Author Topic: [ENGLISH] A Important letter to HH 14th Dalai Lama from Kadhampa (Kadhampa invit  (Read 20088 times)


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Note?A close translation of the Chinese text is attempted as far as possible. For the ease of understanding of the text for the general reader, additional words are included in brackets and smaller typeface , and supplementary information is provided in parenthesis and italics typeface.
Good news !
On the 1st of February 2011, the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama has once again given
free promotion to the Founder of the Green Sect (Serkong Tritul Tulku).
?Note?The Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama has announced?On?Note?2011?5th of February, a ceremony of the 13 Deity Vajrabhairava Initiation was held at the Shartse?Note?Ganden Buddhist College?. Normally when seeking empowerment, it is mandatory to establish guru-and-disciple relationship.
The Green Sect (also known as Kadhampa Sect)'s right assistant Abbot, H.E. the 18th Dromcheng Rinpoche, who is the profession incarnation of the Victor Dromtönpa said:
What The Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama had mentioned was excellent, because
according to the tantras, the beseecher of empowerment (to be refered to as?the beseecher?in short) must view the guru who has conferred him the authority (empowerment) as the actual Vajradh?ra; likewise, the guru must also treat his disciple as his most trusted aide.
Hence, the guru must observe whether the beseecher is an equipped vessel (for the empowerment); and the beseecher must examine if one can abide by the precepts and vows. If the criterias are not fulfilled, even if one has attended the empowerment ceremony, the empowerment will not be acquired, instead one will surely head for the Vajra Hell.
However, the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama who obviously knew that most of those people who bought tickets to attend His Holiness’s empowerment ceremony would not abide by the precepts and vows, then how could relationships between the guru and student be established based on precepts and vows?
In addition, majority of the attendees of the initiation ceremony criticized that not only were the tickets too expensive, they were also not able to receive even minute blessings, etcetera, hence expressed regret (for going to the ceremony).
Also, after having seen the actions of H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama 's foremost Japanese disciple, Shoko Asahara (born Chizuo Matsumoto, on March 2, 1955), amongst others, have led to criticisms of the precepts and vows of Vajray?na Buddhism.
Therefore, we the Green Sect is asking H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama that when you were granting empowerment to?Shoko Asahara (born Chizuo Matsumoto, on March 2, 1955)? and other foremost disciples, did Your Holiness (H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama would also be referred as ?Your Holiness?) examine whether one possess qualities of an equipped vessel, or were just showing respect for the US dollars, and messing around with Tantric practices ?
Furthermore, was your manner of beseechment (of empowerment) also similar to the way that ?Shoko Asahara (born Chizuo Matsumoto, on March 2, 1955)?sought empowerment from you?
It is common knowledge that H.H.Tadrak Rinpoche (H.H. 3rd Tadrak Rinpoche)?H.E.Trijang Rinpoche (H.E. 3rd Trijang Rinpoche)?H.H.Ling Rinpoche (H.H. 6th Ling Rinpoche) among other gurus who adhered to King Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden), would not have conferred Your Holiness the 13 Deity Vajrabhairava initiation for the sake of fame and gain!
It is because they were Your Holiness's ancestral gurus, and common knowledge that they are the foremost disciples of H.E. Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo (H.E. Pabongka Rinpoche) and adherents of King Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden).
Thus, it was heard that all of them had been trained by H.E. Pabongka Rinpoche in accordance to the Lamrim Chenmo (also known as “The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment”) to become gurus with neither care for fame nor concern for wealth, but thinking six times day and night of how to liberate sufferers of pain and misery through Dharma, and to swiftly emancipate from sufferings and attain happiness, as well as to pray for Buddhism to last for eternity, and to constantly meditate only on blending the mind into Dharma, and became truly great practitioners of the Kadhampa Sect.
Henceforth, they as lineage holders themselves had generously conferred most of them to Your Holiness, in the anticipation that Your Holiness could propagate the Dharma accordingly, as well as preserving the longevity of Buddhism. Yet, as Your Holiness was spreading the Dharma handed down to you by your gurus, you were condemning them (the same Gurus) for defiling their vows, was this right?
Also, since Your Holiness obviously knew that they were adherents of the Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden), then why did you still promulgate extensively those teachings from people with vows defiled, associated with your previous few generations?
Could it be that except the teachings of those
?Note?H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo (1878~1941),
H.H. the 1st Trijang Rinpoche Losang Tsultrim Palden (1756~1838),
H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe (1901~1981),
H.E. the 2nd Serkong Dorje Chang Thubten Tsultrim Ngawang Donden (1856~1918),
H.H. the 3rd Tadrak Rinpoche Ngawang Sungrab (1874~1952),
H.H. the 6th Ling Rinpoche Thupten Lungtok Namgyal Trinlé (1903~1983),
H.E. the 2nd Gomang Khangsar Rinpoche (1888~1941),
H.E. the 4th Dagpo Rinpoche Pema Dorje (1876~1936),
H.E. Gomang Kachen,
H.E. the 2nd Gomang Phul Dhue Losang Yeshe Tenmay (1874~1918) ?
adherents of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) and their descendents, there were none to be propagated?
We got to know from the media that the K?lacakra empowerment that Your Holiness had granted was handed-down from your ancestral guru H.E. the 2nd Serkong Dorje Chang (who beheld Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) as the Holder of the Diamond Scepter (Vajrap??i)) to Your Holiness’s ancestral guru H.E. the 2nd Gomang Khangsar Rinpoche, who in turn transmitted to Your Holiness’s root guru of three kindness, H.H. the 6th Ling Rinpoche Thupten Lungtok Namgyal Trinlé. Thereafter, from H.H. the 6th Ling Rinpoche passed down to you, was it?.
If this was true, then it was incomprehensible that why you should still propagate those
transmissions (Dharma teachings) from people with vows defiled, associated with your previous
few generations, and hurt these kind-hearted people that followed you?
If those gurus' transmissions were so corrupted with defiled vows, why did Your Holiness still repeatedly promulgate them, what intentions were you harbouring? Could it be possible that those gurus’ vows were untainted after all?
Through the media, it was known that those dharma teachings that Your Holiness had been imparting, including the king of father tantras - the 32-Deity Guhyasam?ja, the king of mother tantras - the 62-Deity Cakrasamvara, the king of tantras - the 13-Deity Vajrabhairava and Solitary Vajrabhairava, Vajrayogin?, and other transmissions had been conferred by Your Holiness’s ancestral guru H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo to Your Holiness’s root guru of three kindness (who also beheld Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) as (emanation of) Buddha Manjushri), namely H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe or H.H. the 6th Ling Rinpoche Thupten Lungtok Namgyal Trinlé or H.H. the 3rd Tadrak Rinpoche Ngawang Sungrab, these three or anyone (of these three gurus) at random conferred to Your Holiness, was it so?
At this point, we the Green Sect first prostrate three times, and with great reverence we ask of you, the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that with great kindness and compassion, to explain clearly to followers or non-followers, that the transmissions conferred by the above-mentioned gurus, whether possessed blessings, whether carried pure vows, whether could be practised?
If possessed blessings, if carried pure vows, then shouldn’t Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) get the biggest credit?
May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that besides the Yellow Sect (Gelugpa) lineage transmissions that Your Holiness had received from these gurus, why were there no transmissions granted by other Gelug Masters?
May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that why was your guru from the Sakya Sect H.E. Chogy Trichen Rinpoche, not only a disciple of your ancestral guru H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo, but also a disciple of Your Holiness’ two root gurus of three kindness, H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe, and H.H. the 6th Ling Rinpoche Thupten Lungtok Namgyal Trinlé?
If so, H.E. Chogy Trichen Rinpoche's foremost disciple, head of the Sakya Sect - H.H. Sakya Trizin Rinpoche, and all other Sakya Sect followers who became his (H.E. Chogy Trichen Rinpoche) descendents, did they also defile their vows?
It was because those three gurus whom H.E. Chogy Trichen Rinpoche accorded to were all descendents of H.E. the 4th Dagpo Rinpoche Pema Dorje, and adherents of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden). May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that why was your guru from the Nyingma Sect H.E. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, not only a disciple of Your Holiness’s root guru of three kindness, H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe, but also a disciple of Your Holiness’s root guru of three kindness, H.H. the 6th Ling Rinpoche Thupten Lungtok Namgyal Trinlé?
If so, H.E. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche's foremost disciples of the Nyingma Sect, H.E. PenorRinpoche, H.E. Trulshik Rinpoche, H.E. Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche and all other Nyingma Sect followers why became his (H.E. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche) descendents, did they also defile their vows?
It is so because the two gurus whom H.E. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche accorded to, were both cint?ma?i-like (like a wish-fulfilling Gem) disciples of H.E. the 4th Dagpo Rinpoche Pema Dorje, and H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo, who were adherents of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) themselves.
May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that why were the famous gurus from Kagyu Sect, namely H.E. Kalu Rinpoche, H.E. Thrangu Rinpoche and H.E. Tenga Rinpoche, among many other Kagyu masters, disciples of Your Holiness’ two root gurus of three kindness, H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe and H.H. the 6th Ling Rinpoche?
If so, all the Kagyu Sect followers who became descendents of H.E. Kalu Rinpoche, H.E.Thrangu Rinpoche and H.E. Tenga Rinpoche, did they also defile their vows?
It was so because the two gurus whom H.E. Kalu Rinpoche, H.E. Thrangu Rinpoche, and H.E. Tenga Rinpoche accorded to, were both cint?ma?i-like disciples of H.E. the 4th Dagpo Rinpoche Pema Dorje, and H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo, who were adherents of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) themselves.
May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that all those who had ever heard your transmission or ever received your authority (mistranslation: empowerment), did they also defile their vows?
It was because the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama’s root gurus of three kindness, H.H. the 3rd Tadrak Rinpoche Ngawang Sungrab, H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe, and H.H. the 6th Ling Rinpoche Thupten Lungtok Namgyal Trinlé all beheld Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) as (emanation of) Buddha Manjushri, and accorded to H.E. the 4th Dagpo Rinpoche Pema Dorje, and H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo as cint?ma?i (Wish-fulfilling Gem) disciples.
H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama,
“As for my explanations of those?note?sutras? in general, it is alright not to treat it as guru-and-disciple relationship.”
H.E. the 18th Dromcheng Rinpoche, the profession incarnation of the Victor Dromtönpa, who holds office of right assistant Abbot of the Green Sect,
“May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that aside from receiving tantric authorities, one does not need to acknowledge one’s teacher after hearing other dharma teachings?
It is because we perceived what Your Holiness meant as such. However, we the Green Sect differ vastly from Your Holiness; regardless of those gurus who preached sutras or tantras, once dharma sessions is partaken, the guru-disciple relationship is established. This principle is not only embraced by our Green Sect (Kadhampa), even the Yellow Sect (Gelugpa), the Kagyu Sect, the Sakya Sect and the Nyingma sect also practise this.”
H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama,
“If one seeks those rules in order to establish the guru-disciple relationship, it is unacceptable if one’s
vows are not kept pure.”
H.E. the 18th Dromcheng Rinpoche, the profession incarnation of the Victor Dromtönpa, who holds office of right assistant Abbot of the Green Sect,
l “May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that you express clearly as to whether your vows are pure?
l Have Your Holiness ever displeased your guru H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe?
l Have Your Holiness ever criticized your guru H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe and your ancestral guru H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo, their many misconducts, et cetera?
l Should a disciple be considered to carry pure vows if he sees his guru as unlawful against the dharma?
l Are your Holiness’s guru H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe and your ancestral guru H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo, capacitated gurus?”
H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama,
“Therefore, I always say this, those?note?people?after adhering to Gyalpo Shugden?note?King Possessing
Strength (Dorje Shugden)?for a period of time, from the 5th Sovereign?note?H.H. the 5th Dalai Lama?onwards,
?note?history is very? clear that during previous generations of Gyalwa?note?the Victor?that vows were
amixed ?note?defiled?.”
H.E. the 18th Dromcheng Rinpoche, the profession incarnation of the Victor Dromtönpa, who holds
office of right assistant Abbot of the Green Sect:
“May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that could it possible from H.H. the 5th Dalai Lama onwards, all those people who accorded to Gyalpo Shugden (King Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)), became tainted with defiled vows?
If vows were defiled, how could H.H. the 1st Trijang Rinpoche Losang Tsultrim Palden among many other Gelug Dharmar?jas become the principal root gurus of the Great Saviour H.H. the 9th Dalai Lama and the Great Saviour H.H. the 10th Dalai Lama?
Moreover, why did H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe and H.H. the 3rd Tadrak Rinpoche Ngawang Sungrab all become Your Holiness’s principal gurus?
Surely, it could not be that Your Holiness was not able to find any other better gurus in this world except for those that adhered to Gyalpo Shugden (King Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden))?
Since Your Holiness obviously knew that those gurus who adhered to Gyalpo Shugden (King Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)) had defiled their vows, but still intentionally promulgated transmissions conferred by them to harm those disciples that followed you, was it right?
We, hereby with utmost reverence expostulate with the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that though we understood that you received the authority (empowerment) of the 16 Droplets of the Kadhampas from H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe,
however Your Holiness could simulate H.H. the 5th Dalai Lama whereby he directly received all of Kadhampa’s transmissions from the Victor Dromtönpa, the second generation lineage master of Kadhampa, especially the 16 Droplets of the Kadhampas, so that Your Holiness could forsake those who those transmissions from gurus who adhered to Gyalpo Shugden (King Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)),and as everyone addressed you as the reincarnation of the Victor Dromtönpa, thus it would be best if Your Holiness extensively propagate Kadhampa, and induce all those who pledged to mainly follow the three principal monasteries of your Gelug Sect, to specialize in the practice of the crown Gem of Kadhampa - the 16 Droplets of the Kadhampas.
Even if Your Holiness knew, we knew, the Heaven knew, the Earth knew, that from the Great Saviour H.H. the 1st Dalai Lama to the Great Saviour H.H. the 13th Dalai Lama had not been successful in overthrowing the Gelug Sect, but Your Holiness was well-prepared long ago, weren’t you?
Now, the time has arrived, please overthrow (the Gelug Sect)!
Shouldn’t Your Holiness pursue your most beloved Old Kadhampa, that had thrived and prospered under your previous incarnation the Victor Dromtönpa, which H.H. Kadham Trichen Rinpoche had rebuilt?
Your Holiness should test whether those disciples that followed you are loyal to you or not?
If those people were truly loyal to Your Holiness, not only could you wipe out the influence of those Gelug disciples with extreme devotion towards Gyalpo Shugden (King Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)) faction, you could also thoroughly destroy the Yellow Sect, and distant from the Gyalpo Shugden faction and the New Kadhampa Sect forever.
Or else, within the next 20 to 30 years, not only would all the Yellow Sect disciples adhere to Gyalpo Shugden (King Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)), the uncommon dharmap?la (dharma protector) of Yellow Sect, but also promulgate extensively dharma teachings unique to the Yellow Sect such as Lamrim Chenmo and the like by Conqueror Tsongkhapa,
And by that time, the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama would be likened to the King Fuchai of Wu (the last king of Wu, a state in ancient China), Hegemon-King Xiang Yu (prominent military leader and political figure engaged in a long struggle for power that concluded with his eventual defeat and
suicide at the bank of the Wu River), Gung Ye - King of Taebong (king of the short-lived Hugoguryeo), the Chongzhen Emperor of the Ming Dynasty (the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty in China), Puyi - Emperor of the Qing Dynasty (final member of the Manchu Qing Dynasty to rule over China), et cetera. And those Gelug disciples who oppose Your Holiness would be likened to King Goujian of Yue, Liu Bang - Emperor Gaozu of the great Han Dynasty, Wang Geon - Taejo of Goryeo, Huang Taiji - Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, et cetera.
Therefore, it would be best if Your Holiness join your favorite Old Kadhampa swiftly, which has been rebuilt,.
If Your Holiness could do as we urged, not only could you distant from the unpleasantness occurred as of the Great Saviour H.H. the 5th Dalai Lama and all previous generations of the Dalai Lama, Your Holiness would also be a renowned guru of Old Kadhampa and bring about the continuance of the Green Sect for a million year!
H.E. the 18th Dromcheng Rinpoche, the profession incarnation of the Victor Dromtönpa, who holds office of right assistant Abbot of the Green Sect: “May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that what the Great Saviour H.H the 5th Dalai Lama had said about that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) harboured nefarious wishes, was it true?
However, it is common knowledge that most of those gurus who adhered to this Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) not only carried pure vows and precepts, they were also macrobiotic, healthy, prosperous, brimmed with joy, even those principal dharma teachings of the Yellow Sect all over the world were mostly conferred by those gurus, was it not?
It was heard from Your Holiness’s guru of greatest kindness, H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe that although the previous incarnation of that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) was murdered by the Great Saviour H.H the 5th Dalai Lama’s most trusted disciple, not only did he not hate those people, but loved them even more so, was it not?
It was heard that the Great Saviour H.H the 5th Dalai Lama had also ordered to build five blocks of temples in Lhasa and other places, specially for worshipping Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden), did he not?
Ø If (Dorje Shugden) possessed nefarious desires, why did the Great Saviour H.H the 5th Dalai Lama worship Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
Ø Could it be that the Great Saviour H.H the 5th Dalai Lama was no match for the Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) so much so that he surrendered?
Ø Could it be that the brief lifespan and tragic ending of the Great Saviour H.H the 6th Dalai Lama’s (1683~1707) were all doings of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength’s nefarious desires?
Ø Could it be that the brief lifespan of the Great Saviour H.H the 7th Dalai Lama (1708~1757) was also doings of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength’s nefarious desires?
Ø Could it be that not only the brief lifespan of the Great Saviour H.H the 8th Dalai Lama (1758~1804), but also his great misfortune were all doings of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength’s nefarious desires?
Ø Could it be that the brief lifespan and great misfortune of the Great Saviour H.H the 9th Dalai Lama (1806~1815) were all doings of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength’s nefarious desires?
Ø Could it be that not only the brief lifespan of the Great Saviour H.H the 10th Dalai Lama (1816~1837), but also his great misfortune were all doings of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength’s nefarious desires?
Ø Could it be that not only the brief lifespan of the Great Saviour H.H the 11th Dalai Lama’s (1838~1855), but also his great misfortune were all doings of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength’s nefarious desires?
Ø Could it be that not only the brief lifespan of the Great Saviour H.H the 12th Dalai Lama’s (1856~1875), but also his great misfortune were all doings of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength’s nefarious desires?
Ø Could it be that the Great Saviour H.H the 13th Dalai Lama (1876~1933) who lived a tragic life that when he fled North (Urga in Mongolia) to seek refuge in Mongolia, he was bullied and humiliated by the Mongolian King Khalkha Rinpoche (Khalkha Jetsun Dampa), who was also his disciple; and when he fled South to seek refuge in India, he was bullied, et cetera by the English and Indians this time, and suffered all those humiliations that even the Tibetans would not tolerate at that time, that these were also doings of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength’s nefarious desires?
Ø Could it be that the Great Saviour H.H the 14th Dalai Lama (1935~) who until now is still healthy, extensively benefitting sentient beings, were also doings of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength’s nefarious desires?
It is because from the Great Saviour H.H the 5th Dalai Lama onwards, amongst successive generations of the Dalai Lamas, Your Holiness was the only one who openly declared adhering to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) for 24 years (1951~1975), for matters regarding adherence if not publicly announced there would be no way of knowing.
In short, we could see from your guru of greatest kindness, H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe’s biography, that previously every time when Your Holiness encounter difficulties , it was Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) and other dharmap?las who eradicated the impediments and enabled you to reverse (the circumstances), was it not?
If not, then is your guru of greatest kindness, H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe a big liar?
If Your Holiness’s guru of greatest kindness, H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe was a big liar, then wouldn’t that make desecendents of the five major Sects - Red (Nyingma), Green (Kadhampa), Flower (Sakya), White (Kagyu), Yellow (Gelugpa), including Your Holiness all liars too?
For what reason that aside from Your Holiness and the Great Saviour H.H the 7th Dalai Lama, there was not one Dalai Lama, ranging from the Great Saviour H.H the 5th Dalai Lama till the Great Saviour H.H the 13th Dalai Lama, had made any major contribution to Buddhism collectively as a whole, and especially the Yellow Sect?
Was it because the righteous desires of the Great Saviour H.H the 5th Dalai Lama till the Great Saviour H.H the 13th Dalai Lama were all robbed by that nefarious wishing Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
If so, wouldn’t it seemed from history that those who worshipped Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) made the biggest contribution to Buddhism collectively as a whole, and especially to that of the Yellow Sect?
Did those nefarious wishes of the dharmap?la Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) of your Yellow Sect cause his worshippers to have desires such as to maintain pure oaths, to conduct themselves humbly, to believe firmly in cause, effect, and karma, to perceive one;s guru as Buddha and et cetera?
For it seemed that for the majority of those people, they percieve their gurus as Buddhas, value the Tantric oaths, Bodhisattva precepts and others more than their lives, more mindful to minute cause, effect, and karma, love their enemies more dearly than their parents, et cetera.
Why then, the majority of the disciples who pursued the Great Saviour H.H the 14th Dalai Lama not only did not behave humbly; they were also not mindful to minute cause, effect, and karma; they mimicked the way Your Holiness honoured your guru by talking about their guru’s misconduct; and once they completed their studies, they only pursued the position of abbot of major monasteries?
Were these accomplished by Your Holiness’s righteous desires?
Why did those monks, who follow you, slaughter each other at the Sera Monastery in India a few years ago, fight with each other, and have unceasing indecent scandals?
At Drepung Monastery, there were monks bullying, humiliating and flogging monks. However Your Holiness commanded that the monk who had imposed the whipping not to be punished and were even appointed as the Drepung Gomang Abbot. Furthermore, it was a common sight at the Drepung Gomang College to see monks fighting and slandering each other, unceasing indecent scandals, and other misconducts.
The Gaden Shartse College’s former Chenmo-la (Chant Master) was also involved with Your Holiness’s disciple nun who supposedly got pregnant (although separated by underpants) among other unceasing indecent scandals, fought with other monks, and slandered each other.
At the Ganden Jangtse College, apparently the reincarnation of Your Holiness’s guru was involved in a sexual relationship and other unceasing indecent scandals, and fought and slandered each other among many misconducts!
Are those also accomplished by the nefarious wishes of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama,
“... the characteristic of?his?nature?is?malevolent spirit, demon, ...”
H.E. the 18th Dromcheng Rinpoche, the profession incarnation of the Victor Dromtönpa, who
holds office of right assistant Abbot of the Green Sect:
“May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, do you admit that the root of his (Dorje Shugden) nature is (a) malevolent spirit, demon?
Could it be that the reason Your Holiness admit is because you are just drifting along with the opinion of the Great Saviour His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama?
Or you admitted simply because you saw it with your all-seeing mind?
If using your all-seeing mind, you saw Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) as malevolent spirited, demonic, then why did Your Holiness not see matters like those Tibetans who followed you suffering?
Why did Your Holinesss’ gurus say that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength is the emanation of Buddha Manjushri?
May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, have you reached the stage of Buddha?
As you saw Great King Dorje Possessing Strength as malevolent spirited and demonic when Your Holiness’ gurus recognized (Dorje Shugden) as the emanation of Buddha, was it not?
It is because unless one have the reached Stage of Buddha, no one can judge the state of another sentient being, isn’t it?
Nevertheless, whether be spirit or be deity, it is not a matter that concern our Green Sect, but rather an internal scandal among the Yellow Sect as well as Your Holiness’s guru and disciple, isn’t it?
H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama,
“characteristic of?his?work and profession?is?peril to Sect?Buddhist Sect?and sentient beings.”
H.E. the 18th Dromcheng Rinpoche, the profession incarnation of the Victor Dromtönpa, who holds office of right assistant Abbot of the Green Sect,
“May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that the devotees of the still existing 5 major sects (including the Green Sect) of Tantric Buddhism at present, were they not all descendents of those gurus who adhered to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
If so, not only did (Dorje Shugden) not imperil the Buddhist Sect, but rather prospered the 5 major sects of Tantric Buddhism, including the Green Sect, in ten directions, was it not? Excuse me, but I had my suspicions in this matter, were Your Holiness speaking in opposites after all?
It was because from any angle point of view, it would seem that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) made the biggest contribution to Buddhism, needless to say, especially so towards the five major sects.
Had Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) ever harmed anyone?
Did Your Holiness mean those people who ever tried to perform the forceful fire puja in the hope of destroying Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden), but immediately encountered with misfortune and died?
Or meant H.E. Serkong Tsenshab Rinpoche, who betrayed his own root guru of kindness H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe and H.H. the 6th Ling Rinpoche Thupten Lungtok Namgyal Trinl?and deceived Your Holiness, who died immediately from infection of dysentery in a pool of feces, as a result of slandering his gurus and abandoning Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) that he had once adhered to, that these perils were caused by Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
May we ask that Your Holiness’s first and foremost guru, one of the first ranking of Living Buddha (Rinpoche), H.H. the 5th Reting Rinpoche who died at an early age in prison, on account of betraying his root guru. H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo and H.H. the 3rd Tadrak Rinpoche Ngawang Sungrab, and abandoning Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) that he once adhered to, these perils were caused by Great King Dorje Possessing Strength?
May we ask that the guru of Your Holiness’s previous life, H.H. the 12th Kundeling Rinpoche, who reincarnated as one of Yellow Sect’s first ranking of Living Buddha (Rinpoche), met with all kinds of misfortune, and died at an early age in, Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta),India, whereby his corpse was left attended by none, as a result of his betrayal of his root gurus of kindness H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo, and H.H. the 3rd Tadrak Rinpoche Ngawang Sungrab, as well as abandonment of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) that he had once adhered to, these perils were caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength?
May we ask that Your Holiness’s niece, nephew, and your sister's husband all died in car crashes so much so that their bodies were all in pieces, these perils were caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
May we ask, that H.H. the 13th Dalai Lama who ordered the brutal torture of H.H. the 8th Demo Rinpoche (guru of Your Holiness’s previous life, and reincarnated as one of Gelugpa’s first ranking of Living Buddha (Rinpoche)), and even razed his Tengyeling Monastery to the ground, and eventually led to his (Demo Rinpoche) aggrieved death, were perils also caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
May we ask Your Holiness that the Great Saviour H.H. the 5th Dalai Lama complained repeatedly and news of his death was released only fifteen years later, and H.E. Desi Sangye Gyatso who met with all kinds of misfortune including being beheaded, were perils also caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
May we ask Your Holiness that the Great Saviour H.H the 13th Dalai Lama had ordered H.H. the 9th Panchen to be killed, who later led a vagrant life where he encountered all kinds of misfortune and died aggrieved, were perils also caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
May we ask, that those numerous lamas and rinpoches who followed Your Holiness an contracted all kinds of strange diseases including cancer and then died with regret, were perils also caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
May we ask Your Holiness that those lamas and rinpoches who followed you, seized the property and land of Ganden Jangtse Buddhist College, and threw out the patriarch and contributors, were perils also caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
May we ask Your Holiness that although you frequently advocated world peace, kindness and compassion, but for those Yellow Sect followers with different standpoint from you, you sent them to death, were these perils also caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden)?
May we ask Your Holiness that your followers like those lamas or householders (lay disciples) of hospitals or clinics who rejected receiving those patients whom were adherents of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden), were these perils also caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength?
May we ask Your Holiness that your followers like those lamas or householders (lay disciples) of restaurants or shops who rejected receiving those customers whom were adherents of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden), were these perils also caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength?
May we ask Your Holiness that your followers like those lamas or householders (lay disciples) of transport utilities who rejected receiving those customers whom were adherents of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, were these perils also caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength?
May we ask Your Holiness that your guru of greatest kindness, H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe (1901~1981) who lived happily, healthily, brimmed with joy of dharma everyday till age of eighty, even sang songs of the Way prior to dying, and eventually passed on with ease, were these perils also caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength?
Those people who adhere to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, including
H.H. the 3rd Tadrak Rinpoche Ngawang Sungrab (1874~1952),
H.H. the 1st Trijang Rinpoche Losang Tsultrim Palden (1756~1838),
H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe (1901~1981),
H.E. the 3rd Zong Rinpoche Zongtrul Jetsun Losang Tsondru Thubten Gyaltsen (1905~1984),
the 99th Gaden Tripa - H.H. Yeshe D?den Rinpoche (1918~1995),
H.E. Guru Deva Rinpoche Lobsang Tenzin Gyatso Pal Zangpo (1910~2009) amongst others, who passed away unrestrained in birth-and-death (bardo), were these perils also caused by that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength?
Surviving till this day are these eminent lamas of the Yellow Sect, with over eighty years of age, including the 101th Gaden Tripa - H.E. Lungri Namgyel Rinpoche (1927~), the relinquished abbot of Gyum?Dra-tsang (lower tantra college) H.E. Sonam Gyaltsen Rinpoche amongst those adherents of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, who are living healthily, happily, brimming with joy of dharma, and leading days of good fortune and happiness, are these perils also caused by that Dorje Shugden?
H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama,
“I used to adhere to Dorje Shugden, that was a mistake.”
H.E. the 18th Dromcheng Rinpoche, the profession incarnation of the Victor Dromt?pa, who holds office of right assistant Abbot of the Green Sect:
“May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that why did you say that your adherence to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength (Dorje Shugden) was a mistake?
Because from the Great Saviour H.H the 5th Dalai Lama onwards, amongst successive generations of the Dalai Lamas, Your Holiness has lived the longest, the healthiest, the most impressive, and fervently adhered to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength from 1951 till 1975, and sill have not completely given up (adhering to Dorje Shugden) from 1975 till 1995, as well as recieved the Nobel Prize during 1989, didn’t you?
Thus, ?note?for adhering?being accused of nefarious wishing, malevolent spirit, demon, peril to Sect?note?Buddhist Sect?and sentient beings.
And the previous incarnate His Excellency ?note?H.H. the 13th Dalai Lama?also continued such strict prohibition. There is a story, that under the old system, a teacher who taught Pa?avidy?(five classes of knowledge) was deployed from Mindrolling Monastery ?note?Nyingma Sect?to Peak School ?note? in Potala Palace?. The previous incarnate His Excellency ?note?H.H. the 13th Dalai Lama?was extremely fond of the Teacher that was assigned, who frequently sought audience ?note?with H.H. the 13th Dalai Lama?. One day, on his way to have audience (with H.H. the 13th Dalai Lama), that teacher met a friend, who appeared to be Secretary of Peak (School). So the Secretary entrusted that Teacher to bring a scrolled thangka to request?note?H.H. the 13th Dalai Lama?for consecration. So the Teacher proceeded his way to seek audience with His Excellency without unscrolling the thangka, and when he asked His Excellency for the consecration, His Excellency said, “Unscrolled the thangka!” As it was being unscrolled, a portrait of Dolgyal (Dorje Shugden) was revealed. Hence, His Excellency was greatly displeased and ordered the thangka to be taken away ?note?rolled up and sent back to that person?. His Excellency reprimanded severly, and so the Mindrolling teacher was extremely frightened and told his friend, who also knew the story (history), thus was given strict prohibition order, this was clear.
Therefore, the wrong doer was me, I headed for Tromo?note?county?in year 51?note?Year 1951?, arrived at the Dungkar ?note?White Conch?Monastery in Tromo. Since arrival at the Dungkar Monastery, ?note?I?adhered to Dolgyal till 70’s?note?Year 1975?. In the start of year 70?note? beginning of year 1970?, my suspicions grew, in brief, some happenings arose against desire ?note?unlucky matters?, therefore I performed the dough rite (whereby dough is used for divination), as I gradually observed and gave up finally, anyway there is no need to elaborate, every oath is inclined towards contamination.
H.E. the 18th Dromcheng Rinpoche, the profession incarnation of the Victor Dromtönpa, who holds office of right assistant Abbot of the Green Sect:
“May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that during your lifetime in the beginning of the year 1970 what kind of matters arose against your wishes? May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that in the year of 2014 in future, should one abandon one’s long term practice of religious way when matters against one’s wishes arise?
Because life is like a play, everyone will frequently encounter a lot of matters against one’s desires, so may we ask Your Holiness that whether forsaking one’s original religious belief or deserting the wife and leaving the husband is the right cause of action when affairs out of one’s intentions are encountered ?
May we ask the Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama, that since year of 1975 onwards, did everything happen more to your intentions, than before you adhered to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength?
May we ask Your Holiness that in the future should you experience severe disease and endure long term sufferings, would you forsake long term adherence to the three Gems including Palden Lhamo, Mah?k?la, Kalarupa (Yama Dharmaraja), Vai?rava?a? Because in life, it is the most unfortunate to contract long term illnesses, thus no matter which faith in religion, or adherence to which god, it is useless as it is impossible to escape the four sufferings (birth, aging, sickness, and death), and adversities, isn’t it so? Could it be that one should blame his misfortunes and not reflect on karma?
May we ask Your Holiness, that on the 10th and 25th of every lunar month, did you do what a Anuttarayoga Tantra practioner should do - make Tsog Offerings? If Tsog Offerings were made, then Your Holiness was still worshipping Great King Dorje Possessing Strength? Because if Great King Dorje Possessing Strength was not a Buddha, he surely must be a Bodhisattva; if not a Bodhisattva, then a non-Bodhisattva sentient being, thus when you were making offerings, the first offering to guru, second offering to i??a-devat? (yidam), third offering to the Three Gems, fourth offering to the ??kin? dharmap?la, fifth offering to all mother sentient beings, was it not? From this, didn’t it seem that Your Holiness has never really forsaken the Great King Dorje Possessing Strength? May we ask Your Holiness, that if you are a Buddha, will you abandon the sentient beings? If you are Bodhisattva, you will also not abandon any sentient being, isn’t it?
If you are neither a Buddha nor a Bodhisattva, then it is normal to abandon sentient beings and seek revege.
Therefore, how can we blame a mortal or secular folk, can we? May we ask Your Holiness, that previously during the period of time when you adhered to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, caused your vows to be defiled? It was because you said the vows of any adherent of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength
was inclined towards contamination, didn’t you? May we ask Your Holiness, that after you forsook Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, according to which school of dharma made your vows untarnished?
Or up till now you still have not found school of teaching that makes vows chaste?
Or self-initiation into the mandala to purify one’s vows?
If one’s vows have been tarnished, then one cannot confer empowerment to another, is it not?
If vows are purified by means of self-initiation into the mandala, then those lineage transmissions of yours still cannot separate themselves from the adherence to the lineage transmissions of the Great King Dorje Possessing Strength faction
Thus, from whatever angle point of view, Your Holiness is so fond of adhering to the Great King Dorje Possessing Strength faction, isn’t it?
May we ask Your Holiness, that why are you so obedient to the advice of H.H. Kadham Trichen Rinpoche?
It was rumoured that in the beginning of February this year 2011, Your Holiness did not go to pay respect to the st?pa of H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe during your trip to Southern India, isn’t it?
If this was true that you did not go and pay respect to the st?pa of your guru of greatest kindness H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe , then we the Green Sect, congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts for forsaking your guru and dharmap?la (dharma protector), and look forward to overthrow rapidly, successfully and completely those adherents of the Great King Dorje Possessing Strength faction, including H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo, and his foremost disciples H.H. the 6th Ling Rinpoche Thupten Lungtok Namgyal Trinl? H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe, and all their descendents of all the Yellow Sect followers, and lead them to convert to the Old Kadhampa that your previous incarnate Dromt?pa founded.
Because the return of the Great Venerable Atisha as H.H. Kadham Trichen Rinpoche has completely rebuilt the Old Kadhampa and awaits Your Holiness, the reincarnation of the Victor Dromtonpa, to inherit Old Kadhampa.
Moreover, the statues of Conqueror Tsongkhapa and his two Spiritual Sons (Gyaltsabje and Khädrubje), originally placed in the main halls of the Yellow Sect’s three major monasteries, were replaced with the statues of Shakyamuni Buddha by Your Holiness long ago, was it not?
Because the lamas from the three major monasteries who supported you and Your Holiness yourself had co-built the prat?tyasamutp?da (dependent arising) of the destruction of the Yellow Sect, was it not?
Hence, now is the best time to let those lamas follow you in the conversion of Sect. Although during these few years, Your Holiness had actively propagated teachings of the 16 Droplets of the Kadhampas, but the majority of the participants not only did not practice specifically, they even had no idea whatsoever about your transmissions, was it not? Therefore, no matter which faith of religion at present, as long as those willing to follow Your Holiness, you should bring them to our Old Kadhampa!
Because in our Old Kadhampa, there has yet been history of any records of adherence to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength. In addition, as from 1st of January, 2008 H.H. Kadham Trichen Rinpoche repeatedly prohibited Kadhampa from even talk of adherence to Dorje Shugden, so much so that Nechung, Gadong amongst others that are not dharmap?las of Kadhampa are also completely forbidden to adhere to. Therefore, it would be best if you could please consider seriously about coming back to shoulder the (responsibility of) old Kadhampa, and distant away from the Sect of the Great Saviour H.H the 5th Dalai Lama onwards and successive generations of the Dalai Lamas. If Your Holiness would only join Old Kadhampa in the next life, no major achievement would be accomplished as there would be neither political resources nor extensive knowledge, therefore due to practical reasons, besides the status of the first ranking of Living Buddha (Rinpoche), there would be nothing else that Old Kadhampa could offer you. Should Your Holiness continue to stay in Gelugpa, aside from becoming one of the first ranking of Living Buddha (Rinpoche) in Drepung Monastery, there would be no other application and would be of no match for the die-hard Yellow Sect worshippers of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, isn’t it so?
Should you return to Old Kadhampa quickly, not only would Kadhampa’s highest position be handed to Your Holiness on a silver platter, furthermore your successive incarnations would continue to inherit the key position of Old Kadhampa (of importance), likened to the sun and moon, isn’t it so?
H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama,
“Secondly, all those adherents of Dolgyal (Dorje Shugden), is directly criticizing me, in short, against
The Abbot of the Great Bodhi Mountain~Taiwan Great Bliss Monastery, H.E. Dromsong Rinpooche (Taiwanese, Kang so-and-so): To be answered by H.H. Kadham Trichen Rinpoche.
Ask?May I ask H.H. Kadham Trichen Rinpoche, did you directly criticize or rebel the Great 14th Dalai Lama, who is the one and only Saviour of the helpless sentient beings of three realms?
Ask?Why no?
Answer?As the person holding the highest position of Old Kadhampa, thus there is no adherence to Dolgyal (dharmap?la of Yellow Sect ~ Great King Dorje Possessing Strength). With regards to this matter, there is no use criticizing and rebelling the Wish-fulfilling Gem Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama.
Ask?When the one and only Saviour of the helpless sentient beings of three realms, the Great 14th Dalai Lama, went to Taiwan in the past, why did you criticize and antagonize?
Answer?That matter of concern, previously before I converted and declared allegiance to Yellow Sect, I refuted the Wish-fulfilling Gem Great Saviour H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama who himself had condemned his great ancestral gurus H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo Pal Zangpo and H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche Losang Yeshe amongst other Yellow Sect accomplished masters, whom were adherents of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength as wrongful conduct, et cetera.
As I could not bear to see those ignorant and foolish sentient beings commit sins, therefore I clarified the facts and refuted the mistakes, that’s all. And during that time, those people who helped to translate for the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour added a lot of mistakes (meanings) that was not said by the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour, thus I was just correcting those mistakes only.
Ask?Why did the Great Teacher H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama who made world peace said that you belong to the adherents of Dolgyal?
Answer?To this, there are four things to be responded. Firstly, the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour and I, both used to adhere to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, this is identical; and forsake adherence to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength is also identical. However, since 1st of January 2008, I have completely renounced and prohibited Old Kadhampa from adhering to the uncommon dharmap?las of sects. As to whether the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour have forsaken, I have no way of knowing; but should the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour thoroughly give up like me, then he would not speak of me as an adherent of the uncommon dharmap?la of Yellow Sect, Great King Dorje Possessing Strength.
Secondly, in general those who renounced adherence to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength would definitely seek audience with the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour, and regardless wrong or not, they all say,“I was wrong in the past, damned, damned, please, I beg your forgiveness, please bestow the position of abbot to me, I would like to serve you, et cetera.”
However, I am different from those people, because there is nothing wrong with my adherence to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength in the past, and I would adhere if I am a follower of Yellow Sect, as according to your guru of greatest kindness H.E. Sonam Kunga and one of your gurus of greatest kindness H.E. the 4th Zemey Rinpoche, H.E. the 3rd Trijang Rinpoche, H.E. the 2nd Pabongka Rinpoche, H.E. the 2nd Serkong Rinpoche, H.E. the 4th Dagpo Rinpoche, H.H. the 3rd Tadrak Rinpoche, H.E. the 3rd Zong Rinpoche, amongst other accomplished lineage gurus who all spoke in chorus that Great King Dorje Possessing Strength is the uncommon dharmap?la of Yellow Sect.
Therefore I will not go before anyone to repent for what I have done, as I neither seek fame, nor I seek wealth, or even seek status, as I am one who have broken away from group of men to join the squad of dogs, consequently even though I have been given offerings of assets worth over a hundred million, yet never kept any by my side, but built monasteries and donated to the impoverished sentient beings. There is not even a small thatched hut under my name, (I am) truly and exceedingly joyous!
Besides, if one did nothing wrong and repent without any righteous cause is an act of cunning treachery; otherwise, having to go forward before a certain person to seek forgiveness for all these correct behavior such as practising as a monk is indeed an extremely foolish act.
Thirdly, although the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour and I are similar in that we both renounced practice of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, but justifications for renouncing are totally different, because the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour forsook due to reasons based mainly from his own perspective or on the basis of H.H. the 5th Dalai Lama amongst others, to deem Great King Dorje Possessing Strength as nefarious wishing, malevolent spirit, demon, perilous to Sect and sentient beings.
As for the reason for my renunciation is very simple, since I started rebuilding Old Kadhampa from the beginning of 1st of January 2008, aside from the dharmap?las that H.H. Atisha and Drom (Dromtönpa) Rinpoche and other Old Kadhampa’ s ancestral masters were worshipping, all other dharmap?las of other sects are entirely renounced from that time. Furthermore, Old Kadhampa is completely prohibited to
adhere to the uncommon dharmap?las of Yellow Sect Sect such as Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, as well as all other uncommon dharmap?las of Sects.
Fourthly, although I have given up adherence to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, but I did not proceed to seek audience with the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour, hence the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour feels that even though I have forsaken adherence to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, as I have not sought audience with the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour, therefore (he) considered that (I) must have continued to worship the dharmap?la of Yellow Sect!
Ask?Why (you) did not pay respect to the only God of Tibet ~ the Dalai Lama (H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama)?
Answer?There is no harm to go forward to pay respect to the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour should it be helpful to the development of Old Kadhampa, however the centre of expansion for Old Kadhampa is centered around mainly ethnic Chinese, henceforth there is no major benefit even if I would proceed to pay respect.
Ask?Since (you) already renounced adherence to Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, why not learn from those high lamas of Tibet and go before the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour to repent?
Answer?If the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour should look forward to my repentance, then although there is nothing much to be remorseful regarding the issue of dharmap?las, but in the beginningless samsara (I) must have offended quite a lot of sentient beings, thus the crime of offending from the beginningless (of samsara) is to be repented at all times. Consequently, should (I) have offended the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour in any way, there would be also no exceptions.
For instance, Serkong?note?yellow mass?Tri-?note?Tripa, that is, Ga den Tripa?tul?note?tulku , that is, Nirma?ak?ya (physical body of a Buddha)?for example, there was once when I went to Taiwan previously, there were ?note?reporters?interviewing about Dolgyal, so I gave a short and explicit answer ~ history of murder of Teacher of Nature of Appearances and its source of history.
It seemed like that very next day, Serkong himself and a legislative committee member acquainted with him went on television personally and directly refuted what I said.
(Not only that), recently, ?note?Serkong Tritul?, spoke again in this way of Gyalwa ?note?the Great Precious Conqueror, i.e. the 14th Dalai Lama?Rinpoche without adherence to Friend ?note? Guru? reason ?note?without adherence to Friend reason i.e. did not acknowledge guru, thus vows were defiled?, it seemed like one or two months ago! In a word, directly criticized me, rebutted me, et cetera.....
Ask?Why did the religious leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama (H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama) said,“so I gave a short and explicit answer ~ history of murder of Teacher of Nature of
 ppearances and its?note?King of Net (Dorje Shugden)? source of history.”
Answer?With respect to this, there are two answers. Firstly, regarding murder of the Dean of Educational Institute of Nature of Appearances, one hears that the case has yet been solved till this day, thus I am not clear about the cause of death, it would seem that the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour was unable to present any testimony or material evidence, hence, on the basis of guesswork, coupled with conjectures, maligned those disadvantaged groups of adherents of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength.
Secondly, (with regards to) the aspect of talk of the history of Great King Dorje Possessing Strength, I am also confused, because at that time I did not go to pay respect to the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour, and did not receive reliable information, thus I have no way of finding out what history was narrated.
Ask?Why did the buddhist religious leader the Dalai Lama (H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama) recently lamented that you also said he honoured his guru badly?
Answer?On the account of the establishment of the five major sects, The Chinese Taiwan United General Association of Tibetan Buddhism on the18th of September last year, at that time we had 2,640 members of the Old Kadhampa participating, of this there were over three hundred monks and nuns, therefore the Chairman and members of theTibet Religious Foundation of H.H. the Dalai Lama published untrue articles to discredit me, I was merely narrating the history between the Wish-fulfilling Gem
Saviour and his root guru H.E. Trijang Rinpoche (H.E. 3rd Trijang Rinpoche) only, as for whether the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour honour his guru well or not, isn’t it common knowledge?
Ask?It was heard that the religious leader of Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism, the Dalai Lama (H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama) was extremely displeased with your guru H.E. Denma Loch?Rinpoche, was it?
Answer?It should be unlikely! Because during H.E. Denma Loch?Rinpoche’s arrival at Taiwan in 2006, in a meeting with me, (H.E. Lochö Rinpoche) persuaded that I should collaborate with the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour and amongst other instructions bestowed upon me. However, I agreed that as long as it is beneficial to the development of Old Kadhampa, I replied that I am willing to work with anyone. Unfortunately, there are many scoundrels (working) under the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour, and the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour is fond of hearing their one-sided perspectives, henceforth there has yet been any collaboration, and looks unlikely that there will be any collaborate in the future. Consequently, everything should be left to destiny and would be best not coerce any matters.
Ask?Would the Great Kind and Compassionate Saviour of suffering and hardship, the Dalai Lama (H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama) recognize the Old Kadhampa that you have rebuilt?
Answer: Normal people would admit things of the truth, wouldn’t they? Thus, as for the rational Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour, it would be needless to say so.
Ask?What if the Sun (luminary) of sentient beings, the Dalai Lama (H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama) does not recognize the Old Kadhampa that you have rebuilt, what is to be done?
Answer?It is a fact that Old Kadhampa has been rebuilt, henceforth I do not need recognition from anyone, it is just that in the process of advocating and developing, if more people could partake, wouldn’t it better? Thus, if the Wish-fulfilling Gem Saviour the Dalai Lama (H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama), who is publicly accepted as the reincarnation of the Victor Dromtonpa, can also give a helping hand, that would be ideal.


  • Hero Member
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Hi Loshangshengpin,

What is the point of posting this letter in your own words if you don't mind?

Do you know of Chinese videos of great lamas who are still doing the Dorje Shugden practice or videos with Dorje Shugden content.

Let me know please thank you.


  • Sr. Member
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Hi Loshangshengpin,

What is the point of posting this letter in your own words if you don't mind?

Do you know of Chinese videos of great lamas who are still doing the Dorje Shugden practice or videos with Dorje Shugden content.

Let me know please thank you.

Dear Dharmaspace,
as mentioned the translation is done from with the permission of the originator from the chinese version.

Please kindly read the important anoucemenmt in English. Thank You!

and again which Chinese videos of Great Lamas are you refering to?


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I have no knowledge of what the Green Sect Kadampa is but to  my perception and comment I would think the Green Sect should  not have criticise H.H. Dalai Lama. If Green Sect Kadampa are really true Buddhist they must be humble. In my opinion these situations are more political among the Tibetans. And if we are Buddhist ourselves we should be able to think if Dalai Lama is Chenresig, there must be a reason for him to do what he has to do. Dalai Lama may be a sheep in wolf clothing. He is the King of the Tibetans and the Government. If we are non-Tibetans we should leave the situations to the Tibetans only.


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I have no knowledge of what the Green Sect Kadampa is but to  my perception and comment I would think the Green Sect should  not have criticise H.H. Dalai Lama. If Green Sect Kadampa are really true Buddhist they must be humble. In my opinion these situations are more political among the Tibetans. And if we are Buddhist ourselves we should be able to think if Dalai Lama is Chenresig, there must be a reason for him to do what he has to do. Dalai Lama may be a sheep in wolf clothing. He is the King of the Tibetans and the Government. If we are non-Tibetans we should leave the situations to the Tibetans only.
Dear Jewelheart,

I believe that most of us who are within Gelug and not related to HHDL are heavily criticized by His organizations and supporters,. I also believe there are very good reasons for the rebutting, as sincere efforts to spread Dharma are constantly hampered by the heavy criticizing from their groups.

To my understanding, it is a known fact that HHDL had denied His Gurus' instructions in many areas and had met with a series of unfortunate events due to Karma. The official open letter may not only serve to make HHDL shut up from criticizing, give wake up calls and also have other underlying intentions that we may have not discerned, unless explained by someone who has higher wisdom.

No offenses and similarly your respected Buddhist group had made many replies in respond to HHDL organizations before? Sometimes, we have to defend ourselves when necessary and it does not serve sentinel beings well, when we are being misunderstood.

Tashi Telek!


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I have no knowledge of what the Green Sect Kadampa is but to  my perception and comment I would think the Green Sect should  not have criticise H.H. Dalai Lama. If Green Sect Kadampa are really true Buddhist they must be humble. In my opinion these situations are more political among the Tibetans. And if we are Buddhist ourselves we should be able to think if Dalai Lama is Chenresig, there must be a reason for him to do what he has to do. Dalai Lama may be a sheep in wolf clothing. He is the King of the Tibetans and the Government. If we are non-Tibetans we should leave the situations to the Tibetans only.

We should leave the Tibetans to all their silly politics. They can do all the politiking and big talk they want, one fact is, they can never get their country back. This in itself says quite alot about how unsuccessful and incapable they are.

Unfortunately they take their politics to the sincere non-Tibetan dharma practitioners and affect their minds in a wrong way. We must speak up about this. That is why I am on this forum and I like this website. It is a vehicle to speak out with.

Tibetans should keep the politics to themselves, but they can't. They don't have the sophistication, education and the advancements of a Nation to take care of themselves. That is why they have to go for handouts and ask others to help them. The whole Tibetan govt in exile (Dharamsala) is supported by foreign donations. Without Dalai Lama, the donations will stop. Without donations, the Tibetan govt is finished. What govt depends solely on the donation of others to exist? Nations or ex-Nations or govts who do not have the capabilities to take care of themselves depend on others. The Tibetan Govt can say whatever they like, as long as they don't have a country, they are like shouting into a hurricane. No one can hear them.


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I agree with thaimonk to leave the politics out and amongst Tibetans. It only adds to the bad press for Shugden practitioners, and on top of that, for the TGIE to justify reasons to continue to supress Shugden practice and the practitioners.

The green sects, or the Kadhampa lineage, was founded by His Holiness the 18th Dromtug Rinpoche (formerly known as Jamseng Rinpoche), who was recognised by Serkong Tritul Rinpoche. It is said that His Holiness is an emanation of Avalokiteshvara and also the reincarnation of Dromtonpa, the great Kadampa master. You can read more about this Rinpoche here:

There was an old thread about this on the forum also: Youtube on Serkong Tritul Rinpoche of Kadhampa Sect.

Zhalmed Pawo

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So, there have been 17 Dromtug Rinpoches before the current 18th, Jangsem Rinpoche?

I would like to know what were the names and dates of these 17?.
- 1st Dromtug - named So-and-so - lived xxxx-xxxx
- 2nd Dromtug - named So-and-so - lived xxxx-xxxx
....and so forth....

If someone could post the lineage list, it would be great. (And in English please, as some Tibetan or Chinese list does not inform me in any way, thanks.)


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The 1st Dromtug Rinpoche is one of the disciple of Atisha, ( 5 am, 20 June, 1004 ~ 4am, 20 June, 1064).
The 2nd Dromtug Rinpoche (9am, 10 Jan, 1066 ~ 4am, 18 Sept, 1148) in XiKang
The 3rd Dromtug Rinpoche (5pm, 3 Nov, 1149 ~ 12pm,15 Apr, 1167) in Xikang
The 4th Dromtug Rinpoche (9am, 15 Mac, 1168 ~ 3pm, 9 Aug, 1200) in Zhongzang
The 5th Dromtug Rinpoche (9pm, 8 Sept, 1201 ~ 9pm, 25 Oct, 1302) in XiKang
The 6th Dromtug Rinpoche ?7am, 18 Feb, 1304 ~ 7am, 17 June, 1347), Adu
The 7th Dromtug Rinpoche (6am, 13 May, 1348 ~ 6am, 13 May, 1408) Xikang
The 8th Dromtug Rinpoche ?1am, 15 Apr, 1409 ~ 4am, 16 Apr, 1454) Xikang
The 9th Dromtug Rinpoche (12pm, 21 Aug, 1455 ~ 3pm, 13 Jan, 1515) Xikang
The 10th Dromtug Rinpoche (6pm, 18 May, 1516 ~ 3am, 10 Jan, 1563) Xikang
The 11th Dromtug Rinpoche (12pm, 15 Jan, 1564 ~ 4am, 20 Jun, 1633) Xikang
The 12th Dromtug Rinpoche (4am, 18 Sept, 1634 ~ 4am, 27 Mac, 1699) Xikang
The 13th Dromtug Rinpoche (3am, 19 Jan, 1700 ~ 5am, 21 Dec, 1720) Xikang'
The 14th Dromtug Rinpoche (1am, 1 Jan, 1722 ~ 4am, 25 Oct, 1798) Xikang
The 15th Dromtug Rinpoche (4am, 25 Nov, 1799 ~ 4am, 25 Mac, 1814) Xikang
The 16th Dromtug Rinpoche (3am, 10 Jun, 1815 ~ 7am, 18 July, 1863) Xikang
The 17th Dromtug Rinpoche (6am, 18 July, 1864 ~ 4am, 26 Mac, 1959) Xikang
The 18th Dromtug Rinpoche (7am, 13 Nov, 1964)
Translated from
Sorry if any mistake...


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The 1st Dromtug Rinpoche is one of the disciple of Atisha, ( 5 am, 20 June, 1004 ~ 4am, 20 June, 1064).
The 2nd Dromtug Rinpoche (9am, 10 Jan, 1066 ~ 4am, 18 Sept, 1148) in XiKang
The 3rd Dromtug Rinpoche (5pm, 3 Nov, 1149 ~ 12pm,15 Apr, 1167) in Xikang
The 4th Dromtug Rinpoche (9am, 15 Mac, 1168 ~ 3pm, 9 Aug, 1200) in Zhongzang
The 5th Dromtug Rinpoche (9pm, 8 Sept, 1201 ~ 9pm, 25 Oct, 1302) in XiKang
The 6th Dromtug Rinpoche ?7am, 18 Feb, 1304 ~ 7am, 17 June, 1347), Adu
The 7th Dromtug Rinpoche (6am, 13 May, 1348 ~ 6am, 13 May, 1408) Xikang
The 8th Dromtug Rinpoche ?1am, 15 Apr, 1409 ~ 4am, 16 Apr, 1454) Xikang
The 9th Dromtug Rinpoche (12pm, 21 Aug, 1455 ~ 3pm, 13 Jan, 1515) Xikang
The 10th Dromtug Rinpoche (6pm, 18 May, 1516 ~ 3am, 10 Jan, 1563) Xikang
The 11th Dromtug Rinpoche (12pm, 15 Jan, 1564 ~ 4am, 20 Jun, 1633) Xikang
The 12th Dromtug Rinpoche (4am, 18 Sept, 1634 ~ 4am, 27 Mac, 1699) Xikang
The 13th Dromtug Rinpoche (3am, 19 Jan, 1700 ~ 5am, 21 Dec, 1720) Xikang'
The 14th Dromtug Rinpoche (1am, 1 Jan, 1722 ~ 4am, 25 Oct, 1798) Xikang
The 15th Dromtug Rinpoche (4am, 25 Nov, 1799 ~ 4am, 25 Mac, 1814) Xikang
The 16th Dromtug Rinpoche (3am, 10 Jun, 1815 ~ 7am, 18 July, 1863) Xikang
The 17th Dromtug Rinpoche (6am, 18 July, 1864 ~ 4am, 26 Mac, 1959) Xikang
The 18th Dromtug Rinpoche (7am, 13 Nov, 1964)
Translated from
Sorry if any mistake...

Thank you for your efforts in getting this information to everyone here.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 06:09:16 PM by Mana »


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Thank you loshangshenpin so much for posting the lineage of Dromtug Rinpoche.

Do you have more chinese videos of Dromtug Rinpoche? Please provide some links to these videos I think many people will benefit from watching these videos about this great lama for sure.


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There are a few videos of Dromtug Rinpoche in Chinese on Youtube.

Small | Large

- In this video, Rinpoche explains the Kadhampa lineage

- Explaining the differences between the Mahayana and Hinayana/ Theravaden school

- Showing the controversial relic exhibition

They are famous here in Singapore as they held a few relic exhibitions here. From the 15th-17th May this year, they held a vesak/relic exhibition at one of Singapore's landmark - the greek theatre at the Singapore Flyer (something like London Eye) at the premier tourist location - Marina Bay.

Dromtug Rinpoche speaks Chinese and attracted a lot of Singaporeans . They have plenty of weekly activities in their centre here in Geylang, around 6 days a week, including Palden Lhamo practice/ puja, mandala painting, Lamrim studies, Tara practice/puja.


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I missed this post when it first came up but thank you losangshenpin for posting it. It's a very good read, and shows the nature of Dromtug Rinpoche. The letter points out many direct facts and logicla points but it is written in a noticeable tone of respect and humility. It is how many of the Dorje Shugden lamas speak. It is a difficult situation for them, even a painful one, but they do not retaliate and they certainly never react back by any means of harm towards either the Dalai Lama or his followers. These letters are their attempts to establish some dialogue and to try to get some questions answered (which are being asked by many people). But you will notice that they are never derogatory, angry, abusive or rude towards the Dalai Lama.

This has always been a point that has strengthened my belief in the power of Dorje Shugden - his followers act in such patient, humble ways. Is this not the sign of a great being, who can influence his followers to be of such a strong and stable mind even in the most troubling times?

On another note, I believe that Dromtug Rinpoche is also known as Jamseng Rinpoche (also mentioned above). I have heard that his activities are very widespread in Asia and he has a strong following. They are famous for organising huge exhibitions and events in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore and are able to raise many funds and awareness for the Dharma. Look, there's even a new thread about this on here:

I hear they have been criticised for their methods sometimes, but heck, they are also connecting many thousands to the Dharma, planting many seeds. And they do teach from the old kadampa tradition, including Lamrim etc. What is there to criticise about that?


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Seems Kadhampa (Green lineage) acknowledged Dorje Shugden as a Buddhadharma Protector, but didn't practice it.