I found some quotes by the Dalai Lama XIV on the website:
"I defeat my enemys when I make them my friends."
"The enemy is the necessary condition for practicing patience."
"Your enemies are your best spiritual teacher."
If the above are quotes by Dalai Lama, isn't the title of the book contradict Dalai Lama's quotes? If we want to make friend with our enemy, we don't hack our enemy nor our friend, right? If enemy help us in practicing patience, we should love our enemy, cos without them, we won't be able to practice. As for Spiritual teacher, we should respect and love our teacher. We don't hack our teacher, how very rude, disrespect and worst thing that one would hack your teacher. Dalai Lama has provided foreward for the book, this means DL agree with Robert Thurman on hacking our enemies. Very confusing, which should be the one to follow?