Author Topic: Dharamsala ABUSES the Dalai Lama  (Read 4160 times)


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Dharamsala ABUSES the Dalai Lama
« on: July 17, 2017, 05:59:25 PM »
Out of this entire article, my favourite line of thought must be How come no one is accused of being ‘anti-Lobsang Sangay’ or ‘anti-Samdhong Rinpoche’? Have you ever thought about that, why no one is accused of being anti-LS or anti-SR? The only reason has to be that their so ineffective and so lacking in influence, no one really cares if anyone opposes them. Where does that leave the Tibetans once the Dalai Lamas gone? Who will follow what LS has to say if he doesnt already have the authority and sway over their minds while the Dalai Lamas alive and hes still got HHDLs backing?

If no one cares about whether anyone opposes LS or Samdhong, well good luck because all hell will break loose once HHDL is gone. LS will say something and no one will listen to him, and he cant even use the Dalai Lamas name anymore to force them.

And who would give a toss if they were accused of being anti-Sangye? But people DO care if someone accuses them of being anti-Dalai Lama because they know what it means for them and their future, so his name is used to stigmatise people as going against him.

Yer so read the article, brings up many points that might give you a different view of the Tibetan leadership. Poor HHDL, hes been a victim all this while.

Dharamsala abuses the Dalai Lama

The Tibetan leadership in exile has spent the last six decades abusing the 82-year-old the Dalai Lama’s name and power, with very little results and progress to show for it. How much longer can they keep up the charade of being the custodians of the Tibetan people’s interest and welfare?

In the 60-odd years that has seen the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) milking the international community for every dollar they can, no other refugee community has been allowed to get away with shockingly low levels of financial transparency and accountability. The CTA, or the Tibetan leadership based in Dharamsala, exist on Indian soil but are never expected to show their accounts, pay taxes or otherwise contribute to the governance and welfare of India. Similarly, the multitude of Tibetan non-governmental organizations that raise funds for the so-called Tibetan cause are never asked to produce their accounts or show their expenditure, and this has led to accusations of financial mismanagement. It is clear for everyone to see that the only reason why such an exception has been made regarding the Tibetan leadership’s finances is because they have their secret weapon: the affable, compassionate, disarmingly charming Dalai Lama.

Despite the six decades of generosity that India has shown to the Tibetans, even allowing them to establish their own Parliament on Indian soil, the leadership in Dharamsala have done nothing but abuse His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s name and reputation for decades, to line their own pockets, eliminate their political opponents and otherwise bolster their own self-serving behaviors.

Globally, there is an unprecedented level of trust in His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Political and religious leaders regularly cite him as an outstanding example of unquestionable honesty and integrity, as someone whose words can be trusted and believed. This reputation has, quite undeservingly, filtered down to the rest of the Tibetan leadership who have long been painted as an underdog fighting the might of the Chinese leadership.

But it is precisely this reputation that the CTA have been abusing for the last 60 years, to the detriment of their Tibetan people. Instead of developing political and thought leaders who are capable of driving the negotiating process with China, the Tibetan leadership have taught their people to become beggars lying in wait for a handout from the world. Thinkers and intellectuals like Jamyang Norbu have had their free speech brutally suppressed; potential leaders and politicians like Lukar Jam have had their chances of leadership violently discouraged.

Anyone else who dares think or believe differently from the Tibetan leadership, like Dorje Shugden practitioners, are turned into pariahs. Those who ever dare to express a different point-of-view from the Tibetan leadership are stigmatised as anti-Dalai Lama, and they have riots and mobs set against them. They are threatened with violence, beaten and stabbed, driven from their homes, have their properties vandalized and destroyed, watch their children get bullied in school, are refused medical treatment and even kicked out from their jobs.

The fact that the Dalai Lama’s name is used to turn a community against someone, is proof that the Dalai Lama’s name is the only one with power in the Tibetan community. How come no one is accused of being ‘anti-Lobsang Sangay’ or ‘anti-Samdhong Rinpoche’? The fact is that no other name bears as much influence and weight in the Tibetan community; everything is measured against the Dalai Lama’s opinions and decisions, and not the Tibetan leadership’s or Parliament’s.

The Tibetan leadership have, in effect, been abusing the Dalai Lama’s name to alienate many forward-thinking progressives capable of modernising the Tibetan community ready for the 21st Century. So even if people are passionate about Tibet and about improving the welfare of the exiled community, over time they are forced to set their passion aside and fall in line with the narrow thinking of the leadership.

In this way, the Tibetan leadership have also been abusing the Dalai Lama for the last 60 years, by forcing him over and over again to work hard for Tibet while the leadership and people sit idly by and do nothing. The leadership have taught their people that it is okay to push the entire burden of the so-called Tibetan cause, and the entire weight of the Tibetan people’s expectations onto the Dalai Lama’s shoulders.

The rest of it can be found here:


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Re: Dharamsala ABUSES the Dalai Lama
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2017, 03:26:47 PM »
Just the usual, worthless, servile attempt to deify the capo mafioso, the evil dalie, while trying to shift the blame for his crimes to his minions in the “CTA”.

Politicians promoting such views are no better than the “CTA” itself; they are just envious as they would like to be in CTA's place and enjoy the evil dalie' favors.


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Re: Dharamsala ABUSES the Dalai Lama
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2017, 02:04:55 AM »
You need to take a chill pill Mati, literally. Hate makes you crazy.


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Re: Dharamsala ABUSES the Dalai Lama
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2017, 03:47:28 AM »
You need to take a chill pill Mati, literally.

Then if I take a chill pill the evil dalie will not be evil anymore, is it? How many did you need to take?

Hate makes you crazy.

What is the “hate” or “craze” in not seeing “Chenrezig” in your evil dalie? Does this offend you? Are you not taking enough of your pills?


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Re: Dharamsala ABUSES the Dalai Lama
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2017, 01:40:55 PM »
Of course, Dharamsala abuses and uses the Dalai Lama and not only them... even the "monasteries" and many Buddhist people all around the world. Apparently just by taking a picture with H.H. it can boost your reputation, help bring in sponsors, make you look good... and many more perks. Basically, HH the Dalai Lama the Noble Peace Prize winner is a prize for all. It is obvious and I am 100% sure HH the Dalai Lama, is fully aware of this too! He is allowing it because... well I guess planting some seed is better than no seed.

Whether crazy people want to hate him or love him, HH the Dalai Lama is no doubt the GOLDEN GOOSE and well He is one because He is CHARISMATIC and that power to influence MILLIONS cannot come from just an ORDINARY being. Hate him or Love doesn't matter, in the end, there is KARMA and everyone faces them, even His Holiness.

I am not for or against His Holiness personally. I do not like what he is doing to Dorje Shugden people and our right to practice freely without feeling threatened, ostracised and discriminated... that I criticise and do not like with all due respect. But to hate him NO... that would just make me no different than those who spit and throw stones at us. What is the difference then?

CTA's time is running out... and many will Tibetans will speak up, the educated ones will voice out more and more... they can see through their fake democracy and lies.

Geraldine Sarie

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Re: Dharamsala ABUSES the Dalai Lama
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2017, 08:53:09 AM »
CTA depend too much on HHDL. Yes, promoting His Holiness name throughout the whole world and even overpowering the Tibetan’s lives that causes much extreme sufferings.

In the end, who is the one to pick up all these s**t? Like the current incident of self-immolation in Varanasi. Who should be blame? Why Sikyong is not responding over this matter? Was he waiting for HHDL to settle this for him? How could this leadership grow with such irresponsible and lousy management.  :-\