Author Topic: Appreciation Letters:)  (Read 18026 times)


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2014, 01:53:39 AM »
Agree with DharmaDefender and shugdenpromoter that admin should ignore what this Jeff Ryan has posted. He may be very highly placed at a certain place but I think he has forgotten about the basic foundation of Buddhism. He has reached such lofty heights that he cannot see the foundation anymore. He has let frustrations and his perceptions get to him.
With my pea sized intellect, I would liken the situation to a soccer match where the strikers have lost sight of the goal and are attacking their own defenders. Now, all the opponents has to do is watch them score their own goals and defeat themselves. It takes a team who have the same vision in the same direction to win a match. The strikers have to do what they do and the defenders do what they do and both work together, else it will just simply implode.
Can’t help seeing the parallel in Spiderman too. He’s a good guy but wears a mask but just because he wears a mask, he is perceived to be evil. Only those people that Spiderman has helped personally knows the truth. I had hoped that Jeff Ryan would be like to more as ‘JOSEPH ROBBIE ROBERTSON’ was to Spiderman. Unfortunately, he has shown himself to be more of a J. JONAH JAMESON. Ah, life in Samsara………..
And, the Buddha Shakyamuni has 84,000 teachings……..and Shar Gaden appreciates the work of

Tenzin K

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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2014, 02:55:23 PM »
It’s so nice to know that Shar Gaden Monastery is writing the appreciation letter to not only sharing and providing the great information of Lord Shugden practices but also up to date on the latest happening news on what happening around the world with regards to the Lord Shugden practitioners. On top of that also raises funds for Shar Gaden Monastery, not just tirelessly look out for latest information to share but at the same time also supporting in monetary term. The support from is really inspiring. I personally learn a lot from and I believe may people, monastery and institution have benefited from this site.

The website has shown the world the truth and the unfairness of the ban and evident of the ban which the Dalai Lama and CTA have been keep denying. This website is the portal and also the bridge for people who doesn’t know or wanting to know more about the lineage, practice, past history, current issues, latest update pertaining Lord Shugden practices and practitioners.

Please keep up the good work and I believe more and more people will show their appreciation and should show their appreciation because this is an education website that help many to understand the practice and also share the truth of the issue that the practitioners faces. Not only the practitioners should support but many people out there will support for the freedom of choice, for the freedom of religious practice and for the freedom of human right.


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2014, 03:32:53 AM »
Congratulations for being so much appreciated especially by such esteem members of the sangha community. I know your purpose for putting in so much effort in researching for facts and publishing them is not to receive praises and accolades but when one's teacher and the sangha is pleased with our work, it generates an immense amount of merit. This is more meaningful than a Nobel Peace Prize!

Two things that stuck out when I read the appreciation letter from Shar Gaden Monastery are:

1. It is also a precious resource and reference to educate the public about the history: well said. is packed with information, data, photos, current news, etc etc that it has become a reliable resource center for anyone and everyone who needs to learn anything about Dorje Shugden.

2. Some of us must practice openly at the forefront while others must remain anonymous during these difficult and dangerous times, so that the work may continue in safety: very well said. CTA has gotten so desperate and cruel that they would do anything at all costs, even of their own reputation , to cause physical harm to Dorje Shugden monks and lay practitioners.


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2014, 03:38:54 AM »
As soon as I posted the above comment, I saw in disbelief and disgust this youtube video  on how the Dalai Lama followers behaved. Do take a look.


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2014, 10:04:10 AM »
Wow! At first received an appreciation letter from Shar Gaden, and now received yet another appreciation letter from Serpom Monastery!

I really like this website because their authors put in a lot of effort to provide accurate and factual information. I respect HH Dalai Lama very much, but I choose not be be like many of the HH Dalai Lama followers who only take His words (and CTA words) without thinking / contemplating.

I pray that will continue to work hard to give us more news and most importantly in helping to lift the ban!


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2014, 04:47:54 PM »
Monasteries like Shar Gaden and Serpom are places whereby traditionally monks are trained and the Gaden lineage is being preserved. So to get letter of endorsements from these two monasteries is a significant milestone for this website who has keep the world abreast with what is happening to the ban and Dorje Shugden lamas and practitioners. This is a rejoicing event for everyone who has contributed to and its unique way of combating the ban.

The website in my observation strives to give accurate information about what is happening to the Gaden Tradition, knowledge and the style of writing determined to provide only the essential information that can shape and make a difference for the reader and affect events that are occurring in real time. To my understanding , many violent acts could have escalated if not for the website, it has probably prevented many other violent act against lamas and practitioners, facilitated the entry of Domo Geshe to be enrolled to Shar Gaden, stopped CTA in its tracks to say and act without a care in the world, educating us about the history behind the practice and all the lineage lamas who relied upon Dorje Shudgen etc etc


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2014, 04:58:11 PM »
What a wonderful news, thanks for the great Abbot Emeritus of Shar Ganden Monastery, Kensur Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Phende and Khen Rinpoche Lobsang Jinpa for appreciate hard works and always support to is truly the Best Source to get the complete info of Lama Tsongkhapa lineage and Dorje Shugden just like the world wide international channel BBC. I feel that is the BBC of Dorje Shugden.

Shugdenpas should visit to always to get the lastest update hence we able to promote Dorje Shugden practice to others by

For Anti-Shugden party as i always see their not nice comments in and DS facebook, i highly recommend that they might to use their limited life time to gain more knowledge just like we are learning Tibetan Buddhism but also get to know more of Catholic and other religion just to improve our knowledge...

I sincerely wish that those non agree party may google the DS info or visit to take their time to read the articles one by one then try to clarified the truth behind. If they still not agree but at least get to know the truth but not simply write out the not nice words again.

In spite of create bad karma, why not use our limited life time get to learn more. We may continue our own practice but after reveal and clarified the truth please respect and use our Body, Speech and Mind correctly.

We should use our hands to holding varja and bell, mala, or doing mudra and offer to our Yidam rather than typing or writing non correct comments due to our limited knowledge or throwing stone and hurt others.

We should use our mouth to recite mantra, sharing the correct Dharma info rather than hurting or sharing the unchecked info to others.

We should use our mind to load the positive imprint so we may use on the next life time rather than just loading the negative ideas to force others follow what u say but without any research info and not any humble respect to others.

I truly appreciate the team that non stop working for revealing the truth for us so we can be more confident with our practice hence get to know more about Lama Tsongkhapa lineage in details.

May the Ban lifted soon, so all the Shugdenpas able to spread the teaching to ten directions hence the anti Shugden party may not continue to write and say the not nice comments again...


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2014, 06:27:26 PM »

Thank you kris for highlighting that Serpom Monastery is also sending an appreciation letter to

Rejoice to know that there are recognition from Serpom, another great monastery besides Shar Gaden that upholding the lineage and practices of Dorje Shugden. Both Serpom and Shar Gaden are the main monasteries that training a lot of high lamas, monks of Dorje Shugden’s lineage in this difficult times.

May the monasteries, and all Dorje Shugden lamas and practitioners work hand-in-hand to exchange information and to spread the news and practices of the sacred practice of Dorje Shugden that will help to lift the ban soonest. 


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2014, 06:50:23 PM »

Great blessings and endorsement from Shar Gaden Monastery to this amazing website ,Dorje Shugden. com which provides updates and correct informations on Dorje Shugden and the truth behind the ban.
The wonderful and hardworking people behind this website that has benefitted many Dorje Shugden practitioners.

Andrea Keating

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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2014, 05:36:15 AM »
Congratulations to for receiving all appreciation letters! To have the recognition from high lamas and Shar Gaden, it truly means something. Thank you for providing the information all these years. The world would have been shielded from the truth of how ds monks and practitioners suffered if it’s not for providing the information. Thank you!


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2014, 04:01:38 AM »
The Dorje Shugden monasteries are very kind to send appreciation letters. I was quite sad to see so many people critical of, citing stories they have heard etc but NO specifics. Reeks of cowardice to me, and schism, because you are deliberately stating that is presenting WRONG information.

What do critics seek to achieve? Simply to stop people coming here? Why? Which information is wrong? IF there is any information critics deem inaccurate, point it out... it may or may not be accurate but at least let people clarify. After all, i don't think anyone professes to be perfect (except the critics perhaps).

These letters of appreciation do validate the information on though. After all, if there is much false information here, why would these esteemed monasteries send their appreciation? It doesn't make sense, does it? Perhaps critics are jealous that has so many readers, in which case they have to contemplate why. If you know better, have better information, have more accurate information, better photos etc etc etc, then contribute and share the knowledge with those who really appreciate it.

The people at don't even shout their names from the rooftops which tells me that they are not here for fame and glory and acknowledgement but just with the pure intention to share information about our beloved Protector. So, as Dharma Defender says:

I have always been of the opinion that if you think you can do better, please do! The more powerful DS websites, the better. Why criticise and join in the negative chatter when you do nowt about providing another beneficial resource on Dorje Shugden? Give people alternatives, otherwise why bring it up at all? Devotion isnt shown by putting other people down, destroying their work, belittling their efforts and criticising them.

Its all just hot air shugdenpromoter and I suggest you ignore them as I have.

Dear Administration,

I just read the earlier article on this forum on "His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche at Ganden Khachoe Shing - 2014" and the comment made by Jeff Ryans.

I would like to let the administration know that you are doing a great job with this website. This website have given hope to those who lost hope. And it has given light to the times when it was dark. This website has made myself stronger in my practice and also faith in Shugden over the years. And I know I am not the only one.  It has become a reference point for anything related to Shugden.

Do continue this good work regardless of whatever others might say. Out of 10 people, 2 or 3 will not agree but there are 7 to 8 which will always be appreciative of what the website have provided over the years.
Kate Walker - a wannabe wisdom Being


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2014, 02:42:29 PM »
It’s really nice and wonderful for to receive such appreciation letter from Shar Gaden  monastery of which all their hard works through toil and sweat have been recognized and acknowledged, especially by High Lamas. This clearly shows that has been going on the right and correct track to spread words, news, update and information on Dorje Shugden which eventually, create the cause for the lift up of the ban. Please continue to keep up your good work and provide us with more news and thank you for being the torch for all DS practitioners!!


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2014, 12:52:38 PM »
During this difficult period, as the result of the Shugden ban, the monks in Shar Gaden Monastery are really tested to their core.  Although their daily sustenance has been challenged the Sanghas at Shar Gaden are truly inspirational, they did not waver a micro bit but they remain steadfast in their practice. I rejoice that DorjeShugden.Com has been the main kind sponsor to Shar Gaden Monastry during this turbulent time. Hence,  this appreciation letter to DorjeShugden.Com is really apt.

Recently, Serpom Thoesam Norling Monastery located in Bylakuppe, Mysore, India led by Venerable Tripon Rinpoche has also sent in their appreciation in support of DorjeShugden.Com.  You can view this letter on this page: 

I will not be surprised to see more of such appreciation letters to coming from every possible organisations and lamas in support of in their extensive and well deserving activities in the near future.


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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2014, 06:00:46 AM »


Tenzin K

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Re: Appreciation Letters:)
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2014, 07:15:36 AM »
Great news.....more appreciation letters!
Even HH Ganden Tripa has sent his appreciation to

The hard work from the people of will never be wasted and will always be appreciated by many people that have faith with Dorje Shugden. In fact the information provided in the website will give more knowledge and understanding of the lineage, practices and news update. The website has provide the platform for many Shugdenpas to continue their practices.

The letters from various monastery and individual Lama shows their appreciation and support towards effort and contribution. This is great and i believe there are more to come.

The admin of pls continue this website and together the move on to fight for lifting the ban.