Dhardon Shaling got married?
« Reply #30 on: April 12, 2019, 06:05:53 AM »
Ms Sharling sure is enjoying her life in the US now. She is having a very comfortable life and she thanks the university for that! Wake up Sharling! Your luxury was from the sufferings of the Tibetans. Remember how proud you were to launch books that are full of lies about Dorje Shugden? Do you know how many families, friends, teacher and students you have split? The money you get from doing your job is dirty money, how can you even enjoy it!

The His Holiness Dalai Lama is sick now, instead of observing a vegetarian diet and dedicate the merits and your good wishes to His Holiness, you are enjoying your favourite beef pho??? How insensitive you are Ms Sharling. You have made so much money from His Holiness, why are you not repaying his kindness?

While you are enjoying the luxury Tibetans have provided you, have you ever thought as a refugee, what kind of life the are living? Life of course is good for you when you have a passport and an identity. The Tibetans in India are still struggling, what are you going to do for them? Keep enjoying because when your karma comes back, it will be real bad.


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Re: Dhardon Shaling got married?
« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2019, 09:40:33 PM »
Ms. Sharling sure is enjoying her life in the US now. She is having a very comfortable life and she thanks the university for that! Wake up Sharling! Your luxury was from the sufferings of the Tibetans. Remember how proud you were to launch books that are full of lies about Dorje Shugden? Do you know how many families, friends, teacher, and students you have split? The money you get from doing your job is dirty money, how can you even enjoy it!

The His Holiness Dalai Lama is sick now, instead of observing a vegetarian diet and dedicate the merits and your good wishes to His Holiness, you are enjoying your favorite beef pho??? How insensitive you are Ms. Sharling. You have made so much money from His Holiness, why are you not repaying his kindness?

While you are enjoying the luxury Tibetans have provided you, have you ever thought as a refugee, what kind of life they are living? Life, of course, is good for you when you have a passport and an identity. The Tibetans in India are still struggling, what are you going to do for them? Keep enjoying because when your karma comes back, it will be really bad.

Dhardon Sharling is really enjoying the high life from sponsorship monies that were supposed to go to her people in the refugee camp. You are right! She has absolutely no gratefulness to those who had been kind to her directly or by force. She has never cared for the Dalai Lama other than to ride on his fame to reach her goals. If she did, then she would have encouraged peace with China as that is the only way for Dalai Lama's wish to go home, to come true. Well, she ran away to continue school when she can't get her wish I would say. Lobsang Sangay is a married man and a player so why would he fulfill her wish? In the video during the farewell tea party for her by DIIR, Lobsang Sangay looked so stiff, awkward and leaned away from her. He dare not look at her even when he referred to her and the moment he did turn to her, she perked up real quick instead of looking bored. When she was talking, he was trying really hard to keep his eyes open! Poor thing! She gave him so much, including her humanity and never stopped him from publishing HOW TO SELF-IMMOLATE to encourage Tibetans in Tibet to die for a non-existent cause. China had been accepted by World Leaders to be the rightly Government of Tibet. China had done more for Tibet in recent years and given Tibetans their rights rather than as serfs under the Tibetan regime. Wake up.


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Re: Dhardon Shaling got married?
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2019, 02:09:11 AM »
Looks like the definition of family is without the ghost husband... and it is very obvious the marriage was just for a show. 4 months since she has arrived in Canada, there is no one post about her husband but herself and her 'family'. What kind of category does a 'husband' suppose to fall into? Showbiz?

Notice how her chuba doesn't accompany the stripes ribbon that a married woman would add on? She has not put that on and it means the same as not putting the ring onto the ring finger. Looks like the grad life is really a cover to continue her relationship with Lobsang Sangay. The marriage was a cover in case she is pregnant by Sangay and there is a ghost husband there to take the 'blame'.

Good try, Dhardon Shaling. You can fool yourself but not anyone else.


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Re: Dhardon Shaling got married?
« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2019, 08:34:16 AM »
Since the day Sharling Dhardon announced her engagement on her social media account, it shocked many people. Nobody knew she was in a relationship and then suddenly she was engaged. The engagement photos she has shown everyone are a joke, both of them look so unhappy.

This is just one of Sharling's tactics to distract people's attention from her affair with Lobsang Sangay. How she got a job in the CTA was because of Lobsang Sangay abusing his power to give Sharling a favour. Lobsang Sangay was even trying to make her a member of parliament by lying about her age. Very scandalous.

While Sharling is working in the CTA, she has done so much damage to the Dorje Shugden followers. She was very enthusiastic when she was releasing those books and videos full of lies about Dorje Shugden. She has broken up so many families, friends, students and teachers. The money she made was from damaging other people's lives, that is very bad. 


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Re: Dhardon Shaling got married?
« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2019, 09:05:39 AM »
I am glad that Sharling Dhardon resigned from CTA after her wedding. It is such a blessing for all the Tibetans because she did a terrible job during her term. All she did when she is in CTA is created havoc and promoted discrimination in the Tibetan community. She and her boyfriend, Sangay created so many problems and suffering for the Tibetan community in exile.

Together, they published a book that target's Dorje Shugden practitioners and promoted the discrimination of those practitioners. There is so much unnecessary suffering that is going on, and they are just adding to it instead of reducing it.

When Sharlong got married, all her relatives do not know about it, and it is very suspicious for her to get married so quickly. I bet she is hiding something shameful! Tibetans should rejoice the fact that she is out of the government and she cannot do any more damage.


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Re: Dhardon Shaling got married?
« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2019, 09:11:20 AM »
I am glad that Sharling Dhardon resigned from CTA after her wedding. It is such a blessing for all the Tibetans because she did a terrible job during her term. All she did when she is in CTA is created havoc and promoted discrimination in the Tibetan community. She and her boyfriend, Sangay created so many problems and suffering for the Tibetan community in exile.

Together, they published a book that target's Dorje Shugden practitioners and promoted the discrimination of those practitioners. There is so much unnecessary suffering that is going on, and they are just adding to it instead of reducing it.

When Sharlong got married, all her relatives do not know about it, and it is very suspicious for her to get married so quickly. I bet she is hiding something shameful! Tibetans should rejoice the fact that she is out of the government and she cannot do any more damage.

You know what? No one is really sure if Sharling Dhardon really got married with the so-called husband. You should look at the photos they have taken together, they are so unnatural. The husband looks like someone forces him to hold Sharling close. He has not smile on his face. If he has, the smile looks fake.

Sharling on the other hands, pretend to look happy but somehow it just makes people feels she ordered the 'husband' to do what she wants him to do. After the marriage, we don't really see the husband in Sharling's life. When Sharling attends weddings or go for family outings, no husband is seen.

So does the husband really exist or it is just a show put up to try to fool people? Sharling has an intimate relationship with Lobsang Sangay, everyone knows it. Look at how Sharling looks at Lobsang Sangay, she's full of admiration for him. She has helped Lobsang Sangay executed so many evil plans against Dorje Shugden followers. She should really be regretful of what she has done before and do something good to make up for that.


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Re: Dhardon Shaling got married?
« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2019, 09:24:39 AM »

You know what? No one is really sure if Sharling Dhardon really got married with the so-called husband. You should look at the photos they have taken together, they are so unnatural. The husband looks like someone forces him to hold Sharling close. He has not smile on his face. If he has, the smile looks fake.

Sharling on the other hands, pretend to look happy but somehow it just makes people feels she ordered the 'husband' to do what she wants him to do. After the marriage, we don't really see the husband in Sharling's life. When Sharling attends weddings or go for family outings, no husband is seen.

So does the husband really exist or it is just a show put up to try to fool people? Sharling has an intimate relationship with Lobsang Sangay, everyone knows it. Look at how Sharling looks at Lobsang Sangay, she's full of admiration for him. She has helped Lobsang Sangay executed so many evil plans against Dorje Shugden followers. She should really be regretful of what she has done before and do something good to make up for that.
I strongly believe the marriage was just a show to shut people up and distract people from her scandal with Lobsang Sangay. Everyone knows she and Lobsang Sangay has a very special kind of relationship. She will do anything for Lobsang Sangay. Lobsang Sangay was trying to lie about her age just so she can become the Member or Parliament.

When Dhardon Shaling was given the position as the head of the department, she was quite young and what experience does she have except maybe she speaks good English. But good command of English is not the only and the most important criteria to be in that position. If it is not a favour from Lobsang Sangay, what is it?

Dhardon Shaling resigned from CTA maybe it is because she has made enough money and CTA is collapsing soon, so it is best to leave now. Or she resigned because Lobsang Sangay wants to have one less negative news about him so they planned the resignation. Whatever it is, what they are doing is not something benefitting people but themselves.