Author Topic: letter to the Dalai Lama  (Read 5082 times)


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letter to the Dalai Lama
« on: May 27, 2008, 09:48:32 AM »
Dear Tenzin Gyatso,

Allow me to introduce myself as we don't know each other, my name is (...) I am 23 years old and I am a Buddhist practitioner since I was 11 years old, at that time I was very fortunate to meet a monk in my home town and get my first teachings at his centre.
Since then I tried to follow Je Tsonkhapas tradition and the teachings of my Lamas in the best way I could.
So why do I write to you, maybe because there is the opportunity now to get a letter directly to you without other people of your entourage reading it before they give it to you or even don't give it to you at all. I know you must be a person of great knowledge as you studied under the greatest masters and even in worldly things, you must have met so many interesting people. And I am just a very common person who didn't study much. But still I will to try to say what I want to say in a way that makes sense to you.
My questions that I have are quite simple, why did you turn against Dorje Shugden or the King of Döl as you call him now, although you owe him your life and although he never did anything against you and although your teachers relied on him? Why? Why are you following your oracles that tell you things that contradict with the simplest rules of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition didn't you ever consider they might be wrong? They have been wrong so many times now, the 13 Dalai Lama died because of a fake oracle and you trust them in important matters like this? You know Tibetan history better than I do and you know better than I do that the Ghanden Podrang was probably the government with the most intrigues going on at the same time and place on the whole planet. So didn't you ever consider it could be similar now? 
You must have have received the teachings about compassion so why don't you feel any for the people, monks, nuns and lay, suffering under your “advice”, suffering because you rather follow an oracle than your own teachers. Because you think they deserve it ? They could follow the advice and everything would be fine? It wouldn't! They would destroy their spiritual life as you did many years ago.
The situation now is difficult everybody knows that and its almost impossible to solve it, I know its not very Tibetan to admit a mistake especially a big one like that ( that you have in common with your Chinese brothers and sisters ; )  ) but I ask you please wake up, see the truth and do the right thing, stop harming your own people they don't deserve it, stop destroying the reputation of your own teachers Tibetan Buddhism in general and even yourself. If you don't believe in any of that anymore just follow basic human rules and stop harming others.

If you wish to answer me you can do so by writing to:   (...)

or call:                           (...)

or e mail:                          (...)

Yours sincerely,


a friend

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Re: letter to the Dalai Lama
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2008, 03:11:06 PM »
Kelsang, I suggest that you send this letter for good to his office in Dharamsala, paying for a "return receipt" or something of the sort.
I suggest too that you send it to all the websites related to human rights, freedom of the press, and others like that.
I suggest someone puts this letter in Wikipedia.

Your young voice cuts to the point in such a simple way.
Thank you for the gulp of fresh air.