Author Topic: It is better to return to Tibet, China  (Read 66758 times)


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2019, 03:50:07 PM »
Between China and the CTA, I will choose China. Under the ruling of China, Tibet has progressed so fast. They have upgraded the infrastructure in the major cities such as Lhasa and Shigatse. There are highways, railways connecting mainland China with Tibet. Basic amenity such as school, university, hospital are all provided by the Chinese government.

The Chinese government is fair to everyone, you just have to be hard working then you will get what you want. On the other hand, the CTA does not work in this way. They work on nepotism. If you are close to someone in the CTA or you have a relative working in the CTA, you can also get a job and be protected even though you might have made a big mistake.

For the Tibetans who are willing to work hard to change their lives, China definitely is the right choice. China rewards people based on merit, not based on the relationship. Relying on the CTA is a waste of time and it is not worthy. The CTA does not care about the Tibetans and they never will!


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2019, 02:03:21 PM »
Between China and the CTA, I will choose China. Under the ruling of China, Tibet has progressed so fast. They have upgraded the infrastructure in the major cities such as Lhasa and Shigatse. There are highways, railways connecting mainland China with Tibet. Basic amenity such as school, university, hospital are all provided by the Chinese government.

The Chinese government is fair to everyone, you just have to be hard working then you will get what you want. On the other hand, the CTA does not work in this way. They work on nepotism. If you are close to someone in the CTA or you have a relative working in the CTA, you can also get a job and be protected even though you might have made a big mistake.

For the Tibetans who are willing to work hard to change their lives, China definitely is the right choice. China rewards people based on merit, not based on the relationship. Relying on the CTA is a waste of time and it is not worthy. The CTA does not care about the Tibetans and they never will!

Tibet is so much better now compared to the time where it was being ruled by the Tibetan government. China really did their best with Tibet and invested alot of money, time and resources into Tibet. Many infrastructures are being built such as roads and airports which is unaffordable for the Tibetan government if they are allowed to take back their country at the very moment.

Other than that, China also invested alot into the people and tried to eradicate poverty perfectly in a few years time. The number of people that are being lifted out of poverty is incredible. They manage to reduce the % of poverty in Tibet from 25% to 7% recently and they aim to totally eradicate poverty in the near future.

All of these are very unlikely to happen if Tibetan leadership is the one that has control over the entire Tibet. The Chinese invasion on Tibet is a blessing in disguise for Tibet because the life in Tibet will stay stagnant and horrific. People should stop complaining of how China has destroyed Tibet and start to talk about how China has helped Tibet.


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2019, 04:47:12 PM »
The CTA is getting weaker every day. Not only the Karmapa is rebelling, the Tibetans are also losing confidence in them. More Tibetans are applying for Indian citizenship to get a real identity so they can travel overseas freely. They don't want to be a refugee anymore.

As the Dalai Lama ages, the Tibetans finally realise the dream to free Tibet and going back to Tibet will remain a dream. The CTA is not really keen on the Middle Way approach, they are still condemning China and supporting free Tibet movement. Lobsang Sangay has not shown any effort in establishing a dialogue with China.

The financial aid from the west is getting lesser too as they also have financial problems. No one will have the capacity to continue to provide financial support for a cause that does not show results after 60 years. To use the Tibet issue to try to undermine China is proven to be a failure, China continues to grow stronger every day.


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2019, 09:10:25 AM »
The CTA is getting weaker every day. Not only the Karmapa is rebelling, the Tibetans are also losing confidence in them. More Tibetans are applying for Indian citizenship to get a real identity so they can travel overseas freely. They don't want to be a refugee anymore.

As the Dalai Lama ages, the Tibetans finally realise the dream to free Tibet and going back to Tibet will remain a dream. The CTA is not really keen on the Middle Way approach, they are still condemning China and supporting free Tibet movement. Lobsang Sangay has not shown any effort in establishing a dialogue with China.

The financial aid from the west is getting lesser too as they also have financial problems. No one will have the capacity to continue to provide financial support for a cause that does not show results after 60 years. To use the Tibet issue to try to undermine China is proven to be a failure, China continues to grow stronger every day.

You are right! It would be smart for those who are still in refugee status to return to China who is investing so much to bring up the living conditions in Tibet for their citizens there. The Chinese Tibetans have also so much freedom compared to the previous feudalistic governance by the Tibetan Leaders. They are now free to start their business, own land for farming, women to have the means to earn for their family, own properties for housing or business, etc. The Chinese government even provide skill training and sometimes send groups to overseas counterparts for further learning. All these are made available as the Chinese government sees Tibet as part of China and care for their citizens to prosper instead of living in squalid conditions. Of course, this is contrary to what CTA practices as they prefer their people to live in poor conditions. Otherwise, they will have no means to beg for sponsorships. Such a sharp contrast between capable and ineffectual governance.


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2019, 06:49:49 PM »

You are right! It would be smart for those who are still in refugee status to return to China who is investing so much to bring up the living conditions in Tibet for their citizens there. The Chinese Tibetans have also so much freedom compared to the previous feudalistic governance by the Tibetan Leaders. They are now free to start their business, own land for farming, women to have the means to earn for their family, own properties for housing or business, etc. The Chinese government even provide skill training and sometimes send groups to overseas counterparts for further learning. All these are made available as the Chinese government sees Tibet as part of China and care for their citizens to prosper instead of living in squalid conditions. Of course, this is contrary to what CTA practices as they prefer their people to live in poor conditions. Otherwise, they will have no means to beg for sponsorships. Such a sharp contrast between capable and ineffectual governance.

The Chinese government doesn't believe in divide and conquer strategy. They understand unity and harmony is extremely important in order for the country to progress. Therefore, the Chinese government will never create disharmony or conflicts among its people.

The Chinese government sometimes gives financial help to the poor or the needy regardless of their background. Their main purpose is to make sure everyone in the country is working towards the same goal and no one is left out. They have successfully brought down the poverty rate in Tibet from 35.2% to 7.9%. So, did the CTA do much for the Tibetan in excel?

Comparing the 2 leaderships there is no doubt the Chinese government has produced more result than the CTA. The Chinese government has improved the living standard of the Tibetans and given the Tibetans more opportunities. The CTA, on the other hand, is still struggling to free Tibet and fails to give the Tibetans a better future.


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2019, 12:20:41 PM »
It is definitely better for the Tibetans to go back to China than to stay in India under the ruling of the CTA. Under the ruling of the CTA, the lives of the Tibetans have not improved or progressed, they are still living in poverty. But the Chinese government gives the Tibetans so much opportunity and help to improve their lives.

Dakpa Kelden was born in India but he chose to go back to China when he was 16 in the 80s. He went back to his father's hometown in Shangrila. It was hard in the beginning because he had to learn the Chinese language but he managed it. Later, he found a job in the public sector and he was given the time to further his study in administration and economics at a vocational school. In 1995, he decided to venture into the private sector.

Dakpa Kelden was very fortunate to meet some kind people who sponsored his studies in Austria and the US. After his studies, he went back to China to start his own business. Now, he is a very successful businessman, he owns 2 boutique hotels and a tour company. Apart from that, he also established a non-profit organisation to preserve Tibetan culture. Clearly, China offers more opportunities to the Tibetans than the CTA. China wants the Tibetans to be successful but the CTA wants the Tibetans to continue to live as a refugee in poverty so they can continue to use the plight of the Tibetans to make money for themselves.


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2019, 11:54:27 AM »
It is definitely better for the Tibetans to go back to China than to stay in India under the ruling of the CTA. Under the ruling of the CTA, the lives of the Tibetans have not improved or progressed, they are still living in poverty. But the Chinese government gives the Tibetans so much opportunity and help to improve their lives.

Dakpa Kelden was born in India but he chose to go back to China when he was 16 in the 80s. He went back to his father's hometown in Shangrila. It was hard in the beginning because he had to learn the Chinese language but he managed it. Later, he found a job in the public sector and he was given the time to further his study in administration and economics at a vocational school. In 1995, he decided to venture into the private sector.

Dakpa Kelden was very fortunate to meet some kind people who sponsored his studies in Austria and the US. After his studies, he went back to China to start his own business. Now, he is a very successful businessman, he owns 2 boutique hotels and a tour company. Apart from that, he also established a non-profit organisation to preserve Tibetan culture. Clearly, China offers more opportunities to the Tibetans than the CTA. China wants the Tibetans to be successful but the CTA wants the Tibetans to continue to live as a refugee in poverty so they can continue to use the plight of the Tibetans to make money for themselves.

I must say Dakpa Kelden made the right choice to go back to China 30 years ago. He has so much opportunity in China. He was given the education, a job in the government sector. The Chinese government doesn't give the job to just the Han people but they give equal opportunity to everyone. Dakpa was also given the time to further his study to upgrade himself. Look at how successful he is now.

One thing that I find very heart-warming is that he established a non-profit organisation to preserve the Tibetan culture. A man who is not super rich can do that, how come CTA who is so rich can't even preserve Tibetan culture and Tibetan Buddhism? The CTA is just useless and doesn't care.

This also shows that the Chinese really cares about their people. They want their people to be competitive that is why many opportunities are given to them to improve their skills. If Dakpa is still in India, he will still be a refugee and living in poverty. He would not have the chance to meet all the nice people he has met over the years in China and became a successful businessman today.


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2019, 03:10:27 PM »
The Chinese government is very progressive and aggressive. They manage to reduce the poverty rate in Tibet from 35% to 8% in 5 years time. This achievement is remarkable, can CTA do achieve this? The Chinese government has the money and the right resources to do that. They are very experienced in managing a country and an economy of 1.3 billion people.

The CTA, on the other hand, is only capable of creating conflicts in the Tibetan community. They want the Tibetans to remain as refugees and fail to give a direction to the Tibetans. The future of the Tibetans is very uncertain and shaky. However, the CTA just doesn't care.

The living condition in Tibet is so much better than in India and there is so much more opportunity. For the Dalai Lama to ask the Tibetans to go back to China, it must be that he is also losing hope in the CTA. He is telling the Tibetans instead of relying on the CTA, they should just go back to Tibet on their own.


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #38 on: March 29, 2019, 04:14:20 PM »
The Chinese government is very progressive and aggressive. They manage to reduce the poverty rate in Tibet from 35% to 8% in 5 years time. This achievement is remarkable, can CTA do achieve this?

Not only that, I recently read about China is spending 300 million yuan ($45 million) over the next 10 years to preserve ancient documents and anthologies at the Potala Palace in Lhasa. The preservation project, starting this year, will be the largest of its kind at the palace complex.

China really put in the effort to improve the living standard of Tibetans and also helping them preserve the precious culture and scriptures.

I am not taking side of any party, however, if you ask me to choose between China and CTA, I think my answer is quite clear and fast. There's no compete. 


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2019, 05:31:56 PM »
The Chinese government is very progressive and aggressive. They manage to reduce the poverty rate in Tibet from 35% to 8% in 5 years time. This achievement is remarkable, can CTA do achieve this?

Not only that, I recently read about China is spending 300 million yuan ($45 million) over the next 10 years to preserve ancient documents and anthologies at the Potala Palace in Lhasa. The preservation project, starting this year, will be the largest of its kind at the palace complex.

China really put in the effort to improve the living standard of Tibetans and also helping them preserve the precious culture and scriptures.

I am not taking side of any party, however, if you ask me to choose between China and CTA, I think my answer is quite clear and fast. There's no compete.

I guess now the Tibetan government can't say China is destroying their culture and religion because they are actually investing in the preservation of those ancient documents and anthologies. Not to mention that China also invested in preserving monasteries and recently, they just finish in maintaining Potala Palace's roof.

All the allegations that the Tibetan government made against the Chinese government turn out to be false or inaccurate. Even they themselves did not do any of these while they are ruling Tibet or now in the Tibetan settlements. They are still not developed despite 60 years in exile.

The Tibetan government is not interested in using those funds to benefit their people because their wallet comes first when it comes to money. Hence, all the money that they receive will benefit the CTAs people online.


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2019, 05:19:16 PM »
China has become the strongest economy in the world. They are now leading the one-belt-one-road initiative to bring more economic activities to the participating countries. The initiative will bring a very positive impact on the growth of the country.

The strategy of China is very simple, they want a win-win situation. When it is a win-win situation, there will be greater support and cooperation from the other party, harmony can be maintained and there is no risk to the stability of a country. As a result, people like to work with China.

China will only grow stronger. Therefore, it is better to go back to Tibet than to stay in India. China is giving so many possibilities to its people whereas the CTA only exploits its own people to achieve their personal agenda. The CTA is proven to be a useless government, time to say goodbye to them!


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2019, 08:38:54 AM »
President Xi of China is a very far-sighted strategist who plans for long term benefits of his country and actually the world too. There are many actions that China had taken that seem questionable and yet they fall into place and the world grudgingly concede that he is right. All the hardline actions against any instability in China is to make it an example so that there will not be any disruption to the peace of the people. He had also "conquered" the world with his peaceful economic take over rather than destruction to the countries like a big bully. So all in all, I would say that President Xi is a good leader to have. CTA with Lobsang Sangay does not even begin to match up. Nope. Not even an iota of what President Xi has accomplished. All Lobsang Sangay has done is to self-indulge in serving to his own needs before others. There goes the Dalai Lama's wish to return to Tibet and it seems an impossibility now. Sad.


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2019, 12:04:48 PM »
President Xi of China is a very far-sighted strategist who plans for long term benefits of his country and actually the world too. There are many actions that China had taken that seem questionable and yet they fall into place and the world grudgingly concede that he is right. All the hardline actions against any instability in China is to make it an example so that there will not be any disruption to the peace of the people. He had also "conquered" the world with his peaceful economic take over rather than destruction to the countries like a big bully. So all in all, I would say that President Xi is a good leader to have. CTA with Lobsang Sangay does not even begin to match up. Nope. Not even an iota of what President Xi has accomplished. All Lobsang Sangay has done is to self-indulge in serving to his own needs before others. There goes the Dalai Lama's wish to return to Tibet and it seems an impossibility now. Sad.

President Deng Xiaoping was the one who opened the door of China to the outside world. President Xi brings China to another level in the international arena. Both presidents are ambitious but not for their own benefit, they are doing this for the benefit of the people. When people of a country become competitive and wealthy, so is the country.

President Xi doesn't believe in dominance. He could have kept the wealth of the world to China but he didn't. He believes in the win-win approach. He also understands all of us are interdependent and thus we have to work with each other in harmony. War starts when there is extreme unfairness, win-win approach ensure this is not happening.

For CTA, it is a completely different story. They don't believe in the Middle Way or the win-win approach. That is why until today they still have not started to negotiate with China. They should know by now to free Tibet is impossible, the next best thing is to get the autonomous status for Tibet. Being greedy means losing everything. I wonder when will CTA learn this.

Tenzin K

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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2019, 05:42:16 PM »
In fact, now a day we don’t hear people move from Tibet to India and we have heard many people from India want to go back to Tibet. Why so? The reason is very easy and logical, we wouldn’t want to leave a place if it’s bad and of course we want to stay at a place we it’s comfortable and suit our needs. So for Tibetan in Tibet there wouldn’t want to move elsewhere because their condition is ok and I believe it better opportunity than going to stay in India where you can see CTA doesn’t do much for the Tibetan after 60 years.

We can say how bad Chinese is but at this point of time look at the decision of the Tibetan, there want to move out of Tibet or the Tibetan in India want to come back to Tibet?

The answer tell us what the current situation is.


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Re: It is better to return to Tibet, China
« Reply #44 on: June 21, 2019, 08:20:23 PM »
It is definitely not a blessing to be a refugee or as a stateless person. However, the CTA is happy to maintain the refugee status for the normal Tibetans. But for themselves, they have already gotten a passport from the western countries.

The main reason for the CTA to maintain the refugee status is for them to make easy money. All the CTA cares about is their one interest such as money and power. As a government, they have failed miserably in providing the Tibetans in exile a better life and future.

China on the other hands wants to make sure the Tibetans are also taken care of. They have invested a lot of money to improve the living conditions in Tibet. Everyone in China has the same right regardless of their ethnical background. Tibet was rather backward 60 years ago but things are different now. Tibet is definitely a better place to live now.