Author Topic: Dalai Lama's followers are Violent  (Read 25777 times)


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Re: Dalai Lama's followers are Violent
« Reply #30 on: August 21, 2015, 11:12:23 PM »
Unfortunately I have to agree that the Dalai Lama's followers show very bad manners and are violent. They don't apply his teachings but also the Dalai Lama doesn't show a Buddhist behavior when it comes to Dorje Shugden practitioners.
Degeneration will grow more and more if we don't watch ourselves carefully on every subject in our life. I believe this is what the Dalai Lama is showing us. Watch yoursellf and how you act. You cannot depend on others even the Dalai Lama. Hopefully the remedy will soon be applied and the Ban comes down.


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Re: Dalai Lama's followers are Violent
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2015, 08:10:04 PM »
[...] but also the Dalai Lama doesn't show a Buddhist behavior when it comes to Dorje Shugden practitioners.



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Re: Dalai Lama's followers are Violent
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2015, 08:19:20 PM »
[...] but also the Dalai Lama doesn't show a Buddhist behavior when it comes to Dorje Shugden practitioners.

When it comes to Dorje Shugden practitioners, to respecting his root gurus, to destroying the Gelugpa tradition, to firce people to break their Buddhist commitments, to creating schism withing the Sangha, to create rifts with Tibetan society, to support gruesome self-immolations, to encourage bloody racist riots, to support Muslim Islamic State terrorists against Buddhists in Myanmar and Sri Lanka, to support US genocidal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to what not.

The Dorje Shugden issue is just a one part of the evil dalie's evil agenda as a puppet under the service of his puppet master, the international financial terrorist George Soros.


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Re: Dalai Lama's followers are Violent
« Reply #33 on: September 02, 2015, 12:15:03 AM »
Is it truly necessary that the Tibetans are facing another fellow Tibetan in such rude ways?

When even the Tibetans they themselves are not able to take care of their own people, yet disgracing them in ways that are not necessary. How would that be possible for them to get back their own land?

If the Tibetans are not able to become one as a whole, what makes them think that China will trust them enough to return them their land? It is impossible as there are too many politics going on that will help to make their society grow. With China returning them their lad with such authorities, the way that they will be managed will not do any benefits to the Tibetans at all. It will only be bringing more fear to them.


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Re: Dalai Lama's followers are Violent
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2019, 04:26:25 PM »
Is it truly necessary that the Tibetans are facing another fellow Tibetan in such rude ways?

Tibetans have for centuries faced fellow Tibetans in such rude ways. Until Tibet's peaceful liberation with the the brotherly help of China, 95% of Tibetans were slaves or serfs of cruel landlords, both lay and monastic.

Torturing, maiming, plucking out the eyes, and skinning alive both political enemies and ordinary people were commonplace in Tibet until its peaceful liberation, including in front of and with the perverse approval of the evil 13th dalie.

When even the Tibetans they themselves are not able to take care of their own people, yet disgracing them in ways that are not necessary.

What then is necessary? To cover the crimes of the evil gangsters who took possession of Tibet for centuries?

How would that be possible for them to get back their own land?

To start with, Tibet is not the “own land” of a bunch of slave-owners sold to Western neocolonialist interests. It is the own land of Tibetans, who already happily, peacefully, and prosperously live in free Tibet within greater China. 

Now, you may ask, how would be possible for the disgruntled Tibetan landlords and slave owners to get back their old misappropriated land? Only through covering their own past and present crimes, even affecting surprise with a newly found “rudeness” among Tibetans.

If the Tibetans are not able to become one as a whole, what makes them think that China will trust them enough to return them their land?

Except for some mythological past, Tibetans have never been “one as a whole”, which is why whatever is called “Tibet” has not been an independent entity for many centuries, under the total or partial control of Mongols, Manchus, Han Chinese, Sikhs, Muslims rulers, British colonizers, modern-day India and whatnot  -- and, depending on the 13th and 14th evil dalies and the gangsters, it would be right now just one more Third World Jewish-Western owned colony.

Just compare with tiny, mountainous Switzerland, which has been able to maintains its independence for centuries while surrounded by powerful entities such as the Austrian Habsburg Empire, France, Germany and its predecessor, and right now the European Union unsuccessfully trying to the tiny brave country.

Of course there are many reasons behind this difference, but one of them is surely the unity shown by Swiss people despite their religious differences (Catholics versus Protestants), to the point of completely putting beside such differences when under external threat -- a phenomenon unfortunately unseen among Tibetan people along its history.

What is seen is among Tibetans rather the opposite: religious differences are enhanced by maniacal leaders such as the evil dalie, as in the case of Dorje Shugden, pitting Tibetan against Tibetan, in order to promote the divisive agenda of his Jewish-Western puppet-masters. And of course, the Nyingma-oriented, political-sectarian movement self-labelled “rimey” which, under its pseudo-ecumenical cloak, mainly aims at demonizing and ostracizing Gelugpas, and specially non-compliant Gelugpas such as Shugdenpas, from Tibetan religious and civil life.