Author Topic: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List  (Read 7052 times)


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The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« on: September 18, 2014, 03:15:08 AM »
How can the CTA expect to be considered a legitimate organization by anyone reputible when they publish a hit list?  They seem more like a terrorist organization than a government.
  They could improve matters considerably if one of them would read about how government and religion should be separate in any democratic system.  They are crazy, okay, because they demonize a part of Buddhism, but they do it via their government;  they can't do that and say that they are giving equal rights to Shugden practitioners.  The very fact that the government talks against a group is discrimination.  They are so feudal.
  At any rate, I appreciated this article a lot, for one thing I liked the way it brings up the translation of the term "Dolgyal" Spirit King Of Dol, which says right there that the government is passing judgement, and speaking derogatorily of a religion.  (Well, it's part of Buddhism, but they are jerks, okay).


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Re: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2014, 03:56:22 PM »
I think that their press release is a joke. It is evident that the CTA is covering up their ulterior motives of publishing the “hit-list” of Tibetans who protested against the unjust ban enforced by His Holiness and the government in exile.

Protests occur all the time. If CTA published that list to inform other Tibetans with no access to materials online who protested, why don’t the CTA also publish a list of people who protests for Free Tibet, since they are unsung heroes to the Tibetan cause? They should be mentioned too. All governments should in fact do a list of people who protest for they all in one way or another, calls for action and creates change – but why has no other government done that thus far? Because it just isn’t right, and the government isn’t out to get its own people, but to listen to what they need and see if they can accommodate to their wishes. Its funny the way CTA operates and thinks.

And to generalise and label that all Dorje Shugden practitioners have a history of violence is insulting. The 5th Dalai Lamas attendants were the ones who killed Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen. Does that mean that all of the Dalai Lama’s attendants are also violent and all have the intention to murder? Of course not! So by saying what they did on the press release, they are inciting and basing their accounts on false accusations with no basis, evidence or proof.


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Re: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2014, 12:58:07 PM »
All these while, they are so arrogant and do things without any reasoning. They just have to tell the Tibetans that HH Dalai Lama said so, and Tibetans will just blindly follow. In the past, CTA will just arrogantly ignore the objections, but from what I see now, they are actually spending their time to defend it.

What does that mean? Is CTA losing support from the west that they need to clarify? I have mentioned quite a few times that one way to stop this absurd ban on Dorje Shugden is to hit them on what it hurts them the most: financially, because their main survival is from the donations from their supporter especially in the west. I also wonder how they will "survive" when HH Dalai Lama passed into clear light...


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Re: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2014, 05:07:04 PM »
CTA is no difference just like the Mafia or gangster, they impose ban and discrimination against DS practitioners, and now with the Hit List, what kind of Buddhist are they? They do not protect Buddhist teaching but instead destroying Buddhism through the ban of Dorje Shugden, all this can be clearly seen in videos of the persecution and discrimination and lies to the Tibetans people in India and also the world.


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Re: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2014, 06:18:31 PM »
This is really an affront to logic as well as an outright lie. This is the first time I see a “government” would publish a hit-list of a group of people just because they have done protest peacefully and then follow by giving official statement with a lot of BS reasoning and lies to cover themselves. 

CTA think that all their people are still so ignorance and uneducated? We should share this on social media so that more people can read and see what kind of government they are. Tibetan are not so unexposed as we have seen the Tibetan Youth has been asking very good and logical questions on the Shugden Ban (
Let’s share this so that more people can know who CTA are. Let’s share so that more are aware of the situation and the discrimination and the sufferings that the Shudgen practitioners have to endure.  May the ban be lifted so that the Shugden practitioners can have their human rights for education, medical, religious freedom etc.


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Re: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2014, 06:42:05 AM »
Forget about the Dorje Shugden ban, Tibetans should focus on overthrowing the current CTA and create a new administrative order that can actually benefit the Tibetan people. Seriously! There are many corrupt governments in this world, in fact there probably isn't one that is not but CTA is simply ridiculous. You don't even have a country anymore so to speak, why the heck is CTA going around terrorizing its own people instead of making lives better for exiled Tibetans.


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Re: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2014, 01:03:13 AM »
Tibetans should step forward to stop and disallow the CTA to further ruin the peace and harmony of the people in Tibet.  At one hand the CTA has been negotiating with the Chinese on the return of Tibet to the Tibetan but at the other hand, the CTA intentionally tearing apart the nation with the ban of Dorje Shugden. What type of Buddhist practitioners are these CTA’s members? Really shame on all of you!!. The Tibetans are not blind and they are able to distinguish between the good and the bad!  CTA will definitely loss the support and faith of the nation in time to come if they continuously create all these lies .


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Re: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2014, 06:19:29 PM »

By refusing to acknowledge the discrimination that is taking place against Shugden followers, the CTA has failed the Tibetan community in exile miserably. Instead of discouraging discrimination, it accuses the Shugden community of paranoia and persecution mania. But perhaps the paranoia is the CTA’s alone, so much so that it has deemed it necessary to create imaginary adversaries in Dorje Shugden and his followers’ involvement in a conspiracy orchestrated by Beijing.


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Re: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2014, 12:12:05 AM »
Again the CTA justifies their actions. CTA has no interest in keeping harmony among the Tibetans. It is very sad that instead of pulling down the hit list they justifies with their own brand of logic. They CTA is going to keep on harping more righteous reasoning to maintain their good image. There is so much you could do before you're going to lose people's confidence.


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Re: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2014, 09:29:18 AM »
The CTA behaves like uneducated, feudalistic and barbaric group be people that the very practice of Buddhism is trying to eradicate. This behavior directly contradict the teachings of the Buddha that the Dalai Lama is suppose to preach, ie wisdom, honesty, compassion and loving kindness. Moreover, they use accusations that are convenient to them but are not proven; ie that Shugdenites are murderers and are supported by the Chinese; to rally the emotions of the Tibetan public in general. They show total ignorance and disrespect not only to Shugdenites but also the very target audience they are trying to convince; ie the Tibetans.
Hence, the CTA is not fit to represent the Tibetans in exile and certainly those who are abroad and those in Tibet/China. In conclusion, so as long as their are still in power, the Tibetan cause is lost.


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Re: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2014, 04:33:05 PM »
What is this all about if there's no ban on the practise of Dorje Shugden, what is CTA motivation behind this press release? A list in order for the pro-Dalai Lama/ CTA supporters have a much easier job for them to do something about the pro-Shugden monks who are merely wanted to practice this lineage which was been past it down to them for generations. Let's not forget the tutors of His Holiness was Shugden practitioners as well. How can these High Lamas can be wrong about Shugden and yet is qualified to be the tutor of His Holiness. Simply illogical.

Gabby Potter

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Re: The CTA defends the Shugden Hit List
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2015, 09:58:32 PM »
If you have been paying attention to what the CTA does, you'll realise that they have not achieved much and they are just good at talking, that's it. How are they going to rule the country like that? I have no idea. I feel really bad for them because they don't admit their mistakes and instead they make up some stories and try to put the blame on others, causing people to separate.