Author Topic: CONGRATULATIONS ON THE PROTESTS!  (Read 13290 times)


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« on: March 16, 2014, 09:38:35 AM »
It has been with a lot of excitement that has followed very closely all news coverage of the protests which took place in Washington, D.C. on March 7, 2014.

We wish to congratulate the International Shugden Community (ISC) on what has been a very successful series of protests. Thank you for standing up and speaking on behalf of four million Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world. In a time when religious freedoms are denied to so many, your devotion to and outspokenness for our lineage, lamas and practices is extremely inspiring.

We are especially moved by the protestors who had the courage to directly question the Dalai Lama in situations where they were completely surrounded by people who are totally against them. To our Dharma brothers and sisters in San Francisco and Washington, D.C. (Atisha's Cook, perhaps?), thank you for being the voices of the unheard and downtrodden.

We are also glad to hear that our donation was so warmly received by the ISC and will be making many more in the future. Please keep speaking up for religious freedoms, and the principle and right that all should be able to practice whatever they so wish.

Our website has exceeded 1.3 million views, and our Facebook Fanpage has exceeded 94,000 likes. We will continue to use these platforms to highlight the ISC and Kadampas' works, and raise awareness of the illogical nature of the ban AND the true wisdom nature of Dorje Shugden, so that more will know what heroes you are.

May your works, prayers and efforts towards our common goal be free from obstacles and quickly come to fruition, and may the ban be lifted soon!

With prayers,
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 09:50:55 AM by Admin »


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« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2014, 10:37:42 AM »
Thank you to International Shugden Community (ISC) for letting the world know about this unjust ban of Dorje Shugden by standing there in the heat/ cold for hours chanting away loudly with many members. 700 people in Washington, wow! 
I saw online that protestors inside the Washington National Cathedral shouted a message to the Dalai Lama as he spoke about religious freedom: "Does that include religious freedom for Dorje Shugden practitioners?"  ;D :D :-*  I can't wait to see the video!

Thank you for your timely update on the progress of the protest with links to media reporting and pictures/ videos.

I would like to applaud you for publishing "Tibetan leadership organizes violence"

I saw for myself in the video of the horror I have heard from my friends in the Tibetan settlements, it was a dark day for Tibetan Buddhism - 3,000 lay and ordained Tibetans descending upon Gaden Shartse Monastery in South India to riot against Shugdenpas, and were throwing rocks and bricks at the monks inside the prayer hall !

I congratulate you, for your 1.3 million views and your Facebook which gives me, and I am sure many others who have benefitted from Dorje Shugden's practice, hope that one day this ban will be gone and our reliance on this Wisdom Protector is not spirit worship!

I will continue to promote as I believe in you and Buddha bless you and ISC for upholding and protecting the lineage.


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« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2014, 11:10:21 AM »
Excellent and thank you for highlighting all the news updates from ISC and various medias... keeping us abreast with what's been going on with our courageous Dharma brothers and sisters of the ISC!

It is hard times like this, we must stand firm, united and strong to speak out and speak up in one voice to bring the illegal ban down and to save our pure lineage, not because we are sectarian but because this is the lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa and we should by all means do our best to preserve something this pure. Same goes with other lineage and traditions where by their students and practitioners would I am certain do the same thing to preserve their pure teachings like the Sakya, Nyingma and Kagyu.

The lineage of each Vajrayana school is unique and should be preserved in it's purest form possible instead of it getting poluted... it has been so since the time of Lord Buddha... so how dare anyone nable on it and change it's origins and methods just because of politics? This is what we we mean by polluting the pure teachings. Each has their own unique way and road map to achive enlightenment... each presented to suite different individuals, who are we to judge what is right or wrong when Buddha does not even do that. And all the great masters who have come out from their respective pure lineage, including the Dalai Lama himself, cannot suddenly point finger and decide it is wrong and change the stories around, hiding the truth and the rewriting history? That is pure deception and outrageously wrong!


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« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2014, 07:47:51 PM »
This is great news! It is heartwarming to see so many Shugden practitioners joining in all the protest and in Washington this time it included many Tibetans protestors.  They all brave the cold with warmth to pressurise the Dalai Lama and CTA to remove the ban. The ISC certainly make a strong stand and had close opportunities to be heard and question the Dalai Lama. ISC organise all the protest well.

Don't dodge Dalai Lama.  The ban has to be thrown into the trash can!


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« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2014, 01:47:06 AM »
Great! Keep the good job of changing the lives of others! The ban of Dorje Shugden deserve very much attention as the lives of millions commoners, monks and nuns are affected by this ban. The Tibetan has become disunited because of the ban. As general Buddhist practitioners passivity is not the way. It is through active fighting for others that compassionate be developed. Buddha had put in his life on the line so many times in his past life for others ahead of his needs. For us who want to alleviating the suffering of others, at this moment, lifting the ban on Dorje Shugden is the best means of giving happiness to others.


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« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2014, 05:51:40 AM »
It takes courage and heroes to stand up and speak for what they believe in. Thank you, to the International Shugden Community for braving violence, threat and potential backlash from the pro-ban supporters in bringing to international media the contradiction in His Holiness's preaches of peace around the world.

There are protests made because there is a ban on the practice no matter how much CTA, HH and anti-shugden supporters denies it. There are protests because people are being discriminated in their choice of practise..if there was really no ban, and an outright access to religious freedom, then there would be no protests. But people are feeling the end of the stick with this ban, hence people are voicing the oppression that they've been suffering and wanting the truth be told.   

Dorje Shugden stems from a recongize and pure unbroken lineage of incarnations therefore to claim that Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit has no other basis than that of the own assumptions and conclusion of His Holiness. How can one person's judgement go against hundreds of years of history? Doesn't make sense to me.

Whatever it is, this ban is unjust and a lie. All Dorje Shugden practitioners, and advocates of human rights and freedom should stand united to let the truth be told and to bring the ban down. ISC has clearly shown the path in doing so, with the recent peaceful protests which had gained much media attention. Only through education and knowledge, we can fight for what is right.

Tenzin K

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« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2014, 06:09:41 AM »
Thank you ISC for your courage to protest for the freedom of Dorje Shugden practice. I believe ISC has gave a great impact to HH Dalai Lama that the action of the ban is wrong and people will fight for their right all over the place and also showing the word that how much suffering the practitioners gone through until today. The protest was a peace one that also tells the world that Dorje Shugden practitioners is not violent as reported in

In fact if we refer to this a better pictures with evident of how violent the CTA tortures make the practitioners.

Thanks for DS.Com for all the news provided. It really provides us a great vast and details information.
Pls keep up the great work let the truth of the suffering from the ban be known to the world and questions the Spiritual Leader for the freedom and lift the ban!


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« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2014, 11:46:32 AM »
This video is on the talk by the Dalai Lama at the National Cathedral, Washington.  Two protestors had the chance to question the Dalai Lama regarding Dorje Shugden before they were escorted out of the Cathedral.  But the Dalai Lama dodge the second question.  Bravo ISC! 

Full "Beyond Religion: Ethics for the Whole World" Dalai Lama Speech


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« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2014, 12:02:37 PM »
at 37.30 you can hear the protestor ask the DL, "Your Holiness, does this also apply to Dorje Shugden practitioners!" and around 38.30 another protestor asks "Are you saying that Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche were wrong ?" upon which the second protestor was escorted out of the cathedral by state department security. The first protestor was not escorted out of the cathedral.


Kim Hyun Jae

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« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2014, 01:59:33 PM »
If I can recall, the ISC and their related group of people went onto Causes online to highlight their plans on the various protests locations and outreach to any practicing Dorje Shugden supporters or those interested in religious freedom to come join them to voice their dissatisfaction when HH the Dalai Lama were in the US.

It took courage and guts for DS practitioners or protesters to come out into the open to be verbal about their stand on the DS ban, braving winter cold, monetary problems, putting personal issues aside to join ISC at all the various locations.

I salute the ISC for their continuous effort to make their stand strong until the DS ban is lifted. We are behind your effort and support the ISC fully.


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« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2014, 08:09:23 AM »
It is so good to hear that Dorje Shugden practitioners are joining forces to create more awareness towards the truth and the lifting of the ban. It is heartwarming that members of International Shugden Community (ISC) braved the heat in California and the cold weather in Washington to gather for a peaceful protest. In joining forces with the support from who make a small donations towards the Washington protest with updates and highlights on the progress of the protest with pictures and videos, more people will be aware that the ban is unjust and it should be lifted soon!

I thank the ISC for their unwavering effort and support to lift the ban and to for providing all the information.


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« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2014, 06:19:35 PM »
to voice their dissatisfaction when HH the Dalai Lama were in the US.

His Hollowness the Dalie Lame, I guess.


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« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2014, 10:03:31 AM »
It's great that the ISC and are supporting and complementing each other. With peace and understanding between Dorje Shugden practitioners and the wish to join hands with the sole goal of bringing down the ban... it strengthens our presence and message to the world that Dorje Shugden is indeed the true promoter of peace, harmony and compassion.

I hope to see more news of ISC on in the future. It is very good to have them on the website as we all know how influential and how much impact the website has on the CTA and many people that are practicing DS behind the scenes. Reading about how much is being done to lift the ban on DS gives so much hope to those that are unable to do so. 


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« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2014, 05:53:07 AM »
I rejoice and congratulate ISC for their bravery to speak up and also through their actions we can see clearly their Guru Devotion and passion in Dharma, and in preserving our pure lineage. When we as Dorje Shugden practitioners join forces and are be united, we will definitely be stronger and our voices will be louder and heard by more. The more and more people speak up, combining forces and working in harmony, with the right motivation and actions, I believe we can definitely bring the ban down faster! 

It is a perfect match; does the online actions and education while ISC does the physical actions! This will surely irk the Tibetan Govt and pro-Dalai Lama supporters because well, the truth is being revealed. At the end of the day we are not doing anything wrong but just telling the truth, and truth is truth, it cannot be twisted or covered up for too long and will eventually come out, no one can erase that.

We just need create more awareness so that more people will investigate and find out the truth. Our Dharma Protector has done so much and the high Lamas who practice Dorje Shugden has done so much for humanity and for so many in Gaden, Sera and Drepung and even His Holiness works, and even sponsored so much!

How is it that all kindness can be forgotten, disregarded and not only that, our lineage Gurus such as Pabonka and Trijang Rinpoche and many more be treated with so much disrespect, inhuman, unethical actions that is lower than a beast? How can monks and nuns act in such uncompassionate ways and even dare throw away their Guru Devotion and Dharma and trade it in for politics? It is really a clear sign that Dharma has degenerated! But the Dharma has also taught is that nothing is "permanent" and things can change.... and definitely there is "karma" and it will come back. We must not give up and lose of faith!     


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« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2014, 05:52:52 AM »
Could we discuss with you His Holiness the Dalai Lama about the Dorje Shugden issue. Surely we can be considered human and can discuss about this issue right?

But I do feel the ISC people are very wise to challenge the Dalai Lama's Dorje Shugden ban in the centre stage and in the open. Isn't Nechung a spirit too? Maybe thats the next question to ask?  And why can't Buddhism overcome a mere spirit born from negative / misdirected aspirations?  Well the Dalai Lama and CTA have put Shugden on the world stage now thats beneficial.