Author Topic: The Dalai Lama insists his female successor should have an "attractive face"  (Read 8564 times)


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Dalai Lama talks about his female successor again in the recent interview. Although Dalai Lama was told that His statements make some women felt offensive, but Dalai Lama still stay firm and insisted that both inner beauty and appearance is both important. Personally, I am looking forward to seeing a female Dalai Lama in the future. Now the role of women is equal to man in this time, and I think now is the right time to have a female Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama insists his female successor should have an "attractive face"
JUNE 28, 2019 / 7:12 PM / CBS NEWS

Ahead of his 84th birthday, the Dalai Lama is once again insisting that, if his successor is a woman, she must be physically attractive. The Nobel Peace Prize winner doubled down on the idea during an interview with BBC News Thursday.

"If a female Dalai Lama comes, she should be more attractive," the 14th Dalai Lama told reporter Rajini Vaidyanathan. If not, "people, I think prefer, not see her, that face."

Vaidyanathan tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. "It's about who you are inside, isn't it?"

"Yes, I think both," he said. "Real beauty is inner beauty, that's true. But we're human beings. I think the appearance is also important."

This isn't the first time the Tibetan religious leader has brought up the physical beauty of a potential successor. In a 2015 BBC interview, he made similar comments, noting that a female Dalai Lama should be attractive, otherwise she would be of "not much use."

Tenzin K

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The enlightened one will manifest according to karma and needs for the people, environment, and condition. If really Dalai Lama needs to be incarnate as a lady then maybe is time to change to a lady body with the enlightened mind. Should this be conducive for Dalai Lama to benefit many more people then I believe he will do what is necessary. It may be big news and shake the world a bit but at this degenerate time, the enlightened one will find a way to get close to the people to be able to benefit them. If female Dalai Lama will be effective for that time then it should be. If people believe in Dalai Lama they will go all the way to support him and prepare the necessary to receive him when the time comes.

Male of a female is just a label. Time changes, environment changes, situation changes, so everything changes except the enlightened mind.


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Male or female, it is just a label to which we exist on earth. To me, it does not matter as much other than how it suits the mind of that particular time. Who is to say that Manjushri is more effective than Tara other than the people whom the Buddhas try to help. The Dalai Lama, as an enlightened being, would not waste words on simple gossip but holds meaning to the greater good that we at our level may not be able to understand. It is a reality that our world looks to beautiful people and take time to warm up to the ordinary. So the Dalai Lama is not wrong but just sounds kind of sexist coming from a man. I do wish the Dalai Lama will swiftly lift the ban on Dorje Shugden as there no longer need to be disunity within the Tibetan community and also much more can be gained from harmony. It is time to rebuild the Tibetan community with true faith and loyalty, not from those who only seek to benefit themselves.


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Male or female, it is just a label to which we exist on earth. To me, it does not matter as much other than how it suits the mind of that particular time. Who is to say that Manjushri is more effective than Tara other than the people whom the Buddhas try to help. The Dalai Lama, as an enlightened being, would not waste words on simple gossip but holds meaning to the greater good that we at our level may not be able to understand. It is a reality that our world looks to beautiful people and take time to warm up to the ordinary. So the Dalai Lama is not wrong but just sounds kind of sexist coming from a man. I do wish the Dalai Lama will swiftly lift the ban on Dorje Shugden as there no longer need to be disunity within the Tibetan community and also much more can be gained from harmony. It is time to rebuild the Tibetan community with true faith and loyalty, not from those who only seek to benefit themselves.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said many different version about his next incarnation. He has said that there will be no next incarnation and at the same time, he also said his next incarnation will be in India. Now he is saying that his next incarnation will be a female and it will be an attractive female. I believe when His Holiness said that the female must be attractive, he did not mean it in a derogatory way but a practical way.

Attractive people are found to be more successful in life and they are more influential due to their looks. So, His Holiness has the responsibility to spread Dharma to the entire world and advantages like this will be a great help to his mission. Even though in Buddhism, beauty is thought to be impermanence that can fade away with time but most people are samsaric and they will be attracted to a pretty face.

Hence, I think everybody should not overreact on what His Holiness said and try to understand his viewpoint. There is no benefit for him to touch on this sensitive subject and get backlash from all feminist in the world. He is just stating the fact that how the samsaric world works.


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Is this really necessary? Why did the Dalai Lama have to insist that if his successor is a woman she has to be attractive and beautiful? Is woman just an object to him?

As a Buddhist, we are taught not to discriminate people or label people, we see them as who they are and their qualities is more important that appearance. But the Dalai Lama does not seem to walk the talk. How come? He is a Buddhist teacher, it just sound so hypocritical.

The statement is not going to receive positive responds, people will start to doubt the Dalai Lama. I hope this is not because of his age.


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I was shocked when I heard the Dalai Lama said for the first time that if he even takes rebirth as a woman, she has to be pretty and attractive. It was really disappointing to hear the man of peace making such a comment. At that time, many people were offended.

Now he is saying the same about woman has to be attractive again. Why is the Dalai Lama so insistent of being attractive? He should promote gender equality, quality is what he should be focus on, not appearance. I think this time he is going to offend more people.

Ringo Starr

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So the Dharma is only attractive to heterosexual men or homosexual women?

Whatever it may be, the Dalai Lama has got the attention of the whole world and he seems to be undermining his own reputation, fast.

He might be doing this to usher in a new era perhaps?

Tenzin K

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Seems like many people reacted towards Dalai Lama on his statement about the female successor. For me, we can see this statement on both sides. Either in spiritual or secular. I would not comment on secular but for spiritual, if we believe in Dalai Lama saying about his reincarnation which means we believe Dalai Lama is an attain being that able to control his death and rebirth then what's wrong for us to accept his successor to be a female and it's an attractive one? If we believe his attainment we should believe that his choice and decision. Why we believe he's attainted for able to control his death and rebirth but we question his choice of rebirth?

Something to think about.


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Seems like many people reacted towards Dalai Lama on his statement about the female successor. For me, we can see this statement on both sides. Either in spiritual or secular. I would not comment on secular but for spiritual, if we believe in Dalai Lama saying about his reincarnation which means we believe Dalai Lama is an attain being that able to control his death and rebirth then what's wrong for us to accept his successor to be a female and it's an attractive one? If we believe his attainment we should believe that his choice and decision. Why we believe he's attainted for able to control his death and rebirth but we question his choice of rebirth?

Something to think about.

I believe the Dalai Lama is the emanation of Chenrezig but how come what he has done create more doubts that give people more assurance of his compassionate quality? It is actually quite disappointing to hear the Dalai Lama making a comments on female that is so offensive. Why must a female be pretty in order to accomplish something?

The Dalai Lama is a Bodhisattva, he should treat everyone equally, regardless of the gender. Some might say he manifest according to the statement of mind of the people, therefore he just manifest like a normal person. Maybe this is due to our karmas, but what benefit does it bring?

I just think the Dalai Lama should be more sensible. He is ruin his own reputation of the man of peace. The CTA should also protect the Dalai Lama's reputation but they have not done anything to clarify the negative statement the Dalai Lama has been making. This makes people think if the CTA really respects the Dalai Lama?


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Seems like many people reacted towards Dalai Lama on his statement about the female successor. For me, we can see this statement on both sides. Either in spiritual or secular. I would not comment on secular but for spiritual, if we believe in Dalai Lama saying about his reincarnation which means we believe Dalai Lama is an attain being that able to control his death and rebirth then what's wrong for us to accept his successor to be a female and it's an attractive one? If we believe his attainment we should believe that his choice and decision. Why we believe he's attainted for able to control his death and rebirth but we question his choice of rebirth?

Something to think about.

Well, Tenzin... the whole world DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND Tibetan Buddhism views on the Dalai Lama is a Buddha aka God. So obvious such statements made is going to rock up the whole town and you know what... I think the Dalai Lama knows this and purposely said it to get more media attention. But what for is the question.

The Dalai Lama is a seasoned politician and a great PR person... he knows whatever he says is going to affect a lot of people. So why do you think he said what he said? That should be the question if you really think he is Chenrezig!


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Seems like many people reacted towards Dalai Lama on his statement about the female successor. For me, we can see this statement on both sides. Either in spiritual or secular. I would not comment on secular but for spiritual, if we believe in Dalai Lama saying about his reincarnation which means we believe Dalai Lama is an attain being that able to control his death and rebirth then what's wrong for us to accept his successor to be a female and it's an attractive one? If we believe his attainment we should believe that his choice and decision. Why we believe he's attainted for able to control his death and rebirth but we question his choice of rebirth?

Something to think about.

Well, Tenzin... the whole world DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND Tibetan Buddhism views on the Dalai Lama is a Buddha aka God. So obvious such statements made is going to rock up the whole town and you know what... I think the Dalai Lama knows this and purposely said it to get more media attention. But what for is the question.

The Dalai Lama is a seasoned politician and a great PR person... he knows whatever he says is going to affect a lot of people. So why do you think he said what he said? That should be the question if you really think he is Chenrezig!

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is certainly doing this on purpose. He is releasing mind-blowing statement one after another to make the whole world think and drawing more attention onto himself. On top of that, he is being very inconsistent with the prophecy of his next incarnation and it confuses people.

Once, he said he will be the last incarnation of Dalai Lama. On another occasion, he said that he will most probably be reborn in India and now he is saying that he will be reborn as a female. So which one is the true prophecy now?

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is certainly not a normal human being and he is believed to be the Buddha of Compassion, Chenrezig. Since he is a Buddha, whatever he does will have a positive impact and sometimes, it might be seen as negative at first. But, we have to have faith in His Holiness because we know that he has devoted his whole life to benefit other sentient beings and he will not hurt anyone.


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His Holiness the Dalai Lama is certainly not a normal human being and he is believed to be the Buddha of Compassion, Chenrezig. Since he is a Buddha, whatever he does will have a positive impact and sometimes, it might be seen as negative at first. But, we have to have faith in His Holiness because we know that he has devoted his whole life to benefit other sentient beings and he will not hurt anyone.

Okay so based on this statement then what you are saying is that we should all stop complaining and just accept the injustice ban on Dorje Shugden practice? If this is the case, then all the protest and efforts into getting Dorje Shugden practice lifted from the ban would just be a silly waste of time, no? Because if Dalai Lama is the Buddha of Compassion and he will not hurt anyone, as you mentioned Alex.

So then why are Dorje Shugden people getting hurt and harmed and is violently attacked? Why does the Buddha of Compassion allow this and does not say anything to stop such violence? Why does the Buddha of Compassion asks monks to sign a petition if not get kicked out of their monastery? What good does it do to the many old monks who are followers of H.H.Trijang Rinpoche get kicked out of their monastery and be homeless, some of them are even sick. Would you say this is not harmful and acceptable?


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His Holiness the Dalai Lama is certainly not a normal human being and he is believed to be the Buddha of Compassion, Chenrezig. Since he is a Buddha, whatever he does will have a positive impact and sometimes, it might be seen as negative at first. But, we have to have faith in His Holiness because we know that he has devoted his whole life to benefit other sentient beings and he will not hurt anyone.

Okay so based on this statement then what you are saying is that we should all stop complaining and just accept the injustice ban on Dorje Shugden practice? If this is the case, then all the protest and efforts into getting Dorje Shugden practice lifted from the ban would just be a silly waste of time, no? Because if Dalai Lama is the Buddha of Compassion and he will not hurt anyone, as you mentioned Alex.

So then why are Dorje Shugden people getting hurt and harmed and is violently attacked? Why does the Buddha of Compassion allow this and does not say anything to stop such violence? Why does the Buddha of Compassion asks monks to sign a petition if not get kicked out of their monastery? What good does it do to the many old monks who are followers of H.H.Trijang Rinpoche get kicked out of their monastery and be homeless, some of them are even sick. Would you say this is not harmful and acceptable?

I guess at the spiritual level, the Dalai Lama is doing something we cannot comprehend. It is not doubt that many people are hurt and many people are affected negatively by the ban. But it is also because the ban, many people know about Dorje Shugden. Which Dharma protector in this world is as famous as Dorje Shugden?

In this modern world, people are more interested in negative news than positive news. Perhaps this is the best way to promote Dorje Shugden? When Yamantaka practice was first introduced in Tibet by Ra Lotsawa, there were a lot of misunderstanding and many lives were sacrificed as well. In the end, Yamantaka became of of the very powerful tantric practice Vajrayana Buddhism.

But of course, at the secular level, it is not right to discriminate and to segregate Dorje Shugden practitioners. Tibetan leadership should treat all Tibetans the same regardless of their belief. CTA claims it is a democratic government, Tibetans should be given the freedom of religion. CTA is being very unfair to the Tibetans and this is very disappointing.


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I guess at the spiritual level, the Dalai Lama is doing something we cannot comprehend. It is not doubt that many people are hurt and many people are affected negatively by the ban. But it is also because the ban, many people know about Dorje Shugden. Which Dharma protector in this world is as famous as Dorje Shugden?

In this modern world, people are more interested in negative news than positive news. Perhaps this is the best way to promote Dorje Shugden? When Yamantaka practice was first introduced in Tibet by Ra Lotsawa, there were a lot of misunderstanding and many lives were sacrificed as well. In the end, Yamantaka became of of the very powerful tantric practice Vajrayana Buddhism.

But of course, at the secular level, it is not right to discriminate and to segregate Dorje Shugden practitioners. Tibetan leadership should treat all Tibetans the same regardless of their belief. CTA claims it is a democratic government, Tibetans should be given the freedom of religion. CTA is being very unfair to the Tibetans and this is very disappointing.

If we look at the example of Yamantaka practice, how lives had to be sacrificed before the practice is accepted and recognised, this kind of give us hope in the Dorje Shugden controversy. People who are suffering from the ban can make the suffering positive by relating the ban to Yamantaka practice.

However, I do agree with you that the CTA is not being fair to all its people. As a democratic government, according to the constitution, every has the right to the freedom of religion. No government should discriminate its own people based on their belief. Perhaps CTA has to revisit the meaning of a democracy.

How different is the CTA compared to China? If the CTA thinks China is suppressing Tibetans, not allowing them to learn their own language and practice Buddhism, isn't CTA doing similar things to Dorje Shugden followers? How dare CTA condemn China when CTA also do the same thing to the Tibetans.