Author Topic: Why So Vulgar?  (Read 11190 times)


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Why So Vulgar?
« on: May 17, 2014, 12:12:34 AM »
Individual Tibetans have to mind their behaviour and not bring their compatriots’ good name into disrepute. When pro-Dalai Lama supporters lash out their anger with such venom, it only destroy the good image of the Dalai Lama who worked extremely hard in his lifetime as a world renowned peace loving man and hence his people a peaceful race. Such unruly behaviour only makes Tibetans a barbaric race and bring nothing beneficial but great shame to Tibetans.


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2014, 04:13:13 AM »
These unruly behaviors were uncalled for and inappropriate. Pro-Dalai Lama supporters had acted out of sheer ignorance and hatred. Had they not realised their negative reactions were very rude, impolite and reflect badly of their upbringing and moral conduct? Where are their sense of basic manners and courtesies? Their kind spiritual teachers, parents and guardians would not have taught them to behave in these ways. Don't they ever feel ashamed of their actions?
Please don't bring disrepute to Tibetan Buddhism, HH Dalai Lama, and those people who had been kind to you.
If you want others to respect you, please mind your unruly behaviour.  Be mindful of the repercussions to your negative thoughts, speeches and actions.

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2014, 02:07:12 PM »
This is disgusting to the core. How these people who purport to be Buddhists can use this sort of language. Whatever this views, this sort of behaviour in uncalled, especially when in discussion about religious practices, what ever religion you are discussing, that's just simple curtesy. It seems that those who are engaged in the sort of behaviour, however are not really Buddhist, otherwise they would not act in this way.

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2014, 03:55:28 PM »
Are these people for real? They are urging others to stop worshipping an evil spirit and follow the real Dharma. What kind of Dharma are they practicing that uses such foul and harsh language? I don't get it. Seems to me they are worshipping an even bigger and more evil spirit than the one they are accusing the Shugdenpas are praying to.
Being vulgar and foul online and showing violent tendencies physically to the world is definitely not going to bring the support of other nations towards your Free Tibet cause. Why would a super powerful China grant independence to a group of wild barbaric people who would not mind their manners and language.

Tenzin K

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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2014, 04:47:57 PM »
If you are the true student of the Dalai Lama act like one. Cursing or being vulgar is not what I see from the Dalai Lama. If Dalai Lama practices compassion what come out from his mouth is compassion so as believer in him shouldn’t you act and talk like one? How can vulgar show the truth of situation? Represent your respectfully for Dalai Lama. Your vulgar words just bring shame to the Dalai Lama.

By being vulgar does not proof the ban is right. Tell in respectful way! Keep being vulgar and violent just show the world that the supporter of the Dalai Lama is the one that creating so much of suffering to the Shugden practitioners. It’s the fact from your responds in words!

So sad for the pro Dalai Lama which only being vulgar an obviously the Tibetan government will only watch and never act to educate the people. This just going to show what type of people are supporting the Dalai Lama and how to bring freedom to the country by just being vulgar?


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2014, 07:42:14 PM »
It is very sad to see that practicing Buddhists and government practicing Buddhism, especially under the teaching of His Holiness Dalai Lama are behaving so vulgar. It is total opposite to the teachings of His Holiness Dalai Lama that focus a lot on compassion, peace, wisdom.
I believe the people may have been provoked or paid to react in this way, or they have been instilled with all the wrong views until they think that to protect their ‘leader’/‘king’/‘god’, i.e. HH Dalai Lama, it is ok for them to behave in this way to eliminate all his enemies.
I do hope through creating awareness and spreading the news around, more people will know about how the Shugden practitioners are being treated and create the pressure for the CTA and the anti-Shugden practitioners will take a look at how bad actions that they have done. They do not just creating a lot of bad karma for themselves but also putting down the image of His Holiness.
Please lift the ban! Please treat all equally with love and compassion!

Big Uncle

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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2014, 02:58:05 AM »
This just shows that the Tibetans are generally of lower education and etiquette. They do not represent the Dalai Lama nor any of his great teachings on compassion and the Dharma. In fact, they probably know very little to nothing. I am not surprised that they are still struggling to reclaim Tibet and much of what they have accomplished was done because of the Dalai Lama and great lamas - of which many are great Shugden practitioners. I am sure they don't know this and even if they do know, it is blocked out of their minds.

If they truly wanna persuade others towards the Shugden ban, they should do it with care, understanding, explanations and politely. But then again, they probably can't because they don't know enough Dharma to explain it. Anyway, if one know enough Dharma, one would realize that the justifications against Dorje Shugden does not hold water. There you go. In the end, it would be better to just shut up. Well, at least there was no vulgarities used here.


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2014, 07:49:28 AM »
This is the most recent event at Rotterdam Ahoy: Watch this video, Dalai Lama supporters attack protesters.


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2014, 09:23:43 AM »
It is sad that followers of the Dalai Lama are behaving this way and it gives a bad image for the Dalai Lama. Real dharma practitioners do not act or speak in this manner.  These people are barbaric, uncultured, unexposed and they don't make the effort to learn and understand the truth. It shows that they know so little. If they are practicing real dharma they wont be using harsh and vulgar words.

The ban is making life difficult for DS practitioners yet they do not create violence or react in harsh manner. Even in all the recent protests, it was all peaceful. On the other hand, it is the anti DS that is creating all the vulgarities and violence towards the DS practitioners.

christine V

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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2014, 12:42:03 PM »
It is heart-breaking to watch the followers of Nobel prize winner-Dalai Lama behave so vulgar towards the people who peacefully request the Nobel Peace Winner for religion freedom.

It is truly a damaging image to show the world that Buddhist are contradicting themselves. With this kind of vulgar attitude and behavior, how could other people positively believe that Buddhism is good and is a peace religion? The behavior that The Dalai Lama followers have are truly disgrace to Dalai Lama. Or should i say, is going to damage the peace image that Dalai Lama have?

Kim Hyun Jae

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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2014, 04:07:47 PM »
I agree with what Big Uncle said.

Those pro Dalai Lama's behaviour (from the video) were disgusting, especially the Tibetan men who were shouting abusive language and Tibetan women who flung their skirt at the peaceful DS protesters.

You could be right that those Tibetan does not follow the dharma nor practice such teachings as it didn't reflect upon their behavior. Had these Tibetans been educated, they can come upfront to have a direct open debate with the DS protesters to present their view versus being vulgar, abusive and unruly. Its a true reflection of their states of mind.

Solomon Lang

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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2014, 05:10:06 AM »
First and foremost there is the law of karma.

There’s also religion, there’s politics, there’s culture.
There’s intellect and there are emotions.

It is hence not surprising to see some posting vulgarity when confronted with this rather complex issue. It isn’t acceptable form to many, but who is to dictate how individuals react.

The vulgarity, the blatant lies, the coercion, the violence, the deafness, the silence, the confusion, the biasness, the nepotism, the devotion, all are manifestions of one’s own karma I believe.

At the end of the day however, hopefully and wishfully, we will get over these obstacles stronger and most importantly wiser. I’m hopeful this will happen as I believe the Buddhas are watching.
Solomon's Judgement: 2 women came to resolve a quarrel over which was d true mother of a baby. When Solomon suggested they should divide d child in two with a sword, one said she would rather give up d child than see it killed. Solomon then declared d woman who showed compassion 2b the true mother.


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2014, 07:53:12 AM »
Dear Icy,

You think this is vulgar? Read on

If you watch the video on
Tibetan leadership organizes violence against Shugden people Small | Large
fully ordained monks from Gaden Jangtse and Drepung Gomang Monasteries, and nuns from the local nunneries, were seen throwing rocks and bricks at the monks inside the prayer hall (at 2:58, 3:16 and 3:38 in the video).

On top of that, lay Tibetan women issued the most vulgar, degrading insult possible in Tibetan society – they flapped their aprons, cursing the monks as is the traditional manner in which a Tibetan woman would do so (at 1:37 in the video).

Shocking truth the CTA has been hiding. Would you trust a government that is bias and hides the truth? No wonder his people behaves like that.

Dondrup Shugden

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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2014, 08:52:46 AM »
Uncouth people will succumb to vulgarity, bullying tactics and indecency when faced with fear and at the point of losing out.

Why such vulgarity if they are followers of the DL, who teaches compassion and loving kindness?  My opinion is that they are peeved and disturbed by all the truth published with sound proof and being made known to the world at large, especially to the human rights organisations that look at the Ban with great injustice and repression of human rights to personal faith and practices. 

Are these vulgar people, the supporters of the DL or the CTA? Since the DL had relinquished his leadership at CTA, will the CTA and its supporters do more harm to the Shugden Practitioners? Let that not happen anymore and the BAN be removed by DL. 


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Re: Why So Vulgar?
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2014, 06:14:26 AM »
Incredible! This shows clearly that Tibetans are very violent people and not peaceful Buddhist as they portrayed for the world to see.

They always blame Dorje Shugden people as being harmful and bad but here we have evidence that these pro-Dalai Lama followers are the ones that are harmful. In fact they would get aggressive and violent if need be to anyone against His Holiness. It does not matter if what you are saying is the truth, logical, right or wrong, if you are against the Dalai Lama you will basically be threatened, be treated badly, be persecuted, and possibly be even harmed. Just from the way they act, talk, response, you can tell they sure aren't very gentle, peaceful, compassionate Buddhist. And all this aggression while they are proceeding to enter to receive teachings on compassion and wisdom?! Wow that is a joke!

They remind me of extremist, like the Taliban, who would kill all in the name of their "God" and in this case, the Dalai Lama. These are the very wrong view and attitude just like how fanatical Muslim extremist act. They do not even realise that their behaviour represent the Dalai Lama and how it is dragging the Dalai Lama's reputation down even further and creating a very bad image of Vajrayana Buddhism and Tibetans at large. Already the ban has caused many to lose respect for the Dalai Lama, creating doubts in this "Peaceful holy man". Makes one wonder what is so great about His Holiness when His own people do not follow His teachings on religious tolerance, compassion and loving-kindness?

I wonder why His Holiness does not say anything to calm and persuade His followers to be more "compassionate" and to act more befitting of a so called "Buddhist". By Him not saying anything actually gives us the impression that He condones this violent vulgar behaviour. This is something we need to be aware and be cautious of because this is how civil war starts. Is His Holiness starting such a war amongst His people while He travels around the world teaching Compassion and requesting human rights from the Chinese when He does not do the same for His own kind? Strange and dark times indeed.