Author Topic: Previous Incarnations of our Lineage Gurus  (Read 6406 times)


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Previous Incarnations of our Lineage Gurus
« on: January 25, 2010, 03:01:56 PM »
Dear friends,

In Eight Steps to Happiness Geshe Kelsang says there was a little book produced which listed all the previous incarnations of Trijang Dorjechang and he lists some of them, but not all.  Recently on this forum we've seen a painting of all these incarnations.

For the sake of increasing our faith in this great Master, I'd be very grateful if someone could produce a list of all these incarnations for this forum.  If anyone has a similar list for the Glorious Pabongkha Dechen Nyingpo and other great Masters such as His Holiness Song Rinpoche, Serkong Dorjechang and Domo Geshe Rinpoche, these would be greatly appreciated as well.

Thank you so much.  May faith in the Three Jewels as embodied in our Glorious Gurus increase forever more.


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Re: Previous Incarnations of our Lineage Gurus
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2010, 10:41:38 PM »
Incarnations of Domo Geshe Rinpoche going back three incarnations

There is also a claim by Marjorie Quinn that she is the reincarnation of Domo Geshe Rinpoche

Can anyone shed more light on this?


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Re: Previous Incarnations of our Lineage Gurus
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2010, 10:44:34 PM »

However, this legendary figure, whose previous incarnations are said to include Shariputra, the Mahasiddha Gayadhara, Dharmashri, Munijnana, Thönmi Sambhota, King Trisong Detsen, Dromtönpa, Milarepa, Khedrup Rinpoche, and Tragpa Gyaltsen, is strong and alive in the collective memory of the Himalayan Buddhist culture. Famous especially for his non-sectarian attitude and his great kindness extended equally to all, Domo Geshe Rinpoche's name is known throughout Tibet and the Himalayan region from Kashmir to Assam. He traveled far and wide on pilgrimage through these areas and spread the pure teachings of the Buddha. In the process, he established the first Gelugpa monasteries in the earlier part of this century in regions where before there were none. Domo Geshe Rinpoche was the first of the Tibetans to go on pilgrimage repeatedly to the Buddhist holy sites in India when this was not yet an established tradition. Together with a Sri Lankan monk, he revived Buddhist practices at the great stupa in Bodh Gaya, an area controlled at the time by a Hindu Raja and his militant followers. Domo Geshe Rinpoche's name is known throughout Tibet from the remotest regions of Changthang to the easternmost outposts of Amdo and Kham, where he was particularly loved not only by the courageous warriors for his protective amulets but by people from all walks of life. Active in Tsang and Central Tibet, he was openly praised by both His Holiness the Thirteenth Dalai Lama and the Panchen Rinpoche. Domo Geshe Rinpoche's fame extends to Mongolia, China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, and many Western countries.


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Re: Previous Incarnations of our Lineage Gurus
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2010, 11:17:38 PM »
This is a really helpful thread thank you. One of the best ways to counter all the accusations against Dorje Shugden is to provide good information and resources like this about the great lamas who have been strong Dorje Shugden practitioners for many hundreds of years.

There's a lot of information about these lamas on this website itself: Check here for writeups about:
- Domo Geshe Rinpoche -
- Lama Yeshe -
- Geshe Rabten Rinpoche -

*** many beautiful pictures on the same page also... Is there a way the admin could pls make these images available on high resolution so we can print them out? Would make a great gallery or images for our altar or protector chapels, don't you think!!! ***

Do also check out the nice information on which has nice writeups and links to biographies about
- Pabongkhapa Rinpoche -
- Trijang Rinpoche -
- Zong Rinpoche -
- Geshe kelsang gyatso -

If anyone has any more information or resources about the lineage lamas, can I request you to please share them here as it'll inspire much much faith in others and provide a lot of great inspiration for our own practices :)
thank you all and may we all be able to practice as perfectly as these wonderful lamas.


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Re: Previous Incarnations of our Lineage Gurus
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2010, 11:19:55 PM »
Excerpt from a speech delivered by His Eminence Dagpo Rinpoche in November 1996 about Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang’s line of incarnation

Below is an excerpt taken from a speech delivered by His Eminence Dagpo Rinpoche in November 1996, when he welcomed to Paris the fourteen-year-old reincarnation, Kyabje Chocktrul Rinpoche Tenzin Lobsang Yeshe Gyatso:

For the benefit of the new people who have joined us today, I will mention, all too briefly the activities that have been accomplished by your predecessors, Rinpoche. The beneficial deeds of a supreme guide such as yourself are truly countless. In fact, only a Buddha endowed with the ten powers can comprehend them.

If I limit myself only to what you have dedicated yourself to doing in the Land of Snows, there would still be countless deeds to relate. There are so many wonderful and complex tales, melodies that can enthrall those with the gift of understanding, melodies that can fill them with faith. The whole topic is inexhaustible; I have given up trying to cover it. Today I will limit myself to just a few words about how, from the distant past, at all times and in all places, you have continued to work together with the Lord of the world Avalokitesvara to achieve the good of beings and to give them access to the Teachings.

To accomplish this, both of you have shown yourselves capable of every conceivable kind of relationship. You have alternated the role of Master with that of disciple, the role of donor with that of chaplain, parent, friend, or servant.

From the immense ocean of deeds that you have thus carried out together, I will take a very small drop, a drop no bigger than the pearl that sparkles at the tip of a human hair, but quite enough to inspire faith. Everyone knows that our Tibet has long benefitted from the Lord of the World Avalokitesvara’s caring protection.

He appeared at different times as king or as minister, as learned pandit or as a complete siddha. Each time, he made the light of religion and culture shine brightly so as to dispel the darkness that enveloped Tibet, and each time you were at his side.

In the eighth century when Avalokitesvara manifested as the great king Trisong Detsen, you, Rinpoche, were the pandit Santaraksita , the Indian monk who brought and established in Tibet the tradition of vows and religious commitment which form the basis of Buddha’s Teachings. It was you who brought to light the vast and profound systems, while assuming the shape of the victorious Padmasambhava, first among the Tantrikas. As such, you overcame the obstacles that stood in the way of spreading the Dharma on earth. It was you also who passed the profound and secret teachings to the King and his ministers (how lucky they were!) and thus justified their waiting.

When the good qualities of human beings and the doctrine declined, you were the second Buddha, well known by the name of Atisa Dipamkara Srijnana. During the middle of the eleventh century you founded the Kadampa tradition with the help of his spiritual son Dromtönpa Gyalwé Jungne, who was none other than Avalokitesvara.

In order to consolidate and spread that tradition, you soon reappeared under the name of Lang-ri Thangpa Dorje Senge, well known as the eminent guardian of bodhicitta, in other words, a bodhisattva.

Some time afterwards, the good qualities of human beings diminished yet again, and the doctrine underwent another decline. You immediately assumed the shape of the second Buddha Je Tsongkhapa. That time your disciple was Avalokitesvara, later considered the First Dalai Lama. Together you took it upon yourselves to spread and expand the Teachings of the Buddha throughout the entire country.

Shortly afterwards, you were Mönlam Pelwa, one of the First Dalai Lama’s main disciples. You succeeded yourself, becoming the eighth Ganden Tripa, that is, the eighth head of the Gelugpa school.

Later on, as the head of the Kagyupa order, you were the eighth Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje, close friend of the Second Dalai Lama Gendun Gyatso.

When you returned to the school of the Nyingmapas in the seventeenth century, you were the dazzlingly brilliant light with the name of Zurchen Chöying Rangdröl, one of the Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Gyatso’s principal Masters.

Next, during two consecutive lives, you again took charge of the Gelug school: you were the sixty-ninth Ganden Tripa, Trichen Jangchub Chöpel, who was also the tutor of the Ninth Dalai Lama Lungtog Gyatso, and later the eighty-fifth Ganden Tripa, Trichen Lobsang Tsultrim.

And now we come to your immediate predecessor Kyabje Yongdzin Trijang Dorje Chang Chenpo, who for forty years was assistant and then tutor of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama.

Here you have a brief reminder of how and for how long you and the Buddha Avalokitesvara have been doing significant and enduring work for the benefit of sentient beings.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2010, 11:29:12 PM by Vajraprotector »


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Re: Previous Incarnations of our Lineage Gurus
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2010, 11:30:57 PM »
thank you honey dakini.
The link you posted re Je Pabongkhapa appears to have been removed (is the webmaster on this forum?). But a search online reveals the following sparsely scattered information:

Re Pabongka Rinpoche, Jampa Tenzin Trinlay Gyatso
As a child he was alleged to exhibit unusual qualities and in his seventh year was taken before Sharpa Chuje Lobsang Dargye, one of the leading religious figures of the day, who "felt sure that the boy must be a reincarnated saint" and foretold that if the child were placed in the Gyalrong House of Sera Mey Monastery, something "wonderful would happen with him in the future." Later on, he was found to be a reincarnation of the Changkya line, which included the well-known scholar Changkya Rolpay Dorje (1717-1786 AD). The Lamas of this line had done much teaching in the regions of Mongolia and China, including in the court of the Chinese emperor himself, and so the name "Changkya" had strong Chinese connotations. As the Tibetan government and people were already sensitive to the pressures put on them from China, the name "Changkya" was ruled out and the boy declared to be "Pabongka" instead.[4]

"7. Changkya Rolpai Dorjee (1717-1786) was a scholar of great reputation and was recognised as the reincarnation of Changkya Losang Choedan by Konchog Jigme Wangpo. He wrote more than 189 major and minor works. He had many eminent students like Thukan Losang Chokyi Nyima."

A google search (probably drawn from its caches) also reveals that Yeshe Tenpai Gyaltsen is the reincarnation of Chankya Rolpai Dorje although the original article is nowhere to be found

Lastly From
   1. 1607-1641 : ????? or ????
   2. 1642-1714 : Ngawang Losang Chöden (Ngag dbang bLo bzang Chos ldan)
   3. 1717-1786 : Changkya Rolpai Dorje[1][2][3]
   4. 1787-1846 : ??????
   5. 1849-1875 : ??????
   6. 1878-1888 : ??????
   7. 1891-1957 : ??????? or ????

and also

The first claimed incarnation is a student of Buddha Sakyamuni. 1. ?? 2. ???? 3. ?????? 4. ???? 5. ??? 6. ???? 7. ???? 8. ???? 9. ??? 10. ???? 11. ??? 12. ???? 13. 1607-1641 : ????? 14. 1642-1714 : ?????? 15. 1717-1786 : ?????? 16. 1787-1846 : ?????? 17. 1849-1875 : ?????? 18. 1891-1957 : ?????? 19. 1891-1957 : ????????

I can't read the Chinese characters, but if anyone here does, much appreciation if you can clarify what is written and why the dates don't quite match up nor do they fit Pabongka Rinpoche's lifetime.