Author Topic: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China  (Read 16554 times)


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2018, 01:40:07 PM »
Actually I agree with what Christine advocates and that is the Dalai Lama before asking to return to China, he should in good faith leave behind his reputation as a person who oppresses people's religious freedom and practices as that is illegal in China. 

It is counterproductive for the Dalai lama to return to Tibet, if there is a high chance he could run afoul of Chinese law that gives freedom to all.

If Lobsang Sangay, truly intends to fulfill Gyalwa Rinpoche's dream, of returning to Tibet, he should ensure the Dalai Lama is clearly qualified and is ready to return to Tibet. By halting and stopping the Dalai Lama's current policies of banning Dorje Shudgen and other actions that infringed religious rights of the people.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2018, 12:22:14 PM »
Lobsang Sangay does not want the Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet. In fact, he does not want any Tibetans to go back to Tibet. He wants all of them to remain as refugees for another 50 years!

To the CTA and Lobsang Sangay, the Dalai Lama is a money making tool for them. The Dalai Lama is already old and he has some health issue but the CTA still arranges the Dalai Lama to travel a long distance to overseas to give teachings. The Dalai Lama can also give teachings online without traveling, why can't the CTA arrange this?

If Lobsang Sangay really wants to bring the Dalai Lama back to Tibet, he would not have rejoiced on the new Friends of Tibet group established in The Czech Republic recently. He will not encourage such group to be set up because it is against the Middle Way approach. So Lobsang Sangay is actually going against the Dalai Lama, why is that no one says anything about it?


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2018, 06:56:32 PM »
Actually I agree with what Christine advocates and that is the Dalai Lama before asking to return to China, he should in good faith leave behind his reputation as a person who oppresses people's religious freedom and practices as that is illegal in China. 

It is counterproductive for the Dalai lama to return to Tibet, if there is a high chance he could run afoul of Chinese law that gives freedom to all.

If Lobsang Sangay, truly intends to fulfill Gyalwa Rinpoche's dream, of returning to Tibet, he should ensure the Dalai Lama is clearly qualified and is ready to return to Tibet. By halting and stopping the Dalai Lama's current policies of banning Dorje Shudgen and other actions that infringed religious rights of the people.

Losang Sangay and the CTA do not want the Dalai Lama to retur to Tibet. The Dalai Lama is a very famous 'brand name' that can bring a lot of money. Anyone who is associated with the Dalai Lama can have their status 'upgraded'. The CTA knows about it so they commercialised the Dalai Lama brand name.

They arrange Dalai Lama to go on a world tour to give talks and t0 meet with people. Through these people, the CTA is connected to more rich and famous to ask for donations. They will only arrange the Dalai Lama to visit rich countries. Recently, the CTA cancelled the Dalai Lama's trip to Botswana but no long after that, they arrange the Dalai Lama to go to Japan.

The CTA likes to say they are loyal to the Dalai Lama which is not true because no one really cares what he wants or needs. The Dalai Lama has mentioned so many times he wants to go back to Tibet and he wants to go with the Middle Way Approach but the CTA and Lobsang Sangay are not doing anything, they are still going against China. The Dalai Lama also wants to visit Mount Wu Tai Shan so badly but no action is taken by the CTA to make this wish come true. So how loyal the CTA and Lobsang Sangay are to the Dalai Lama?


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2018, 01:42:04 PM »
Lobsang Sangay does not want the Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet. In fact, he does not want any Tibetans to go back to Tibet. He wants all of them to remain as refugees for another 50 years!

To the CTA and Lobsang Sangay, the Dalai Lama is a money making tool for them. The Dalai Lama is already old and he has some health issue but the CTA still arranges the Dalai Lama to travel a long distance to overseas to give teachings. The Dalai Lama can also give teachings online without traveling, why can't the CTA arrange this?

If Lobsang Sangay really wants to bring the Dalai Lama back to Tibet, he would not have rejoiced on the new Friends of Tibet group established in The Czech Republic recently. He will not encourage such group to be set up because it is against the Middle Way approach. So Lobsang Sangay is actually going against the Dalai Lama, why is that no one says anything about it?

Do share with us the news reporting on the Friends of Tibet group established in The Czech Republic. Lobsang Sangay actually wanted the Dalai Lama to go back to China so he can be the boss for once. With the recent explosive news "Differences between Dalai Lama and CTA president put Tibetan politics in a tailspin" by Rajeev Sharma, it is clear that Sangay thinks he can take over the Dalai Lama and make decisions himself. You can read the relevant discussions here

Sangay doesn't want to control by the Dalai Lama. He is obviously unhappy to continue to be the puppet. He is very daring to rebel the Dalai Lama because he thinks that the Dalai Lama is getting older so he can take over the wealth and power he thought he deserves. He is like a useless son of a rich family who is only leeching off the family's wealth without earning or contributing in any way.

What he didn't realise is that the Dalai Lama gave him everything and can easily take all of them away from him. He is stupid to challenge the Dalai Lama. The Tibetans didn't lost their country for no reason.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2018, 02:35:22 AM »
Lobsang Sangay does not want the Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet. In fact, he does not want any Tibetans to go back to Tibet. He wants all of them to remain as refugees for another 50 years!

To the CTA and Lobsang Sangay, the Dalai Lama is a money making tool for them. The Dalai Lama is already old and he has some health issue but the CTA still arranges the Dalai Lama to travel a long distance to overseas to give teachings. The Dalai Lama can also give teachings online without traveling, why can't the CTA arrange this?

If Lobsang Sangay really wants to bring the Dalai Lama back to Tibet, he would not have rejoiced on the new Friends of Tibet group established in The Czech Republic recently. He will not encourage such group to be set up because it is against the Middle Way approach. So Lobsang Sangay is actually going against the Dalai Lama, why is that no one says anything about it?

Do share with us the news reporting on the Friends of Tibet group established in The Czech Republic. Lobsang Sangay actually wanted the Dalai Lama to go back to China so he can be the boss for once. With the recent explosive news "Differences between Dalai Lama and CTA president put Tibetan politics in a tailspin" by Rajeev Sharma, it is clear that Sangay thinks he can take over the Dalai Lama and make decisions himself. You can read the relevant discussions here

Sangay doesn't want to control by the Dalai Lama. He is obviously unhappy to continue to be the puppet. He is very daring to rebel the Dalai Lama because he thinks that the Dalai Lama is getting older so he can take over the wealth and power he thought he deserves. He is like a useless son of a rich family who is only leeching off the family's wealth without earning or contributing in any way.

What he didn't realize is that the Dalai Lama gave him everything and can easily take all of them away from him. He is stupid to challenge the Dalai Lama. The Tibetans didn't lose their country for no reason.

Hahaha! Lobsang Sangay is fooling himself again. He thinks that he is important now due to a couple of obscure countries giving him some superficial support. All these while, it had been the Dalai Lama's name that had supported the whole of Tibetan refugees' sponsorship programmes, of which Lobsang Sangay is only representing. I certainly don't see anyone supporting LS when the Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet. Of course, LS would think otherwise. It would be interesting to see how far LS dare to push the Dalai Lama in his plans of take-over. With the Tibetan communities behind the Dalai Lama, LS is just like Devadatta in his jealousy of the Buddha.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2018, 12:53:44 AM »
Lobsang Sangay does not want the Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet. In fact, he does not want any Tibetans to go back to Tibet. He wants all of them to remain as refugees for another 50 years!

To the CTA and Lobsang Sangay, the Dalai Lama is a money making tool for them. The Dalai Lama is already old and he has some health issue but the CTA still arranges the Dalai Lama to travel a long distance to overseas to give teachings. The Dalai Lama can also give teachings online without traveling, why can't the CTA arrange this?

If Lobsang Sangay really wants to bring the Dalai Lama back to Tibet, he would not have rejoiced on the new Friends of Tibet group established in The Czech Republic recently. He will not encourage such group to be set up because it is against the Middle Way approach. So Lobsang Sangay is actually going against the Dalai Lama, why is that no one says anything about it?

Do share with us the news reporting on the Friends of Tibet group established in The Czech Republic. Lobsang Sangay actually wanted the Dalai Lama to go back to China so he can be the boss for once. With the recent explosive news "Differences between Dalai Lama and CTA president put Tibetan politics in a tailspin" by Rajeev Sharma, it is clear that Sangay thinks he can take over the Dalai Lama and make decisions himself. You can read the relevant discussions here

Sangay doesn't want to control by the Dalai Lama. He is obviously unhappy to continue to be the puppet. He is very daring to rebel the Dalai Lama because he thinks that the Dalai Lama is getting older so he can take over the wealth and power he thought he deserves. He is like a useless son of a rich family who is only leeching off the family's wealth without earning or contributing in any way.

What he didn't realise is that the Dalai Lama gave him everything and can easily take all of them away from him. He is stupid to challenge the Dalai Lama. The Tibetans didn't lost their country for no reason.

This is the news of the newly established Friends of Tibet in The Czech Republic.

Lobsang Sangay will be stupid to let Dalai Lama go back to Tibet. He can never be the boss, he does not have the commanding power and charisma like the Dalai Lama. There are more people who know the Dalai Lama than Lobsang Sangay.

It is because of the Dalai Lama people make donations to the CTA. The world tour the Dalai Lama makes every year also generates a lot of income for the CTA. Nobody will invite Lobsang Sangay to give a talk on compassion or peace and then give money to him.

If Lobsang Sangay really wants the Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet, he would have started to do something already. But until now, there is still no progress or news about how he will fulfill Dalai Lama's wish of going back to Tibet. He is still busy traveling around the world to ask for donations and condemning China.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #21 on: December 27, 2018, 06:48:24 AM »
Lobsang Sangay does not want the Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet. In fact, he does not want any Tibetans to go back to Tibet. He wants all of them to remain as refugees for another 50 years!

To the CTA and Lobsang Sangay, the Dalai Lama is a money making tool for them. The Dalai Lama is already old and he has some health issue but the CTA still arranges the Dalai Lama to travel a long distance to overseas to give teachings. The Dalai Lama can also give teachings online without traveling, why can't the CTA arrange this?

If Lobsang Sangay really wants to bring the Dalai Lama back to Tibet, he would not have rejoiced on the new Friends of Tibet group established in The Czech Republic recently. He will not encourage such group to be set up because it is against the Middle Way approach. So Lobsang Sangay is actually going against the Dalai Lama, why is that no one says anything about it?

Do share with us the news reporting on the Friends of Tibet group established in The Czech Republic. Lobsang Sangay actually wanted the Dalai Lama to go back to China so he can be the boss for once. With the recent explosive news "Differences between Dalai Lama and CTA president put Tibetan politics in a tailspin" by Rajeev Sharma, it is clear that Sangay thinks he can take over the Dalai Lama and make decisions himself. You can read the relevant discussions here

Sangay doesn't want to control by the Dalai Lama. He is obviously unhappy to continue to be the puppet. He is very daring to rebel the Dalai Lama because he thinks that the Dalai Lama is getting older so he can take over the wealth and power he thought he deserves. He is like a useless son of a rich family who is only leeching off the family's wealth without earning or contributing in any way.

What he didn't realize is that the Dalai Lama gave him everything and can easily take all of them away from him. He is stupid to challenge the Dalai Lama. The Tibetans didn't lose their country for no reason.

Hahaha! Lobsang Sangay is fooling himself again. He thinks that he is important now due to a couple of obscure countries giving him some superficial support. All these while, it had been the Dalai Lama's name that had supported the whole of Tibetan refugees' sponsorship programmes, of which Lobsang Sangay is only representing. I certainly don't see anyone supporting LS when the Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet. Of course, LS would think otherwise. It would be interesting to see how far LS dare to push the Dalai Lama in his plans of take-over. With the Tibetan communities behind the Dalai Lama, LS is just like Devadatta in his jealousy of the Buddha.

He is still living in his own world that he is very important because he is the president of the Tibetan government. He is totally living in his own world and have absolutely no idea why the world is being so receptive of him. The reason is definitely no because his name is Lobsang Sangay and the reason is more likely to be him being a representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

His plans of defying His Holiness the Dalai Lama is actually quite obvious because after His Holiness has announced that they should work towards Umaylam which is autonomy within China, Lobsang Sangay still continues to travel around the globe raising awareness on Tibetan cause and also the human right issues in China. Is this really a good idea to get an autonomy out of China?

Even His Holiness the Dalai Lama had started to get on China's good book when he talks about the Chinese Panchen Lama. Lobsang Sangay is doing what is opposite of what needs to be done in order to help His Holiness achieve Umaylam and he is irritating China or confusing them about the stance of the CTA on this issue. I guess Lobsang Sangay does not want His Holiness the return to China and whatever he says is just an act.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2019, 02:20:46 AM »
Lobsang Sangay does not want the Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet. If he really wants the Dalai Lama to go back, he will not continue to condemn China, he will make friend with China. He is still very arrogant because he is not finding ways to reach out to the Chinese.

Lobsang Sangay will not let the Dalai Lama go unless there is someone who can replace the Dalai Lama. He knows it very well that he is not THE FACE of the Tibetans in exile, he will not be able to raise fund using his name. Lobsang Sangay is just an opportunist trying to make money for himself, everyone knows that. He has not done anything significant except publishing books and videos about Dorje Shugden that are full of distorted facts and lies.

Unfortunately, the next best candidate to replace the Dalai Lama is not going back to India anymore. The Karmapa has kind of said bye bye to the CTA. The situation is not very good for the CTA at the moment, they might collapse anytime if their internal conflicts are not resolved and they continue to segregate their own people.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2019, 02:38:59 AM »
Actually, it is not a bad idea t all for the Tibetans to return to China. In a way, China gives more religious freedom than the CTA. They allow their people to practice the religion that they want as long as they follow the rules. The most important thing is that they don't create disharmony.

The CTA, on the other hand, imposed a ban on a belief. They encourage their own people to segregate, discriminate and express their hatred verbally and physically to those who choose to remain their faith. What kind of government does that?

To say China suppress the Tibetans from practicing their faith, this is not true. They don't allow people to have anything to do with the Dalai Lama because he has created a lot of problems for China with his Free Tibet movement. It causes instability in the Tibetan area in China. It is the negative influence from the Dalai Lama which will cause disharmony and instability in the country that the Chinese government is suppressing, not really the religion. If the Dalai Lama shows China that he can unite the Tibetans in China and make them loyal to their country (China), the Chinese government sure will not mind to have him back. It is only right for a citizen to be loyal to our country.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2019, 06:33:37 AM »

Hahaha! Lobsang Sangay is fooling himself again. He thinks that he is important now due to a couple of obscure countries giving him some superficial support. All these while, it had been the Dalai Lama's name that had supported the whole of Tibetan refugees' sponsorship programmes, of which Lobsang Sangay is only representing. I certainly don't see anyone supporting LS when the Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet. Of course, LS would think otherwise. It would be interesting to see how far LS dare to push the Dalai Lama in his plans of take-over. With the Tibetan communities behind the Dalai Lama, LS is just like Devadatta in his jealousy of the Buddha.

Will the Dalai Lama be able to go back to Tibet and maybe enter into the clear light in Tibet? Perhaps no, until today nothing has been done by the CTA or Lobsang Sangay to make sure this will happen. The CTA and Lobsang Sangay do not seem to be interested in bringing the Dalai Lama back.

This is not surprising at all. The CTA relies on the Dalai Lama to make money for them and to control the Tibetans, they will not let the Dalai Lama go back to Tibet. If the Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet, many Tibetans will follow also. When that happens, the CTA will not be needed anymore and China will not let the CTA be part of the adminstration in Tibet either.

Therefore, in order to protect their own interest, the CTA will only talk about supporting the Dalai Lama to go back but they will not take any action. The money they are getting every year from the west is a lot, it is easy money, there is no need to work hard for it. The CTA is a bunch of greedy people, they will not sacrifice their pocket for the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2019, 10:17:42 AM »

Hahaha! Lobsang Sangay is fooling himself again. He thinks that he is important now due to a couple of obscure countries giving him some superficial support. All these while, it had been the Dalai Lama's name that had supported the whole of Tibetan refugees' sponsorship programmes, of which Lobsang Sangay is only representing. I certainly don't see anyone supporting LS when the Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet. Of course, LS would think otherwise. It would be interesting to see how far LS dare to push the Dalai Lama in his plans of take-over. With the Tibetan communities behind the Dalai Lama, LS is just like Devadatta in his jealousy of the Buddha.

Will the Dalai Lama be able to go back to Tibet and maybe enter into the clear light in Tibet? Perhaps no, until today nothing has been done by the CTA or Lobsang Sangay to make sure this will happen. The CTA and Lobsang Sangay do not seem to be interested in bringing the Dalai Lama back.

This is not surprising at all. The CTA relies on the Dalai Lama to make money for them and to control the Tibetans, they will not let the Dalai Lama go back to Tibet. If the Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet, many Tibetans will follow also. When that happens, the CTA will not be needed anymore and China will not let the CTA be part of the adminstration in Tibet either.

Therefore, in order to protect their own interest, the CTA will only talk about supporting the Dalai Lama to go back but they will not take any action. The money they are getting every year from the west is a lot, it is easy money, there is no need to work hard for it. The CTA is a bunch of greedy people, they will not sacrifice their pocket for the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans.

Is this new real? Because from what I see the actions of the Tibetan leadership is not exactly matching with what they say they want to do. Lobsang Sangay said he wants His Holiness the Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet but why is he still going around the world and talk bad about the Chinese government?

Does it really match with what he is saying? How is going around the world and talking bad about the Chinese government will bring His Holiness the Dalai Lama back to Tibet? It will only create more problems with the Chinese government because they take that as the Tibetans are not interested to be on good terms with them and hence they will not let the Tibetans go back to Tibet.

Lobsang Sangay is confusing the Chinese with his actions and I dont not think that he really wants to send His Holiness the Dalai Lama back to Tibet. Once they go back to Tibet, Tibetan leadership will become useless since all the Tibetans will be under the governance of the Chinese government. They will lose their opportunity to get donations from western countries.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2019, 03:01:18 PM »
Lobsang Sangay must have thought that the whole world is blind. What he said and did is totally contradicting each other. I don't think he wants the Dalai Lama to return to China as without the Dalai Lama, who is going to pay attention to him and his government? The Dalai Lama is a Nobel prize winner, who is LS? He hasn't even won any prize for what he did best ie womanizing.

If he really wants the Dalai Lama to go back China, he wouldn't have done so many things to provoke China. Below are some points I quoted from this article:

1. He knows China hates Tibetans engage in self-immolation, yet he launched a book that glorifies self-immolation and supporting a member of his government in publishing a four-step guide for Tibetans to self-immolate effectively.

2. During Doklam conflict in July 2017, Lobsang Sangay unfurled the Tibetan flag at the border of India and China. His action not only enraged China, but also drive India deeper into conflict with China.

3. He leaked news of Samdhong Rinpoche’s secret mission to China, made on behalf of the Dalai Lama to resurrect dialogue for the return of the Tibetan people to Tibet, knowing that both the Dalai Lama and China will be unhappy.

Graduated from Harvard Law School, I am sure he knew all the consequences, but why he is still doing that? The answer is obvious - he doesn't want the Dalai Lama to go back Tibet.


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Re: Lobsang Sangay want H.H Dalai Lama back to China
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2019, 06:58:40 AM »
Lobsang Sangay must have thought that the whole world is blind. What he said and did is totally contradicting each other. I don't think he wants the Dalai Lama to return to China as without the Dalai Lama, who is going to pay attention to him and his government? The Dalai Lama is a Nobel prize winner, who is LS? He hasn't even won any prize for what he did best ie womanizing.

If he really wants the Dalai Lama to go back China, he wouldn't have done so many things to provoke China. Below are some points I quoted from this article:

1. He knows China hates Tibetans engage in self-immolation, yet he launched a book that glorifies self-immolation and supporting a member of his government in publishing a four-step guide for Tibetans to self-immolate effectively.

2. During Doklam conflict in July 2017, Lobsang Sangay unfurled the Tibetan flag at the border of India and China. His action not only enraged China, but also drive India deeper into conflict with China.

3. He leaked news of Samdhong Rinpoche’s secret mission to China, made on behalf of the Dalai Lama to resurrect dialogue for the return of the Tibetan people to Tibet, knowing that both the Dalai Lama and China will be unhappy.

Graduated from Harvard Law School, I am sure he knew all the consequences, but why he is still doing that? The answer is obvious - he doesn't want the Dalai Lama to go back Tibet.

Lobsang Sangay definitely does not want the Dalai Lama to go back to Tibet. The Dalai Lama is his money making tool, why would Lobsang Sangay want to let him go back? The CTA and Lobsang Sangay make money by sending the Dalai Lama overseas to give talks, to give endorsements to people. One endorsement from the Dalai Lama worths USD1 million!

If the Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet, it will be the doomsday for the CTA and Lobsang Sangay.
1. They will completely lose control of the Tibetans. Many Tibetans will probably choose to go back to Tibet with the Dalai Lama, the number of Tibetan in exile will decrease even further.
2. There is no more financial support from the west because there is no more Free Tibet movement.
3. The CTA will collapse because there is no more Tibetans in exile to manage.

Looking at the implications if the Dalai Lama goes back to Tibet, Lobsang Sangay will definitely make sure this will not happen. Lobsang Sangay will not want to lose his income, he knows that the Dalai Lama is getting older and he will use every opportunity possible to get more money before the CTA becomes a history. Let's face it, the welfare of the Tibetans, the Dalai Lama, and the Tibetans' wishes have never been the priority of the CTA.