From this one Geshe initiating so many, many more will practice. From the practitioners themselves, they will initiate even more people and so on. This trend will continue to grow. It will not stop. The current Dalai Lama or no other lamas after him can stop this trend. Whatever has been said of Shugden negative has been said. Nothing new can be said. Whatever doubts people may or may not have, no new doubts can arise. Those who have not given up due to strong guru devotion and holding their samaya strong, will not abandon the practice but perpetuate Shugden even more so. Whatever damage the ban has done, that is it, not much more can be done to hurt Shugden practitioners. The ban has made us stronger and we will continue to grow. It has made me stronger. Due to the ban, I direct a large amount of my income towards Shugden monasteries, practitioners and related. Because I want to support these institutions. Every month I have funds allocated for them. I am sure I am not the only one who have allocated their funds, time, resources, energy and knowledge for the growth of Shugden's lineage and to the clearance of Shugden's good name. The ban has made me stronger and even more determined. THE MORE YOU BAN SOMETHING, THE MORE PEOPLE WOULD WANT IT. Reverse psychology always works.
Websites like this will spring up more and more in many languages. The ban has made Shugden practitioners stronger and even MORE DETERMINED to bring Shugden to mainstream Buddhism and ACCEPTED. Shugden should be accepted. There is nothing wrong with Buddha Shugden no matter what others would like to wrongly perpetuate.
Many of those who have abandoned Shugden due to pressures, wrong views, fear, inadequate knowledge, poltical correctness will regret eventually and seek Dulzin's forgiveness*. It is not a day of reckoning, but the time will come as truth is truth and it will be revealed. We can find many ways to bring Shugden to others in our own ways. For me this forum is one method. There are more and I will engage in it.
I follow my guru all the way and no other teacher will sway my mind.
*Shugden in trance of Choyang Dulzin Kuten said this himself at the start of all the problems in the 90's.