Author Topic: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini  (Read 20170 times)


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Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« on: December 28, 2011, 09:25:32 AM »
What saddens me is that so many strong minds are preoccupied with defending or attacking an invisible spirit rather than honing the skeptical empiricism to which the Buddha dedicated his life.
The Dorje Shugden affair that emerged in the 1970s has brought division and strife to the Tibetan Buddhist community; sadly, murder too. This dispute over an invisible god illustrates the archaic nature of Tibetan Buddhism and is reminiscent of medieval Christianity, when religion, myth, politics, superstition and ethics were entwined under the banner of ‘faith.’
Some people have suggested that I’ve taken sides on this issue; I haven’t. I long ago admitted that my belief in invisible gods was insincere and, though I remain infinitely grateful to my old Tibetan teachers, I no longer identify with Tibetan Buddhism. I’m now just a student of the historical Buddha.
The Dorje Shugden practices are tantric rituals typical of Tibetan Buddhism and cannot be entered into without rites of initiation. Those so inducted are obliged thereafter to consider the initiating lama equivalent to the god itself. Having been asked by the Dalai Lama to cease this practice, Dorje Shugden initiates who remained loyal to their commitments were subsequently ostracized. This caused untold confusion and stress. Add to conflicting loyalties the fear of tantric hell (exponentially worse than conventional hell), and one begins to understand how unbearable this situation has been for many Tibetans and some Westerners. Today, the Tibetan community is split. The founding monastery of the Gelugpa sect in which this schism was hatched, Ganden Namgyal Ling, is today divided internally by a gateless wall.
Taking sides bears social as well as religious consequences. Lifelong teachers and students are estranged. Access to such powerful institutions as the Dalai Lama’s office is barred to Shugden followers. The great monasteries of Sera, and Drepung in South India – centres of the Gelugpa sect at the centre of the division – are split. Explicit signs forbid Shugden followers entry into a variety of monastic and lay institutions, even shops and restaurants.
The bigger tragedy, of course, is that so many strong minds are preoccupied with defending or attacking an invisible spirit rather than honing the skeptical empiricism to which the Buddha dedicated his life.
The following is from an early draft of The Novice.
Dorje Shugden (also known as Gyalchen Shugden or Dolgyal) is one of many dharma protectors – worldly gods supposedly tamed and converted to the cause of Tibetan Buddhism by tantric yogis. It’s said that some protectors subsequently become practitioners themselves and advance on the path to Buddhahood. While some Tibetans believe Shugden to be an enlightened being, others consider him a danger to their tradition. (See Controversy, below.) Dharma protectors are a characteristic feature of Tibetan Buddhism and are an inheritance from the pre-Buddhist Bön, an animistic religion that presumably grew out of the shamanistic practices of an even earlier society.
Editor’s Note – The dharma protector tradition has its roots in India, and various Mahayana (Chinese,Vietnamese) sects do have dharma protector practises though much of it is lost. Dharma Protector practise is not exclusively pre-Buddhist Bön. The Dharma Protector Setrab was known to have been brought to Tibet through the great translator Loden Sherab.
Tantric yoga, an esoteric practice in which one visualizes oneself as fully enlightened, is described as the practice of ‘taking the goal as the path.’ Shakyamuni Buddha is said to have revealed these extremely secret teachings to a select group of highly realized disciples, deeming them too dangerous in the hands of the unqualified. Every tantric text is prefaced with a warning describing the prerequisite qualifications and demanding nothing but the most remarkably advanced practitioners. In the hands of such yogis, Tantra is believed to lead either to rapid enlightenment or to inconceivably miserable vajra hells – hence its danger and the need for secrecy.
The power of tantra lies in transforming anger into insight, desire into compassion and ignorance into wisdom, by strategically engaging in what’s normally considered negative behaviour. In the highest class of Tantra one manifests with great wrath and lust. In sharp contrast to the conventional path, women are said to have certain advantages. Dorje Shugden is a dharma protector with both peaceful and wrathful forms, and some of the highest practices of Tantra are performed in his image.
Most Southern Buddhists of Burma, Thailand and Sri Lanka might consider tantra an abomination — quite unrelated to the teachings of Siddhartha Gotama, the man who became Buddha some twenty-six centuries ago.
Dorje Shugden came to unusual prominence in the last two decades of the twentieth century following the fourteenth Dalai Lama’s pronouncement that he is a “spirit of the dark forces.” The Tibetan community in exile is profoundly split on this issue, and some monks and teachers have severed all links to their spiritual bases in Tibet and India. In particular, one Geshé Kelsang Gyatso, formerly from Sera Monastic University, now expelled, has masterminded a widely successful Tibetan Buddhist cult, centred in Britain but now extending throughout the world, that grows year by year in force and resources. A war of words and hearts has been unleashed.
Foul murder has been committed and even Westerners are taking sides. The Dorje Shugden controversy has all the makings of an internecine war, and the office of the Dalai Lama has already been weakened, though only within the confines of Tibetan Buddhism. Although this story created a minor stir in the Western press in the 1990s, it is in no way eclipsing the rapidly rising star of the Dalai Lama as the world’s most famous Buddhist monk, an international superstar and a Nobel laureate.
For more insightful stories about the inner workings of Tibetan Buddhism, read The Novice: Why I Became a Buddhist Monk, Why I Quit and What I Learned, by Stephen Schettini.
Source :

Many critics or writers about the Dorje Shugden issue like to highlight the point that Dorje Shugden came to prominence during Je Pabongka's time. And that this occurrence seems to be a very short time amongst the Gelug History for that matter and kind of put down or use it as a means to make the Dorje Shudgen practise seems minor or of little importance.

What they never point out and in fact missed out is that perhaps the Dorje Shudgen practise is most suitable during the 20 and 21st century. That during these times when people have the greatest amount of delusions and distractions that Dorje Shugden is the protector that will help beings who are afflicted with tremendous delusions.

Big Uncle

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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2011, 11:33:23 AM »
Interesting perspective and he summarizes the whole ban very well. Unfortunately, the whole situation has left him disillusioned about Tibetan Buddhism. If only he had access to this website, read and thought about the moderate views presented here, he wouldn't be so disappointed. There's no one who could have explained to him the situation or perhaps, he has heard and is not convinced of it. He is a critical thinker and it would take very convincing logic to persuade him. It would have been nice if Schettini come on to this forum and shared his views on the matter.


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2011, 08:16:40 PM »
Im not surprised Schettini thinks this way. Most DS practitioners and anti-DS practitioners have tunnel vision. They only read what htey want to read and in the case of scholars, they only consider evidence they want to consider. Scholars are fantastic for finding fault in sources. So even if the website had been shoved in Schettinis face, hed have said it was all made up.

After all isnt that what they say about the 5th Dalai Lamas prayer to DS, and the mention of DS in his bio? They said its all made up and cannot be authenticated...well news flash mate: neither can your sources of information.

Everything historical is open to intepretation and unfortunately for us, many people like Schettini are going to interpret that information the way they want. (Except the way they interpret the information benefits no one so by my book, its the wrong interpretation!!) Sad really.


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2011, 01:14:06 AM »
Why are we reading material from someone who broke their ties and samaya and has defected from Mahayana to Theravarda? Historical Buddha as teacher? He denies his 'ex lineage' and has given up on the traditional training in favor of  his own ego. And this is very obvious from the way he say things. Why would anyone want to follow the historical Buddha who is unable to push us and point out our mistakes and make us undergo challenging conditions that will help us get enlightened faster. The usual excuse for someone to "follow the historical Buddha" is because he or she is afraid to be challenged to endure hardships and to be more dedicated in the Dharma. he is obviously using this issue to promote his book based on how he plugs in his book at the end of the article.

It is rather obvious and sad that a former monk would resort to using and contorting information to make his book more sensational to get more buyers. He knows that this issue will be a hot topic so he tries to cash in to this. I am sorry but i have zero respect for this guy whose name i do not even want to mention.


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2011, 05:16:16 AM »
What Stephen Schettini says (i'm not afraid of saying his name.. i find this amusing - the anti-Shugden people don't like to mention the name 'Dorje Shugden' and some Dorje Shugden people don't like to mention the name of the anti-Shugden people. So Harry Potter!) has no basis and if people investigate further, they will realize this. Unfortunately for Stephen, the credibilty of the author will be undermined if readers know a little bit about Dharma and see his Dharma career path.

What i have always stood by is that the more people write about Dorje Shugden, be it positive or negative, it is a good thing. What Dorje Shugden practitioners can do is to make sure that the information out there is balanced - i.e. if there's a 10 tonne truck of crap, let's make sure there's at least a 10 tonne truck of good stuff, so that the positivity outweighs the negativity and anyone who comes across an article about Dorje Shugden and their interest is piqued to know more, they will be able to have accurate and authentic information quickly and easily.

Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2011, 04:15:08 AM »
What Stephen Schettini says (i'm not afraid of saying his name.. i find this amusing - the anti-Shugden people don't like to mention the name 'Dorje Shugden' and some Dorje Shugden people don't like to mention the name of the anti-Shugden people. So Harry Potter!) has no basis and if people investigate further, they will realize this. Unfortunately for Stephen, the credibilty of the author will be undermined if readers know a little bit about Dharma and see his Dharma career path.

What i have always stood by is that the more people write about Dorje Shugden, be it positive or negative, it is a good thing. What Dorje Shugden practitioners can do is to make sure that the information out there is balanced - i.e. if there's a 10 tonne truck of crap, let's make sure there's at least a 10 tonne truck of good stuff, so that the positivity outweighs the negativity and anyone who comes across an article about Dorje Shugden and their interest is piqued to know more, they will be able to have accurate and authentic information quickly and easily.

Yup I totally agree on this because Dorje Shugden definitely has the power and merits to rise about all the "obstacles" that he is currently having. He compiled the Kangyur and Tengyur, composed debate texts, built Ganden Monastery and ensured the growth and continuation of the Dharma. With this vast amount of Dharma work and merits, I personally doubt anything could blot his Dharma works for whatever reason long term. Unless Karma does not exist or is wrong, that is.


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2011, 05:02:57 AM »
This article is a short and brief account of Dorje Shugden and suitable for beginners. but it fails to highlight the fact on how Dorje Shugden came about and the long line of history of lineage gurus. The fact that even the 5th Dalai Lama could not subdue him and eventually wrote a praise for him shows that he is an enlightened being.

And is Stephen Schettini avoiding something that lead him to leave Tibetan Buddhism?


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2011, 06:11:28 AM »
This article is a short and brief account of Dorje Shugden and suitable for beginners. but it fails to highlight the fact on how Dorje Shugden came about and the long line of history of lineage gurus. The fact that even the 5th Dalai Lama could not subdue him and eventually wrote a praise for him shows that he is an enlightened being.

And is Stephen Schettini avoiding something that lead him to leave Tibetan Buddhism?

He is trying to cash in on the Shugden issue to help market his book. He wants to piggyback on his name. So he writes what little information he has.

I read about an article on him in tricycle, where he declared that the Buddha did not teach all the rituals etc but just on how to meditate (synonymous with the Theravarda view) and that he became disillusioned with Tibetan Buddhism because of all the politics in Buddhism (you use Buddhism as a shield because you cannot face the nature of samsara? but in the wrong way?) . I personally know people who use this excuse to avoid Tibetan Buddhism, because they are very afraid of challenging themselves and of stepping out of their comfort zone. It is nothing more than an excuse for them to hold on to their own egos and views, nothing more, nothing less.


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2012, 12:27:51 PM »
Ive just had a second read of this. I find it interesting that Schettini declared himself no longer devoted to invisible gods of the tantric tradition (Im paraphrasing), and is now just a student of the historical Buddha who only taught meditation. How many of us can become true students of the historical Buddha, in that we emulate him by giving up all our attachments, going into the forest and meditating until we achieve enlightenment? I know I cant so all power to the monks of the forest tradition...! Has Schettini given up his own attachments to wanting to look good, and be right?

And is Stephen Schettini avoiding something that lead him to leave Tibetan Buddhism?

Galen, hes avoiding his own ego. Its easier on his ego for him to meditate and believe that his contemplations are correct and infallible, because in doing that no one can question what goes on in his head. Subscribing to the Gelug tradition wouldve forced him to open his mouth and debate, and he wouldve had to see his beliefs might need a reeducation.


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2012, 12:30:27 PM »
Some people have suggested that I’ve taken sides on this issue; I haven’t. I long ago admitted that my belief in invisible gods was insincere and, though I remain infinitely grateful to my old Tibetan teachers, I no longer identify with Tibetan Buddhism. I’m now just a student of the historical Buddha.
For more insightful stories about the inner workings of Tibetan Buddhism, read The Novice: Why I Became a Buddhist Monk, Why I Quit and What I Learned, by Stephen Schettini.
Source :

Speaking of which I got this from his website: "I never returned to my teachers — I carry them with me — and only recently renewed my friendship with former Buddhist colleagues"

Seems to me remaining 'infinitely grateful' and 'never returned to my teachers' are incongruent concepts.


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2012, 10:55:29 AM »
Some people have suggested that I’ve taken sides on this issue; I haven’t. I long ago admitted that my belief in invisible gods was insincere and, though I remain infinitely grateful to my old Tibetan teachers, I no longer identify with Tibetan Buddhism. I’m now just a student of the historical Buddha.
For more insightful stories about the inner workings of Tibetan Buddhism, read The Novice: Why I Became a Buddhist Monk, Why I Quit and What I Learned, by Stephen Schettini.
Source :

Speaking of which I got this from his website: "I never returned to my teachers — I carry them with me — and only recently renewed my friendship with former Buddhist colleagues"

Seems to me remaining 'infinitely grateful' and 'never returned to my teachers' are incongruent concepts.

Not to be bitchy but he's just doing another big fanfare and dance to cover up his own ugliness.

On the brighter side, I do hope over time he sees the importance of his Gurus and reconnect with them. Only by that way can he clear his confusion and return into reality.

Harry Nephew

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the World!


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2012, 11:08:24 AM »
Not to be bitchy but he's just doing another big fanfare and dance to cover up his own ugliness.

On the brighter side, I do hope over time he sees the importance of his Gurus and reconnect with them. Only by that way can he clear his confusion and return into reality.


It's not really about being bitchy, but to be vary of practitioners who have abandoned their Dharma practice and proudly encourages others to do so. Personally, it gives a bad example to other aspiring practitioners that it is okay to try practicing a lineage, and then abandon it because you dont like it or you find it too overwhelming for you. It's very decremental to Buddhist practice.


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2012, 11:26:20 AM »
Not to be bitchy but he's just doing another big fanfare and dance to cover up his own ugliness.

On the brighter side, I do hope over time he sees the importance of his Gurus and reconnect with them. Only by that way can he clear his confusion and return into reality.


It's not really about being bitchy, but to be vary of practitioners who have abandoned their Dharma practice and proudly encourages others to do so. Personally, it gives a bad example to other aspiring practitioners that it is okay to try practicing a lineage, and then abandon it because you dont like it or you find it too overwhelming for you. It's very decremental to Buddhist practice.

Ensapa, think you mean detrimental but i get your point.

Actually I find it a pity that someone of Schettinis passion could think like this. Its unfortunate because his umm enthusiasm could be put to good use if he was really out ot benefit others. It reminds me of what my guru always says re enlightened energies. Tantric deities dont fight or deny the negative energies we already have inside us, but they work with it.

Like Vajrayogini reigns us in using our desire energy but then redirects it towards something positive... just goes to show you the importance of a good teacher in (1) not misinterpreting the point of tantra that its not about sex (2) anything really. Come across the 'wrong' kind of teacher and you could end up spouting all sorts of nonsense like Angulimala.


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2012, 03:04:46 PM »
Ensapa, think you mean detrimental but i get your point.

Actually I find it a pity that someone of Schettinis passion could think like this. Its unfortunate because his umm enthusiasm could be put to good use if he was really out ot benefit others. It reminds me of what my guru always says re enlightened energies. Tantric deities dont fight or deny the negative energies we already have inside us, but they work with it.

Like Vajrayogini reigns us in using our desire energy but then redirects it towards something positive... just goes to show you the importance of a good teacher in (1) not misinterpreting the point of tantra that its not about sex (2) anything really. Come across the 'wrong' kind of teacher and you could end up spouting all sorts of nonsense like Angulimala.

Well, he redirected it to following Shakyamuni's teachings because that way he dont need to challenge himself and  mend what needs to be mended. It is just a cop out whenever someone says that. And him being vocal about it would also mean misleading many buddhists, or aspiring buddhists in the future. To be honest I'd rather that he shut up than mislead people and send them the wrong message.

Maybe perhaps one day he will wake up and realize that all he is doing is running away from himself and all the umhappiness that he has is nothing more than him unable to face himself and I do hope that someday he does.


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Re: Dorje Shugden by Stephen Schettini
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2012, 10:02:09 AM »
Ensapa, think you mean detrimental but i get your point.

Actually I find it a pity that someone of Schettinis passion could think like this. Its unfortunate because his umm enthusiasm could be put to good use if he was really out ot benefit others. It reminds me of what my guru always says re enlightened energies. Tantric deities dont fight or deny the negative energies we already have inside us, but they work with it.

Like Vajrayogini reigns us in using our desire energy but then redirects it towards something positive... just goes to show you the importance of a good teacher in (1) not misinterpreting the point of tantra that its not about sex (2) anything really. Come across the 'wrong' kind of teacher and you could end up spouting all sorts of nonsense like Angulimala.

Well, he redirected it to following Shakyamuni's teachings because that way he dont need to challenge himself and  mend what needs to be mended. It is just a cop out whenever someone says that. And him being vocal about it would also mean misleading many buddhists, or aspiring buddhists in the future. To be honest I'd rather that he shut up than mislead people and send them the wrong message.

Maybe perhaps one day he will wake up and realize that all he is doing is running away from himself and all the umhappiness that he has is nothing more than him unable to face himself and I do hope that someday he does.

To be fair, whenever people redirect to Shakyamunis teachings their not always copping out. It just doesnt appeal to them or they just dont understand it. I say this because Ive had experience with many Theravadan monks who were formerly Vajrayana students. They dont criticise the Vajrayana teachings in the way that Schettini does - they just very kindly fold their hands and say sorry, but it wasnt for them but they know it may be for someone else.

Shakyamunis teachings are equally as effective in challenging ourselves and mending what needs to be mended, since they are the basis of all teachings... that is, like every other teaching, their effective only if they are applied properly.

Schettinis trouble is that the teachings have become purely intellectual and applied in a very simplistic, selfish manner. Because the Vajrayana teachings dont help him achieve what he wants to achieve, he discards them as invalid because they dont fit in to his world view... so he goes to something he sees as more 'correct' because he already has an idea in his head of what 'correct' is.

For me it just shows how compassionate Buddhas like Shakyamuni and his wisdom manifestation Dorje Shugden really are. They find so many angles to appeal even to the most twisted of us. Schettinis lucky because everyone who is learned and attained knows how twisted he is, and yet they still accept him with open arms. Name me one other religion that would do that for someone who continuously perverts the teachings? May the blessings of Shakyamuni be imprinted into Schettinis mind.