Author Topic: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?  (Read 7076 times)

christine V

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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2014, 09:25:04 AM »
What else can CTA do?
Torture their own people who are same as refugees status, defamed those high lamas, steal monastery , attack innocent monks. What else. This is what they can do. Lies after lies .. bully after bully..
CTA, please.. dont you have shame on this?


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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2014, 09:28:34 AM »
I really like this picture quote by Icy... it is most apt for Mr. Penpa!

Since when does politician layman were given the right to educate or advice people about "Spirituality"? It's not the appropriate thing to do for any Govt and they've totally sunk down to the bottom now. This time CTA has gone too far, and too desperate, they have to poison and manipulate young innocent Tibetans' minds by feeding them with as Icy stated in the pix "Bullshit"... pardon me! But it is a whole lota bull and it is really beneath them to do something so disgusting! It also goes to show how the CTA will at all cost, change the course of history, condemn Lamas, (though they are are so called Buddhist) risk collecting enormous negative karma by condemning someone as great a Je Pabongkha, just so they can escape being caught for Human Rights Abuse!!!

I hope these young educated Tibetans will go online, search online and investigate for themselves, I hope they have some good merits to listen to some truth instead of being a sheep follower.

Agreed to what dsiluvu has said. If these brainstorming continue, it will cause Buddhism to degenerate faster, especially on Gelug lineage. People will not respect Buddhism if it is full of lies, condemning the high lamas, creating violence and harm to others.

In addition, within the tantras of the Gelug school, lamas such as Pabongka Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche are a part of the lineage lamas we recite supplication prayers to daily to invoke and absorb their blessing into our practice. All the sadhanas of Vajrayogini, Heruka, Yamantaka and Guhyasamaja that are taught and practiced within the Gelug school today all include Pabongka Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche within the prayers to the lineage lamas. If Pabongka Rinpoche and  Trijang Rinpoche are worshiping spirits and have broken their refuge vows, then HH Dalai Lama and the whole Gelugpa tantric systems and all Gelug sadhanas today are therefore nullified and empty of blessings, because they have all obtained their teachings and practices from a broken, tainted lineage of teachers. (Please refer to )

Therefore, Penpa Tsering and CTA, please stop lying! Please do not lie just to make you look good and for your political gain. In fact, you have nothing to gain at the end if there is no HH Dalai Lama or Buddhism or Gelug Lineage in Tibet. Wake up and lift the ban!!

Freyr Aesiragnorak

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Re: Defame Pabongka Rinpoche, what will CTA do next?
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2014, 10:45:11 AM »
What will they think of next? The CTA really have no idea what they are doing. They think by carrying on with their old tactics of literally ordering people what to think and feel, how to act, they will keep control of their utterly ridiculous policy. Well, wake up CTA. Your own youth are challenging what you are touting to your face! You think stepping up your game and insulting, defaming and belittling such great masters, and not only from the Gelug lineage as that, will get you what you want. Think again, because you move back fired like hell! How dare you insult the great masters like this! Your speech and actions betray your hypocrisy, base attitudes towards your own people and your lies!