Author Topic: ABC News today about dorje shugden. Everyone support this great reporter.  (Read 8114 times)


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everyone support the reporter Lisa, and write comment below on there web site. ( link above) let her know, the facts.


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Re: ABC News today about dorje shugden. Everyone support this great reporter.
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2014, 01:18:37 PM »
There are many medias covering the event on the demonstration.  Here is another one:


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Re: ABC News today about dorje shugden. Everyone support this great reporter.
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2014, 05:23:26 PM »

everyone support the reporter Lisa, and write comment below on there web site. ( link above) let her know, the facts.

I just commented on the article below!... All Shugden practitioners should get on there and speak your mind, and debate on the false p resentations of facts on comments left by other people there. People need to know the truth. If you want to do something to bring the ban down, then this is one of the ways to. We need to let people know the truth!


To the reporter and media, thank you for bringing light to the Shugden issue. It is long overdue.

The Dalai Lama has always stressed on peace, and freedom too, but has imposed a ban that denies practitioners of Dorje Shugden that basic right because practising Dorje Shugden whom he claims is a spirit, will shorten his life. That is quite hilarious to say, for if someone like the Dalai Lama, who is one with the Buddha Chenrezig (Buddha of Compassion) and is very highly attained in his practise, can have his life shorten because of other people doing a certain practise, then why take refuge in the three jewels at all if a Buddha such as His Holiness can be harmed by a spirit?

Dorje Shugden's practise is not to override the teachings of the Buddha, but to complement one's spiritual practise. Dorje Shugden arose as a protector to protect the teaching of the middle view of Nagarjuna which Lama Tsongkhapa, also known as the second Buddha, taught so brilliantly. And for the record, it was Nechung, the state oracle of Tibet, whom His Holiness consults regularly, who requested Dulzin Drakpa Gyeltsen to arise as a protector when the time comes to protect these teachings. So, then, was the state oracle of Tibet wrong? If so, why is His Holiness still consulting Nechung?

Practitioners of Dorje Shugden are still practising the very essence of Buddhism, just as Buddha taught, what makes you think otherwise? If that's the case, then why do people have practises of yidams such as Vajrayogini, Heruka, Yamantaka, Tara. It is because it is complementary to their spiritual practise.

And what proof do you have of Dorje Shugden practitioners engaging in violent persecutions of other sects? What about the recent attack in Shar Gaden Monastery BY the Central Tibetan Adminstration, the camp of His Holiness, on a pure, holy old Shugden monk?


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Re: ABC News today about dorje shugden. Everyone support this great reporter.
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2014, 06:07:33 PM »
the way i see it is that it will only create more hype for Dorje Shugden. As though it has not caused enough controversies and harm especially to the practitioner of Dorje Shugden, the series of protesting will lead to more questions being asked to Dalai Lama of all doubts being questioned against his statement and the banning of the practice. Hopefully readers will log into this website full of information about Dorje Shugden's truth and facts.


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Re: ABC News today about dorje shugden. Everyone support this great reporter.
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2014, 08:57:28 PM »
I have also posted my comment:
My gosh, this is insane! How can anyone ban any religion, belief or worship? It's totally against human rights constitution! In I'm reading a lot about why His Holiness has ban this and what he is saying to justify the ban and how the ban has affected so many Tibetans! I am in shock! I thought Buddhism is love all sentient beings... I did not expect this to be happening within the Tibetans own exile community!

All these protesters are asking and requesting is to stop the religious persecution of Dorje Shugden practice and lift the ridiculous ban so people can freely and openly practice with NO DISCRIMINATION. What's so wrong about that?  Tibetans can live in harmony and Tibetans who practice Dorje Shugden can go to school, hospitals and get social welfare just like non-Shugden people... is that so bad? They are just asking Tibetans to be nice to their own people actually. What a shame this ban has created division and disunity. Really sad... I hope the ban gets lifted, because it is errmmm illegal and kind of puts the Dalai Lama in a dark lime light.
If we read carefully the constitution in the UN on Human Rights... everyone has the Right to Religious Freedom and it is define as:

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

So basically Dalai Lama has no right to impose a ban on any faith... whether spirit or not. That's a poor excuse for causing suffering amongst Tibetans and others who chose to worship this deity Dorje Shuugden.

Do skilfully introduce the and site to encourage the media and others to find out more and investigate :D


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the way i see it is that it will only create more hype for Dorje Shugden. As though it has not caused enough controversies and harm especially to the practitioner of Dorje Shugden, the series of protesting will lead to more questions being asked to Dalai Lama of all doubts being questioned against his statement and the banning of the practice. Hopefully readers will log into this website full of information about Dorje Shugden's truth and facts.

More controversies and hype is good to create awareness in the world community. Everyone should know of this ban that has caused pain and sorrow to the lives of those who practice Dorje Shugden. Even if you are not a BUddhist, this should not be imposed. This is all about religious freedom which is the birth right of every human being.


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I see interesting arguments thrown by both sides. I feel that the issue is simply human rights and religious freedom. Think what you want about the Protector, Buddha or spirit. It should not matter. The Dalai Lama has no right to ban any practice. Why many people do not speak out against him especially the Tibetan exile community is that he is persecuting anyone who speak out. The  issue is complex spiritually but basically it is a secular issue in nature as far as the world need to see. Human Right! Period.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Not many common people know about the ban on Dorje Shugden, especially if they are non-Buddhist but as what Yontenjamyang said - it is essentially an issue of our basic human rights and religious freedom. No one is against the Dalai Lama or the teachings.


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I applaud these reporters for covering the protests without fear of being condemned or ostracized. The ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden is no longer a religious issue but a suppression of freedom of religion which should be a fundamental human right. CTA has taken this issue too far. Basic human rights are denied such as medical and education for Dorje Shugden practitioners in India and Nepal, while others followers of Dorje Shugden are spat on around the world. These injustice should be exposed so that the world knows what a monstrously unjust and socially harmful administration the CTA is.


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CTA is abusing its "power", using the Dorje Shugden issue as a space goat for their failures.
Through the CTA actions, many people have been ostracized, discriminated and suffered losses and prejudice for the only reason that they practice a Buddha that the CTA decided to ban and campaign against.

CTA is not in a position to point at other's mistakes, for it has displayed a politic of discrimination against its very own people, the very people that they claim to protect and assist... The very people!

christine V

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My reply to the news
Dalai Lama always talk about peace , harmonious in religions. But, On this issues of ban towards Dorje Shugden, H.H do not really give enough reasons on the ban. The practitioner of Dorje Shugden have requested H.H Dalai Lama to debate on this ban several times, but, it was not done. Seem Dalai Lama do not have courage to face this issues.
This banned not only causes religion apartheid, but have seriously violate in Human Rights on freedom of practicing religion and basic human right.
Such as:
Old Monks are beaten :

I cant believe in this centuries, this issues is happening.

Tenzin K

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I always believe that any disagreement should be table out, discuss or even demonstrated in peace.
The Shugden community or practitioners have all the right to protest the fact of HH Dalai Lama action excommunicate them. Not only the Shugden community should protest but everyone that believe in religious freedom and human right which is what the Dalai Lama keep on talking the people around the world sound so contradicting.

The more people protest in peace on this issue the more people will know and it should the global issue as everyone has their own believe and free to practice what they believe on as long as it doesn’t harm any sentient being which the Dalai Lama until today can’t prove the reasoning of the excommunication.
Let the protest move on and to every single Dalai Lama speech or every single appearance in all over the world so the world will know what is happening and unite to bring this ban down!

Positive Change

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The Western world sees the Dalai Lama as a great spiritual leader, the defender of the oppressed, the holder of the flags of compassion and wisdom, a beacon a peace, the one of the rare in this world that walks the talk, that practices what he teaches…



Yet, will the world open its eyes to the violence, discriminations and event physical attacks that the Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden has induced?

Will the world recognize the obvious lies and the obvious non-senses in the Dalai Lama’s speech about Dorje Shugden?


It is time that the Western world ceases the view the Dalai Lama with only romantic eyes and seek the truth with respect, logic and fairness.

Open your eyes and discover something amazing unfolding!


This website is a diamond mine of information for those that want to know more and understand what this is all about.