Author Topic: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!  (Read 29382 times)


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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2013, 06:19:48 AM »
This article, this letter, is adding to the evidences heard before that Dorje Shugden was indeed the Protector that saved Tibet from destruction, that saved the Dalai Lama and also saved the Tibetan Buddhism from extinction.
Yet, there is one more thing to observe here.
When the Dalai Lama is arriving in India, he is being received by Nehru, the leader of India then, no less than Nehru himself.
See the you tube link here:
Dalai Lama Greeted By Nehru, Tibet 1959/4/30
This shows that a head of state such as Nehru considers the Dalai Lama, a young monk as an equal head of state.

Ensues that the Tibetan community in exile is also given a large extent of land that will be used to base the Tibetan Community in exile.

This is VERY IMPORTANT. Why? Because if the Tibetan community had not received land to base the community on, it would have dispersed throughout India (and the world), it would have been assimilated and it would have been very difficult to gather the Tibetans in exile together, harder and harder starting from the second generation.

And the Tibetan culture in exile would have vanished.

Yet today, more than 50 years later, Dharamsala remains a world-known Tibetan city, even though in India.
I can’t help but to think that Dorje Shugden had something to do with the land offered by the Indian Government...

Thanks for highlighting a very important fact that the first Prime Minister of India can empathize with the circumstances of the people in Tibet. Why? India was ruled by British empire and got their independence after fighting for their freedom.

I doubt that politically the Tibetans are a threat to the Indians because size along the Tibetans are very few. If Dalai Lama is wanted by China it would create tension between the relationship between India and China if India take them in. What does Nehru gain from allowing the Tibetan refugees to settle down in India?

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2013, 06:30:39 AM »
Well, looks like the truth is emerging slowly and surely from below the surface. And this document is a strong evidence that Dorje Shugden is really the one who saved the Dalai Lama's life and guided the Dalai Lama and his entourage safely in their escape to India.
It is convincing in the sense that Changtso Lobsang Yeshe was the main attendant to the abbot of Sera Mey Monastery and he was the link between Dorje Shugden (via the Oracle) and the abbot. Changtso Lobsang Yeshe was also present in the audience where Dorje Shugden gave instructions on the escape route to be taken out of China.
From this, it is so clear that Dorje Shugden saved not only the Dalai Lama's life, but also the great teachers teaching the doctrines of Tibetan Buddhism, it's culture and the future generation of Tibetans. It can be said that Dorje Shugden saved Tibet, should the group have not left Tibet, it's for sure Tibet together with its culture and people would have perished from this world.


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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #32 on: September 14, 2013, 06:59:00 AM »
If Dorje Shugden was an evil spirit as claimed by many, then his vision and clairvoyance could not be so accurate and for such a long term benefit – literally benefiting not only the Dalai Lama but billions around the world and in the future. Buddhas give advice and instructions taking into consideration the benefit for the person and others on a longer term basis, sometimes even onto next lives. Should the wrong advice by Dorje Shugden been bestowed upon HHDL… it would be bye bye forever to Tibetan Buddhism and culture. The magnitude of what Dorje Shugden has done is beyond words.

Additionally, if you were thinking that these affidavits were fake, then why is there an official stamp of authenticity by Sera Monastery. Why does the accounts from Lobsang Yeshe go in line so closely as to what Trijang Rinpoche has written in his biography The Illusory Play, when both were not physically together. Why would all the high lamas lie? What benefit would they get? Why has the two key lamas who are fundamental to the upholding of Tibetan Buddhism; Kyabje Pabongkha Rinpoche & Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, who wrote the modern day Lamrim for our enlightenment, promote the practise of Dorje Shugden so heavily? Why are their incarnations back to continue the practises of their previous lives? Because these lamas have reincarnated back, and so has HH with his line of incarnations, it shows that they all must have done or are doing something right to all be able to keep their respective line of incarnations. Who knows whether HH will reincarnate back after this 14th incarnation, but we definitely know that Trijang Rinpoche and Pabongkha Rinpoche has!

I truly agree with what you have said! How can Doje Shugden be a spirit/demon when clearly He has helped many through time for so long. What benefit does He get out of helping all those people?

If Dorje Shugden is a spirit, why would He even help HHDL and entourage out of Tibet? Why would He even give so many advice and instructions?

And the best part is, why nobody is saying that the affidavit is false and what was reported is not true? Why? I believe they cant because it the truth!

Even in Trijang Rinpoche's autobiography, many facts were presented and said. Such a High Lama like Trijang Rinpoche does not need to make false accusations! What benefit does He get? Trijang Rinpoche is HHDL' s tutor therefore if He is lying, wont HHDL say something or defend Himself?


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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #33 on: September 14, 2013, 07:05:42 AM »
When asked by his disciple when is the beginning of Dharma-ending age, Guru Rinpoche replied; “When the Iron Birds(1) are flying in the sky and the Iron Horses(1) are running on the roads, we know that dharma-ending age has arrived. At this time, Tibetan Buddhism shall flourish globally. When the iron bird flies and the horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered like ants across the world, and the Dharma will come to the land of the red men (Western Countries).

This is an interesting prophecy by Guru Rinpoche made 1000 years ago. I suppose when Dorje Shugden gave the option to attack the Chinese in 1957 probably knew for certain the chances that the Tibetan businessman would facilitate the attack would be slim very slim.

Oh dear. From the point you have mentioned, it does appear as if Dorje Shugden was setting the Tibetans up to fail. The Tibetans were arrogant and kept very much to themselves. They detached themselves away from the rest of the world and declined joining the United Nations. If they had been part of the United Nations, they would have received assistant and support when China launched the attack towards Tibet.

Perhaps, Vajrayana Buddhism was meant to go international as the key to preserving Vajrayana Buddhism for the near future where it is needed most. Vajrayana Buddhism had mostly died out in India by the 13th century. At the same time, manifested in Tibet where they were preserved until the Chinese invaded Tibet.

Thanks to the generosity and graciousness of His Excellency Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India who bestowed 24 tracts of land unto His Holiness the Dalai Lama when he entered exile into India, Vajrayana Buddhism has found its way to the world again. The 24 Tibetan Settlements that we know of today was establised by the Tibetan people in exile to preserve their cultural and religious heritage.

We have much to thank India for their assistance.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2013, 07:52:53 AM »

I cannot fathom why HHDL did not want to admit it was Dorje Shugden who assisted the HHDL and his entourage by clearing the obstacles for their escape from Tibet. Nor why HHDL did not stop his administration from claiming that it was Nechung who assisted. Not only that but the CTA and HHDL administration have imposed a ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden and calling him a demon. I would like to think that the motivation of HHDL is purely beneficial on a global scale. I hope, soon, that the compassion shown by Dorje Shugden for those who escaped unharmed be told by those very people who were there during their escape. That is the least one could do to show gratitude.

Samara keeper, I have the same questions in my mind too as I wonder why His Holiness the Dalai Lama would not want to reveal the fact that it was Dorje Shugden who guided Dalai Lama and his entourage safely to India. However, I have the greatest respect to HHDL, and I am convinced that His Holiness is ever compassionate and what he is doing is purely for the benefit of all beings.
As it is getting more obvious now that Nechung have been giving advices that are not accurate, I am sure more people are getting the real picture of Dorje Shugden instead of being mislead by the CTA.


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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #35 on: September 14, 2013, 08:51:48 AM »
2 points I gathered from this article which I can apply to my practice:-

1. When consulting divination and advice from the oracle, we should always follow instructions to the tea.
The status of the oracles are defined by the deity they took trance of. We are not talking about ANY oracle here but an oracle (the Panglung oracle) who took trance of an Enlightened Protector such as Dorje Shugden. During trance sessions to consult for divination, the DS oracles were invited by the monasteries like how they would invite a High Lama to the throne which is placed in front of the monastery's main altar. Upon the arrival of the oracle, music and instruments will be played. Everyone in the monastery will rise. Abbots and high ranking monks will make offerings to Dorje Shugden via the oracle.

These are the signs of the oracle's status this article is talking about here.

If war has been carried out as per DS's instructions via the oracle, it would have been made difficult for the Chinese to invade Tibet. Due to disharmony and disregarding the advice, Tibet has fallen in the hands of the Chinese. In our everyday life, we should always be harmonious and be at peace with everyone around us.

2. We should put full TRUST look upon Dorje Shugden as an Enlightened protector and not some common protector who can help us with our spiritual path.
Dorje Shugden has single-handedly saved the whole culture and Vajrayana Buddhism. Without DS's foresight and clairvoyance, all of Vajrayana Buddhism along with the erudite masters and monks may have been lost. DS has foresight and clairvoyance because of DS's past incarnations such as Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, Panchen Sonam Drakpa, Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen had clairvoyance.

Many Mongolian royalties were loyal supporters of HHDL and has made vast amounts of offerings. When HHDL fled Tibet, he must have left billions of treasures and sacred text behind in the Potala Palace. This shows how much trust HHDL have on Dorje Shugden to leave everything behind and put the fate of his life to DS. We too can surrender our little treasures and fate to DS to bring us to a better place in our future lives.


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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #36 on: September 15, 2013, 02:17:28 PM »
As has been said, Guru Rinpoche's prediction of the fall of Tibet, when "the Tibetan people would be scattered like ants across the world", has come to pass.

Whether  Tibet would have remained independent and intact after thwarting off the Chinese with the successful battle at Dromo-Shar- Sima as advised by Dorje Shugden, the point is it would still have fallen again at a later,as Guru Rinpoche had predicted.In retrospect, perhaps the timing of the Chinese invasion and the successful escape of Dalai Lama and entourage, was just right. There was Nehru to welcome the Dalai Lama and give the Tibetan people a sizeable tract of land.

Furthermore, as predicted by Guru Rinpoche,Tibetan Buddhism went global with the great Lamas spreading it to the four corners. This in term seems to have been brought about by the ban. The ban caused these great masters to flee where the arm of the CTA would not reach them, and bring Tibetan Buddhism to wherever they went.


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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #37 on: September 17, 2013, 11:27:56 PM »
Wow... this article is mind blowing... packed with information that reveals the truth behind what truly happened back in 1956-1959.

I must say, we all know that Dorje Shugden was the one behind all these advice that eventually lead HH Dalai Lama safely out of Tibet, but we also really owe India for their generosity for allowing the Tibetan refuges to reside in their country... just imagine if India did not openly welcome the Tibetans at that time, we probably would not have Tibetan Buddhism in the world today...

It is extremely annoying to see the Dalai Lama's CTA operated website twisting the truth for their convenience... Isn't it a severe crime to alter history? No wonder the Tibetans are no where close to getting their country back if their 'government' can't even get their history right... not to mention if they had to lie, they can't even do it skillfully.

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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #38 on: September 18, 2013, 10:48:17 AM »
This article is fascinating as it reaffirms what some of us know with regards to the truth of the matter WITH solid documented proof. It is amazing that these documents have been revealed to It shows that the source believes in the team behind this website and that they are impartial and will share the news without bias plus they also believe this website to be THE forefront of Dorje Shugden related matters and news. Rejoice!


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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #39 on: October 28, 2013, 06:29:11 PM »
Well, looks like the truth is emerging slowly and surely from below the surface. And this document is a strong evidence that Dorje Shugden is really the one who saved the Dalai Lama's life and guided the Dalai Lama and his entourage safely in their escape to India.
It is convincing in the sense that Changtso Lobsang Yeshe was the main attendant to the abbot of Sera Mey Monastery and he was the link between Dorje Shugden (via the Oracle) and the abbot. Changtso Lobsang Yeshe was also present in the audience where Dorje Shugden gave instructions on the escape route to be taken out of China.
From this, it is so clear that Dorje Shugden saved not only the Dalai Lama's life, but also the great teachers teaching the doctrines of Tibetan Buddhism, it's culture and the future generation of Tibetans. It can be said that Dorje Shugden saved Tibet, should the group have not left Tibet, it's for sure Tibet together with its culture and people would have perished from this world.

Not only is Dorje Shugden's advise saved Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people, he also saved CTA. CTA has no reason not to practice Dharma when they have been saved by Dorje Shugden. They are given the opportunity, a second chance, to practice Dharma away from home. As Dalai Lama has given so many Lamrim teaching that one must not cause harm to others sentient beings, that includes Dorje Shugden practitioners.


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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #40 on: December 08, 2016, 02:02:14 PM »
It has been proven a long time ago that it was Dorje Shugden who saved the Dalai Lama.
Who else could have had the power to tell the Dalai Lama to get out of Tibet?  As a matter of fact there were witnesses who heard Nechung tell the Dalai Lama to stay in Tibet instead of leaving. If the Dalai Lama followed Nechung's instructions he will surely be dead by now.

Sooner or later the truth about who saved the Dalai Lama will be discovered and the power and greatness of Dorje Shugden will be revealed.

I really hope that everyone in the world and especially the people within the CTA will be able to accept the fact that it was the great Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden who saved His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. And may everyone unite as one without any violence.


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Re: EXPLOSIVE NEW ARTICLE! **EVIDENCE** of how Dorje Shugden saved HHDL!
« Reply #41 on: December 08, 2016, 02:40:28 PM »
It has been proven a long time ago that it was Dorje Shugden who saved the Dalai Lama.
Who else could have had the power to tell the Dalai Lama to get out of Tibet?  As a matter of fact there were witnesses who heard Nechung tell the Dalai Lama to stay in Tibet instead of leaving. If the Dalai Lama followed Nechung's instructions he will surely be dead by now.

Sooner or later the truth about who saved the Dalai Lama will be discovered and the power and greatness of Dorje Shugden will be revealed.

Dear ProShugden,

What is sad and unfortunate is how the Dalai Lama officially denies that it was Gyalchen Dorje Shugden who saved him.

Today on the Dalai Lama's official website he claimed explicitly it was the Nechung Oracle who advised him to escape Tibet. As you correctly pointed out, Nechung in fact gave the advice for the Dalai Lama to remain.

[From the Dalai Lama's site]

"Escape into Exile

One winter day of 1959 (March 10), General Zhang Chenwu of Communist China extended a seemingly innocent invitation to the Tibetan leader to attend a theatrical show by a Chinese dance troupe. When the invitation was repeated with new conditions that no Tibetan soldiers were to accompany the Dalai Lama and that his bodyguards be unarmed, an acute anxiety befell the Lhasa population. Soon a crowd of tens of thousands of Tibetans gathered around the Norbulingka Palace, determined to thwart any threat to their young leader's life and preventing His Holiness from going.

On 17 March 1959 during a consultation with the Nechung Oracle, His Holiness was given an explicit instruction to leave the country. The Oracle's decision was further confirmed when a divinity performed by His Holiness produced the same answer, even though the odds against making a successful break seemed terrifyingly high.

A few minutes before ten o'clock His Holiness, disguised as a common soldier, slipped past the massive throng of people along with a small escort and proceeded towards the Kyichu river, where he was joined by the rest of the entourage, including some of his immediate family members".


This is not the first time Nechung had given the wrong advice and in fact, Nechung gave the wrong medicine to the 13th Dalai Lama which killed him. And yet here we are, the Dalai Lama and his government still completely trusting a subdued spirit that has erred countless times, and turning their backs on Manjushri.

How times have degenerated.

Its truly wonderful that managed to procure conclusive proof of Dorje Shugden's great deed in saving the Dalai Lama.