Author Topic: Lawsuit for the Arrest of the Dalai Lama and Dr Lobsang Sangay?  (Read 4439 times)


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If universal law has jurisdiction on humanity over another country like in the case of Spain, does this mean Buddhist monk, Thubten Wangchen or someone else can also file a lawsuit for the arrest of the Dalai Lama and Dr Lobsang Sangay? 

Thubten Wangchen must know there is religious discrimination and prosecution on Dorje Shugden practitioners by the Dalai Lama and Dr Lobsang Sangay which caused much violence and suffering to millions around the world.  In this instance, the human rights violations are obvious and are clearly spelt in the new resolution of the Central Tibetan Administration.  Thubten Wangchen must as well include the petition to free his own people and everyone around the world from suffering and enjoy religious freedom.

EuroWeeklyNews, Spain Reported:

Monk Ignites Spain v China Row

A Buddhist monk, Thubten Wangchen, has sparked a confrontation between Spain and China over human rights issues in Tibet.

Thubten Wangchen, who is a Tibetan Buddhist monk with Spanish nationality, has become something of a cause for concern for Spain-China relations lately.

Last month Spanish High Court judge Ismael Moreno sought international arrest orders for top Chinese leaders following a petition by the Barcelona monk.

The move came after Thubten filed a case of genocide against Chinese officials including former President Jiang Zemin and former PM Li Peng over accusations that they committed genocide in Tibet.

Thubten Wangchen said: “Behind the motivation to pursue this case is only one agenda - that the world should know the reality of Tibetan suffering under the Chinese regime."

The lawsuit alleges that Chinese leaders had information on torture, executions and “forced family planning policies that included widespread abortion and forced sterilisations” against Tibetans.

Judge Moreno ordered Interpol to issue an arrest order seeking capture and imprisonment of the Chinese leaders in question for genocide, torture and crimes against humanity.

In response, the Chinese government has protested against Spain’s involvement in its so-called domestic issues.

The case has caused a number of problems. After the judgment, China’s Foreign Ministry reminded Spain, a country that is still in the midst of economic recovery, that fiscal repayments on loans from China might be approaching.

China happens to hold a major stake of Spain’s debt.

Following the ruling Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said: “Whether or not this issue can be appropriately dealt with is related to the healthy development of ties.

We hope the Spanish government can distinguish right from wrong.”

Controversially, Spain’s government has now approved a ruling PP proposal to limit the global reach of Spanish courts in cases of genocide and crimes against humanity. 

Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy’s People’s Party pushed through a fast-track legal amendment to limit the use of universal jurisdiction.

The law has not yet been passed as it has to get through the Senate before returning to the parliament.

The move would mean that Spain would lose its voice on the world stage when it comes to crimes against humanity abroad.

Voices of dissent including human rights groups like Amnesty International, argue that China is exerting heavy pressure on Spain, using monetary incentives, to overlook its human rights.

Thubten said the Spanish government’s reform “is sad news not only for Tibetan people, but also for the people of Spain. The PP is bowing to Chinese pressure because of economy and debt.”

The monk said: “With massive Chinese military presence inside Tibet controlling the people, Tibetans are living under constant repression with no freedom of religion or movement.

“From my small action, I’m giving moral support to my Tibetans who live inside Tibet.”


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Re: Lawsuit for the Arrest of the Dalai Lama and Dr Lobsang Sangay?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2014, 06:39:50 AM »
I concur with you Icy. What Thubten Wangchen could have done better is to file another lawsuit against His Holiness Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration. In this way he could help free the Tibetans in exile and the other Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world from the clutches of the ban.

Thubten Wangchen had incurred the wrath of Spain and China. His action was commendable. He did what he felt was necessary for the sake of the Tibetans and humanity.


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Re: Lawsuit for the Arrest of the Dalai Lama and Dr Lobsang Sangay?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 09:28:56 AM »
This is nothing more than a publicity stunt. First, unless the Chinese leaders enter Spain, theres no way they can be arrested. What is Spain going to do, send Interpol into Chinese territory to arrest their former leaders? Ha. That would do WONDERS for their international relations. And what kind of jurisdiction does Spain have to go about arresting citizens of another nation when they are not on Spanish soil? Its plain ridiculous for Thubten Wangchen to have wasted his and other peoples time and resources on this nonsense.

No, the only thing thats been achieved is that the Tibetan cause has been highlighted again in the media. But it wont do anything to set Tibet free. The news article itself states Chinas got Spain by their balls with their fiscal obligations. Do you think Spain is going to risk the economic health (or rather recovery) of her nation for 6 million people who dont have any cultural or language ties with them whatsoever?

Thubten Wangchen would be better off filing a lawsuit against the Dalai Lama for crimes against religion. THAT would get far more attention than an issue (Tibetan independence) thats been bandied about for decades now. How much longer are they going to keep beating the dead sheep trying to make it bleat?

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Re: Lawsuit for the Arrest of the Dalai Lama and Dr Lobsang Sangay?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2014, 11:29:54 AM »
I think what this monk did was novel and brave but it is in vain agains the might of China. Spain better be careful of who they play with since the country is in debt to China. The Chinese are known to be punitive especially with those they deem as a threat to their national pride or security. It is far wiser to be Chinese ally than to be her enemy in this case. Therefore, it would be better to abort the case as this would damper international relations. Better to protect the national interest of the country than to dabble in a lawsuit that will go no where.

As for the monk, I actually would not recommend going to court against the Dalai Lama but write books and perhaps documentaries that highlight the plight of the Shugden monks and lay practitioners in Tibetan communities. Perhaps, launch an investigation into the CTA and the methods in which they employ to force monks to swear against the practice. That's what I would do... to highlight the sufferings of those living under the ban. The world must know... I think the results of books and media highlight would be better than a court case as it is drawn out...

Positive Change

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Re: Lawsuit for the Arrest of the Dalai Lama and Dr Lobsang Sangay?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2014, 11:37:23 AM »
My my... what is our world coming to? More smoke and mirrors really! What ever happened to respect of monks? It is one thing to file a lawsuit against a politician accused of genocide, but to question and accuse a Living Buddha is really another thing altogether.

Whether or not we disagree or vehemently oppose the views and actions of HH The Dalai Lama, we should NEVER doubt his compassion! My two cents worth!


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Re: Lawsuit for the Arrest of the Dalai Lama and Dr Lobsang Sangay?
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2014, 06:07:06 AM »
Positive Change, are you kidding me. It doesn't matter if the DL is a monk, a living Buddha, or acting from compassion. Those things are irrelevant to the conventions of our society and the situation at hand. We may respect someone and have pure view, but if to common appearances and worldly convention they are engaged in criminal activity, this should be dealt with accordingly. Buddha or not, a human emanation in human society needs to play by the rules of common law or face the consequences. This doesn't mean he can't perform the functions of Buddha for you or that respect for moral discipline has to decline - he is teaching very perfectly what kind of person/practitioner we shouldn't be!

If any my Gurus had been doing the kind of shit the DL has, I would politely explain the contradictions and in appropriateness of his behavior by human conventional standards and tell them they have to stop or have to face the consequences of our worlds laws. And if they didn't stop I would respectfully apologize, then reveal them to the authorities for criminal charges. This is the compassionate thing to do for living beings suffering from the Gurus human misbehavior, and is the most appropriate response.