First of all, thank you for reviving this video in the forum. With so much discussions and focus on the latest exciting and progressive events related to Dorje Shugden and Dalai Lama issues, it is very important to be reminded WHY we are fighting for the flourishing of DS practice.
This is the perfect reminder: inspiring and powerful!
Although the topic on the a passing of Dalai Lama is a tender subject, it is a reality that will happen. It is also a reality that after the Dalai Lama leaves us, High Lamas who have been practicing DS quietly will begin doing so openly. In fact, it is already happening with the growth of Shar Ganden Monastery, which I identify as the stepping stone to launch DS into mainstream worldwide. As these great Gurus do so, others who have been forced into sacrificing DS practice in the past will once again have the freedom to embrace DS back into their lives. Just typing these thoughts and visualizing the joy this change will bring make me so happy and ecstatic!!!
I agree strongly with tk that it is very important that, while we await the the open and rapid growth of DS, we must generate a lot of merit NOW to speed up and ensure the smooth progression and realization of this vision. The events and progress DS practice has gained in the recent past were results of the pure commitment, love and hard work of sincere DS practitioners. For the affects of this good cause to continue and gain momentum, we must not relax but work even harder and stay even more focused. It is more important NOW than ever because we are at the turning point.
I pray that all DS practitioners will have all their obstacles removed so that we can all practice sincerely and be ready to represent our great Protector in any way required in the near future.
I really like that idea, lying low to generate merit so Dorje Shugden's practice can go full speed ahead in the future. However, I do think that practising sincerely is possible now, and open practice isn't a requirement.
In reference to what tk has said about monks gearing up to be the next generation of teachers, I am really grateful for all that they go through to bring the dharma to others. All these stories you read about sangha escaping Tibet carrying nothing but scriptures so that the dharma is preserved, or continuing with their practices despite being beaten in Chinese prisons...even just watching teachers speak in other languages already inspires me so much, knowing how difficult it is to learn languages when you're older!
Speaking of lamas doing whatever it takes to benefit others...I wonder if Trijang Rinpoche's disrobing (as mentioned in the thread about him distancing himself from Dorje Shugden) can be linked to this. I wondered about the consequences of that...his predecessor was definitely a highly attained being, and I don't doubt that the current one shares the same attainments. So is the disrobing a good thing in disguise, because his experiences as a lay person will make his teachings more appealing to today's people? Let me explain myself:
By disrobing, Trijang Rinpoche gets the chance to assimilate and pick up things about the modern world that he can use later in his teachings. If he's attained as we believe he is, lacking robes or monk vows does not necessarily mean he will not be as effective in his work to spread the dharma...look at teachers like Gelek Rinpoche, for example.
Unfortunately, many people do not respect the sangha these days because their impression is that (1) monkhood is for losers who cannot hack it in the 'real' world or (2) monks/nuns cannot talk about how dharma can help a person's life because they do not understand the pressures of the modern world.
So perhaps Trijang Rinpoche's background as a formerly lay person might actually benefit his teachings in the future...more people might take his teachings seriously, because they feel his words are relevant to them, given his experiences.
After all, the argument on the forum seems to be that robes do not a monk make