Well, I am a little concerned about the methodology in this case. I am for bringing attention to what the DL is doing, but I am not for making him look reasonable (on TV) while we look unreasonable (on TV).
I think if they ask a question and he answers.... okay.... then say he's lying after he finishes talking or something, otherwise, he looks good (like he tries to do) and we look bad.
I am not sure all the ISC is really trying to bring attention to the DL and what he is doing wrong, but some of them almost seem to want to make him look better and us look worse. This was no exception to that.
THey really played down with the press in the U.S. most significant and pertinent info about the ban, and might be leading people to think the DL isn't such a bad guy. Some people say they are with SHugden, but they aren't really doing Shugden, just like Zong Rinpoche said. The ISC has had some really unusual choices for people who spoke in the U.S., given that they seemed really unable to point out the things that are severe human rights violations.
Then, I am just saying, you know, the DL people were willing to take a Shugden person's question, and then the "Shugden person" is yelling at him.... I mean normally the DL doesn't really allow us to speak at all, and this time he STILL managed not to speak about it, and they made the uh "Shugden" person leave.
I am saying it looks staged. The Dalai Lama's mouth appears incapable of truth, do we expect his more fanatical followers to be any more up front?