Author Topic: “Diversion Tactics”  (Read 11664 times)


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“Diversion Tactics”
« on: March 07, 2014, 08:07:57 AM »

CTA is trying to divert the media’s attention on the inhumane treatment of the Dorje Shugden practitioners by arguing that they have been threatened the security of Dalai Lama. However all the recent protests on the West coast of the United States have been peaceful protests. Also, the Dalai Lama always speaks about the importance of peace, compassion and freedom, but He is the one who is ostracizing the Dorje Shugden practitioners. The author asserts that the CTA must nullify the ban on the practice of DS.

I agree with the author that the ban should be over, and the CTA should tell the media only the truth because the people have the right to know the truth.

I believe that true democracy cannot be achieved with lying. CTA is being worse off by hiding the wrongdoings they have done so far. Even though religion plays a huge role in Tibetan government, democracy is not theocracy. Democracy will not be achieved if the government concerns too much about religion. More importantly, in democracy, people are the owners, not the authority of the government. CTA should remove the ban immediately in order to step further to establish democracy.

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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2014, 08:57:59 AM »
Oh dear! To my knowledge, no Dorje Shugden practitioner had ever attempted to harm the Dalai Lama and I am sure despite all that CTA has done towards DS practitioners, no one will retaliate. Even in the wake of the recent violent attack on poor Gen Chonze, no real practitioner of DS will retaliate. I am very proud of that and I am happy that practitioners continue to be Buddhist and honor their samaya with practice.

However, I cannot say the same thing about some of the faithful students of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Just like it was during the Fifth Dalai Lama, some may act on their own accord to settle disputes with violence. Unfortunately, this time, they may make Dalai Lama a martyr of his own ban. I pray and hope that they do not resort to violence in order to villainize Shugden practitioners. It is a low blow and something that may backfire on CTA very badly. 

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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2014, 08:01:49 PM »
whenever i read about the bad things people say about Dorje Shugden practitioners, i find that people don't really have any evidence of these bad things but yet people will believe the Dalai Lama and the CTA's statements. And it's not just ignorant uneducated people. You get supposed intelligent scholars like Robert Thurman who believes everything the Dalai Lama says about Shugden without any proof. I think the world has gone upside down!


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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2014, 06:50:59 PM »
From the many Dorje Shugden Lamas I see, they are all compassionate and kind, and their actions and results are consistent with their teaching of compassion.

HH Dalai Lama is such a big figure and sure an influential one. I don't find it strange that  Robert Thurman will believe 100% of what HH Dalai Lama said, after all HH Dalai Lama is Chenrenzig... but since Gelug school is famous for her debate, may be Robert should use debate logic on this matter as well.

Now that more and more people are aware of the unjustified ban, CTA is under more and more pressure. Therefore, CTA will need to find ways to defuse the pressure...

I pray this unjustified ban is made known to international audience and humanity organisations so more and more people can give pressure to CTA to release the ban asap!!


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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2014, 04:16:19 AM »
Debating is to be advised indeed.
But then, debating with a manipulative party, a discriminating party, I wonder...
Anyway, debating is the best way to go, even with the CTA.

I suggest they withdraw from the Dorje Shugden issue, "withdraw" indeed, I don't ask them to say they are pro or anti or neutral even, they should simply not get into a debate that is not their jurisdiction, I think.
Actually, I think the CTA should withdraw from religious or spiritual affairs, and political affairs all together.

Thus my suggestion is that the CTA be debated about:

1- not to get involved with spiritual affairs
WHY? because the CTA is not competent in such affairs, the CTA has no competence in spirituality.

2- not to get involved into politics
WHY? there is, I think, for the Tibetans and everyone else, more interest today for Tibet to remain within China. To think in any other way today is: 1. un-realistic (denoting delusion), and 2. dangerous (denoting carelessness).

3- focus on cultural activities
WHY? because simply, as a body claiming to represent the Tibetans living outside the Tibetan province, the CTA can play a role in organizing cultural events and become a bridge between the exiled Tibetans and the Tibetans that live in the province of Tibet.
Nothing politic, nothing spiritual.


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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2014, 12:03:52 PM »
The only way we will 'attack' the Dalai lama ban is go to our meditation room and recite Gaden Lhagyama wish for world peace and wish the same for our enemies, friends and people whom are neutral to us.

As the number of Dorje Shugden practitioners increases, there seem to be no detriment to the Dalai Lama's health. In fact this life he has lived longer than most other dalai lamas in the past. There are no terrorist Dorje Shudgen cells to uncover and all the 'violence' if any is unleashed through words or our fingers typing.

CTA apart from bashing Dorje Shugden has no other work to do.

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2014, 01:06:41 PM »
Why would the CTA stoop so low as to use "other diversion tactics" to divert and confuse DS practitioners or non-Buddhist believers, unless CTA is really feeling the pressure from all around the world, especially in the US from DS practitioners who wants to bring the truth of the matter to world attention.

There has NOT been an proof of any DS practitioners or the practice harming or threat to the Dalai Lama, shorten his life nor provoke any kind of violence in the recent protests in the US towards him. DS practitioners have kept their promise NOT to harm others. We only seek Religious Freedom, nothing else.

So don't use these Diversion Tactics to confuse!


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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2014, 01:32:31 PM »
From the facts that I have seen so far, it is mainly the Dorje Shugden practitioners or lamas being harmed, disturbed or ostracized by the CTA or HH Dalai Lama’s followers. So far, from all the statements from CTA, I have not seen any real facts/proved from them that Dorje Shugden practitioners harm HH Dalai Lama.

Besides, I have seen Dorje Shugden practitioners’ altars with the photo of HH Dalai Lama. If they will put HH Dalai Lama’s photo on their altar, it shows how much respect they have for HH Dalai Lama. How would they harm HH Dalai Lama? 

Therefore, stop spreading rumous CTA! Please do not create more negatives karma for you and your loved one. Lift the ban and do more goods to benefit others instead!


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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2014, 05:50:01 PM »
You know what.. if Dorje Shugden practitioners really wanted to threatened His Holiness's life or pose security risks, they need not wait until today. Come on...the ban has been in place since '97... and if there was anything to be done, it would've been then.. why wait 17 years later?

So it is silly to say that Dorje Shugden practitioners now pose security threat to His Holiness when all the past years, they didnt. Anyways what evidence has CTA got to make such an accusation when the threats and unjust treatments have only been made towards Shugden practitioners. All protests from Shugden practitioners has been peaceful, only asking the Dalai Lama to stop lying and to remove the ban. What security threats has there been? The only threats I know are those made towards Shugden practitioners, to force us to stop propitiating Dorje Shugden.

It would make life so much easier if the ban was removed... we don't need to have accusations flying around. Anyways, what harm would it do to bring the ban down? His Holiness clearly has control over his own life so practising Dorje Shugden will not shorten his life. Rivalry, schism, disharmony will shorten the Dalai lama's life as a guru to many, so in actual fact, as long as the ban remains, the guru will keep on having to absorb the karma created from the disharmony between students and fellow countrymen.


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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2014, 09:18:43 PM »
whenever i read about the bad things people say about Dorje Shugden practitioners, i find that people don't really have any evidence of these bad things but yet people will believe the Dalai Lama and the CTA's statements. And it's not just ignorant uneducated people. You get supposed intelligent scholars like Robert Thurman who believes everything the Dalai Lama says about Shugden without any proof. I think the world has gone upside down!

It is really incredible scary how once some people has set their mind on something 'this is bad' they will keep convincing and proving to themselves that it is valid. At the same time they will keep defending it all the way against all arguments no matter how the sound arguments and proofs have been able to counter their position. It becomes an intellectual trap.


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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2014, 06:16:20 PM »
This is so full of BS which is typical and no surprise coming from the Tibetan Govt in exile.

Yes what everyone has said is valid, but really no point in us talking about it to them because it is obvious they do not wish to listen to any valid logical reasons or even facts. It would be a waste of time to argue with them. Instead I would just social media our answers and link it back to their stupidity with the article post here.

It amazes me how corrupted the CTA is and to know that they are supposedly under a Buddhism Spiritual Leader makes them look even more ridiculous and truly a hypocrite in all aspects of their government.

I just wished those who are literate would care enough to actually investigate further instead of being just one sided narrow minded thinking which is the saddest part.

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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2014, 10:36:01 AM »
It’s so ridiculous to claim Dorje Shugden practitioners have caused security concern to HH Dalai Lama. If the practitioners want to harm HH Dalai Lama could do so long time ago. In fact the practitioners should be the one to be scared as they were being treated very badly. Read this and you all will know how bad they being tortured by their own government.

If Dorje Shugden practitioners are violent during the protest in US we can see it already. This is just another poor tactic from the CTA and this will not stop the media to continue to expose the truth of the action for this band. More and more people curios with this band.


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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2014, 07:39:41 PM »
It’s pretty incredible that since the CTA cannot dispute that the ban is unjust and illogical through knowledge and debate, they instead spread false rumours to further pollute the public’s mind in assuming that Dorje Shugden practitioners are here to create violence and harm, especially towards His Holiness. They are trying to create a false understanding in the mind of people taking a neutral stance so that they can cover up for theirs and His Holiness’s false truth that there is religious freedom for their people and Gelug practitioners at large.

Instead of assuming that His Holiness’s security is under threat, why don’t you look into the reason as to why the ban is unjust and illogical? Why not hold a dialogue with the millions of practitioners worldwide to debate on the logic and knowledge behind Dorje Shugden and the ban, as per monastic traditions of studying.

Why not address the issues as to why there are protests going on, and how best to arrive at a result which both parties will be happy with – i.e. remove the ban, because it doesn’t do both parties any good.

Why would Dorje Shugden practitioners want to harm His Holiness? If they really wanted to, why wait for so long, after the ban has been enforced for years?..they should’ve just harmed the Dalai Lama when he first intensified his stance against Shugden. It doesn’t make any sense why we would want to threaten the life of His Holiness only now, when there is increased coverage on this issue. It doesn’t serve the purpose of Shugden practitioners, who only want one thing from His Holiness – to remove the ban.

So please, CTA, before you do anything or spread assumptions, think of the consequence because by doing this, it only made CTA look much more foolish, especially now that there is a video on the violence which Tibetan Authorities organized against Shugden practitioners:

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Re: “Diversion Tactics”
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2014, 10:55:10 AM »


Thus my suggestion is that the CTA be debated about:


1- not to get involved with spiritual affairs

WHY? because the CTA is not competent in such affairs, the CTA has no competence in spirituality.


2- not to get involved into politics

WHY? there is, I think, for the Tibetans and everyone else, more interest today for Tibet to remain within China. To think in any other way today is: 1. un-realistic (denoting delusion), and 2. dangerous (denoting carelessness).


3- focus on cultural activities

WHY? because simply, as a body claiming to represent the Tibetans living outside the Tibetan province, the CTA can play a role in organizing cultural events and become a bridge between the exiled Tibetans and the Tibetans that live in the province of Tibet.

Nothing politic, nothing spiritual.


This is an interesting perspective indeed, the CTA as a cultural association to coordinate Tibetan cultural events for the exiled Tibetan community, But I also see it as a secular entity looking after the Tibetans in exile, assisting them with administration, schooling, looking for job opportunities, etc…

So perhaps, I would say to be more than only doing “cultural” activities, but also assisting in anything secular that the Tibetan community needs to deal with.

But indeed: nothing political and nothing religious, I reckon!