Author Topic: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?  (Read 21197 times)


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2018, 03:21:51 AM »
It must hurt Uma Thurman a lot that her own father does not care about how women such as herself get hurt. Bob Thurman is in fact supporting the sexual abusers and shows to the world that it is ok to do such harm.

This should not be tolerated and everyone should know who Bob Thurman is and what he supports in the name of fame and dollars!!!


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2018, 06:05:41 PM »
Sogyal Lakar likes to have meetings when he takes sh*t and gets his students to wipe his arse. He also likes to chew his food in exchange for a kiss by forcing himself on them. EWWWW He is also known to physically abuse his students by hitting them, etc. He also gave his students to different lamas for sex.

Since Robert Thurman likes to be a friend with this disgusting Sogyal and so keen to talk good thing about him, it is a clear sign that Thurman does benefit from Sogyal's students and had them give him sex. And since Thurman is himself a pervert with lots of desire, his focus is his own enjoyment rather than his daughter's tragic experience. He is really a disgrace of Buddhism.


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2018, 10:22:28 AM »
Sogyal Lakar likes to have meetings when he takes sh*t and gets his students to wipe his arse. He also likes to chew his food in exchange for a kiss by forcing himself on them. EWWWW He is also known to physically abuse his students by hitting them, etc. He also gave his students to different lamas for sex.

Since Robert Thurman likes to be a friend with this disgusting Sogyal and so keen to talk good thing about him, it is a clear sign that Thurman does benefit from Sogyal's students and had them give him sex. And since Thurman is himself a pervert with lots of desire, his focus is his own enjoyment rather than his daughter's tragic experience. He is really a disgrace of Buddhism.

That is disturbing to know Sogyal ask his devotees to wipe his butt and also transferring food via the mouth. This is disgusting and unhygienic. Can you believe that the rumors about this master abusing his students has been around since the 1990's? 

But Robert Thurman here still so friendly with him and supported him for so long. Maybe you are right Rowntree, he really gets some benefits from his ring of harem. Now it makes much more sense why Robert Thurman ignored the rumors for so long and never did anything to help the victims out because he is one of the abusers! Oh my god.

This is mind-blowing. So the girls need to wipe Sogyal's butt and then polish Thurman's glass eye?


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2018, 12:24:29 PM »
Sogyal Lakar likes to have meetings when he takes sh*t and gets his students to wipe his arse. He also likes to chew his food in exchange for a kiss by forcing himself on them. EWWWW He is also known to physically abuse his students by hitting them, etc. He also gave his students to different lamas for sex.

Since Robert Thurman likes to be a friend with this disgusting Sogyal and so keen to talk good thing about him, it is a clear sign that Thurman does benefit from Sogyal's students and had them give him sex. And since Thurman is himself a pervert with lots of desire, his focus is his own enjoyment rather than his daughter's tragic experience. He is really a disgrace of Buddhism.

Sogyal Lakar likes to have meetings when he takes sh*t and gets his students to wipe his arse. He also likes to chew his food in exchange for a kiss by forcing himself on them. EWWWW He is also known to physically abuse his students by hitting them, etc. He also gave his students to different lamas for sex.

Since Robert Thurman likes to be a friend with this disgusting Sogyal and so keen to talk good thing about him, it is a clear sign that Thurman does benefit from Sogyal's students and had them give him sex. And since Thurman is himself a pervert with lots of desire, his focus is his own enjoyment rather than his daughter's tragic experience. He is really a disgrace of Buddhism.

Ewww disgusting what on earth! This is such a disgrace to Buddhism and Robert Thurman is no better either... he himself is not exactly a real Buddhist practitioner nor a teacher.

Real Buddhist teacher teach Dharma which is compassion and kindness, not asking hackers to hack into Shugden people's websites and get caught doing it on public platforms like Twitter! How embarrassing and what a low life and another criminal masking himself as a great Buddhist scholar and using Dalai Lama's fame to get more benefit for themselves. So I would not be surprised if he shared some of Sogyal's harem as well. Both of them should be in prison.


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2018, 07:58:48 PM »
Sogyal Lakar likes to have meetings when he takes sh*t and gets his students to wipe his arse. He also likes to chew his food in exchange for a kiss by forcing himself on them. EWWWW He is also known to physically abuse his students by hitting them, etc. He also gave his students to different lamas for sex.

Since Robert Thurman likes to be a friend with this disgusting Sogyal and so keen to talk good thing about him, it is a clear sign that Thurman does benefit from Sogyal's students and had them give him sex. And since Thurman is himself a pervert with lots of desire, his focus is his own enjoyment rather than his daughter's tragic experience. He is really a disgrace of Buddhism.

That is disturbing to know Sogyal ask his devotees to wipe his butt and also transferring food via the mouth. This is disgusting and unhygienic. Can you believe that the rumors about this master abusing his students has been around since the 1990's? 

But Robert Thurman here still so friendly with him and supported him for so long. Maybe you are right Rowntree, he really gets some benefits from his ring of harem. Now it makes much more sense why Robert Thurman ignored the rumors for so long and never did anything to help the victims out because he is one of the abusers! Oh my god.

This is mind-blowing. So the girls need to wipe Sogyal's butt and then polish Thurman's glass eye now? How will Umi Thurman feel? She is one of the Hollywood sexual abuse victims that is being abused by Harvey. Now that her father is one of the people that supports sexual abuse, can she accept it? Poor Uma.


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2018, 10:54:08 PM »
That is disturbing to know Sogyal ask his devotees to wipe his butt and also transferring food via the mouth. This is disgusting and unhygienic. Can you believe that the rumors about this master abusing his students has been around since the 1990's? 

But Robert Thurman here still so friendly with him and supported him for so long. Maybe you are right Rowntree, he really gets some benefits from his ring of harem. Now it makes much more sense why Robert Thurman ignored the rumors for so long and never did anything to help the victims out because he is one of the abusers! Oh my god.

This is mind-blowing. So the girls need to wipe Sogyal's butt and then polish Thurman's glass eye now? How will Umi Thurman feel? She is one of the Hollywood sexual abuse victims that is being abused by Harvey. Now that her father is one of the people that supports sexual abuse, can she accept it? Poor Uma.

It is all disturbing to know that the Dalai Lama and CTA knew about this since the 1990's, yet they kept quiet and allowed it to continue for years until it has caused so much harm. I guess their keeping quiet is so that the donations from Sogyal, Mipham and etc. sex predators will not be stopped.

As for Thurman, he is blind so he cannot see even with a good eye. His glass eye is definitely rubbed by the dollars he gets from being Sogayl's good friend. For Thurman, as long as there is money, he is happy to be blind forever.


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #21 on: October 17, 2018, 05:29:19 PM »
That is disturbing to know Sogyal ask his devotees to wipe his butt and also transferring food via the mouth. This is disgusting and unhygienic. Can you believe that the rumors about this master abusing his students has been around since the 1990's? 

But Robert Thurman here still so friendly with him and supported him for so long. Maybe you are right Rowntree, he really gets some benefits from his ring of harem. Now it makes much more sense why Robert Thurman ignored the rumors for so long and never did anything to help the victims out because he is one of the abusers! Oh my god.

This is mind-blowing. So the girls need to wipe Sogyal's butt and then polish Thurman's glass eye now? How will Umi Thurman feel? She is one of the Hollywood sexual abuse victims that is being abused by Harvey. Now that her father is one of the people that supports sexual abuse, can she accept it? Poor Uma.

It is all disturbing to know that the Dalai Lama and CTA knew about this since the 1990's, yet they kept quiet and allowed it to continue for years until it has caused so much harm. I guess their keeping quiet is so that the donations from Sogyal, Mipham and etc. sex predators will not be stopped.

As for Thurman, he is blind so he cannot see even with a good eye. His glass eye is definitely rubbed by the dollars he gets from being Sogayl's good friend. For Thurman, as long as there is money, he is happy to be blind forever.

What was the Dalai Lama thinking when he said he knew about the sex scandals long ago? Is this another Catholic church? Are they doing what the church is doing? To protect the sex predators and let them continue to harm the students or followers? Why didn't the Dalai Lama do something when he first heard of these scandals?

The only reason one can think of is that these sex scandals lamas have a very good connection or network for big sponsors. The CTA is very greedy, they will do anything for the money. For example, receiving USD1 million donation from a sex-cult to have the Dalai Lama endorses them.

The more scandals are exposed, the more we know what the CTA is like. They are not reliable or credible, they will tell lies to get what they want.  So to believe what the CTA says is pure stupidity. Just like the CTA, Robert Thurman is also after money, that is why they can work together so well.


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2018, 12:20:56 AM »
It must hurt Uma Thurman a lot that her own father does not care about how women such as herself get hurt. Bob Thurman is in fact supporting the sexual abusers and shows to the world that it is ok to do such harm.

This should not be tolerated and everyone should know who Bob Thurman is and what he supports in the name of fame and dollars!!!

After reading so much about Robert Thurman, we can conclude that he is not a real Buddhist practitioner, he is just a businessman who is selling Dharma for money. His retreat center is promoting killing, he wants to hire hackers to attack Dorje Shugden followers. How Buddhist can he be?

Not only that, he is seen hanging out with some sex abusers, why does he want to associate with these lamas knowing they have done something so badly to the students? On top of that, his own daughter is also a sexual abuse victim! Did he do that because he wants to be in the Dalai Lama's good book? I bet this must be the motivation.

If the Dalai Lama did not endorse Robert Thurman, no one will think he is an expert in Tibetan Buddhism. Without the Dalai Lama's name, Robert Thurman will just be another writer on Buddhism. It is good that people know how Robert Thurman is like so they know who not to go to if they want to be a real Buddhist practitioner.


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2018, 07:59:29 PM »
It must hurt Uma Thurman a lot that her own father does not care about how women such as herself get hurt. Bob Thurman is in fact supporting the sexual abusers and shows to the world that it is ok to do such harm.

This should not be tolerated and everyone should know who Bob Thurman is and what he supports in the name of fame and dollars!!!

After reading so much about Robert Thurman, we can conclude that he is not a real Buddhist practitioner, he is just a businessman who is selling Dharma for money. His retreat center is promoting killing, he wants to hire hackers to attack Dorje Shugden followers. How Buddhist can he be?

Not only that, he is seen hanging out with some sex abusers, why does he want to associate with these lamas knowing they have done something so badly to the students? On top of that, his own daughter is also a sexual abuse victim! Did he do that because he wants to be in the Dalai Lama's good book? I bet this must be the motivation.

If the Dalai Lama did not endorse Robert Thurman, no one will think he is an expert in Tibetan Buddhism. Without the Dalai Lama's name, Robert Thurman will just be another writer on Buddhism. It is good that people know how Robert Thurman is like so they know who not to go to if they want to be a real Buddhist practitioner.

Robert Thurman is known to be the Dalai Lama's man in America and he has alot of fame and money from that. He was the first westerner to be ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama but he disrobed just after 2 years to get married. He has been maintaining his image being on Dalai Lama's good side because Dalai Lama will endorse his books and he will get alot of sales from it.

During the announcement of Dorje Shugden ban, he chose His Holiness the Dalai Lama over his gurus who gave him the practice. I also heard that 2 of his Guru who practices Dorje Shugden was going to confer Dorje Shugden's sogtae initiations. He was denied on both occasions.

He was making a scene when he begged for it but still, the answer is no. Now that there is a Dorje Shugden ban going on, the public attacked Dorje Shugden people for not following Dalai Lama's instruction. From this, we can see he is a man that loves fame and money and he certainly does not care about anyone else including his daughter.


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2018, 02:45:39 AM »

Robert Thurman is known to be the Dalai Lama's man in America and he has alot of fame and money from that. He was the first westerner to be ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama but he disrobed just after 2 years to get married. He has been maintaining his image being on Dalai Lama's good side because Dalai Lama will endorse his books and he will get alot of sales from it.

During the announcement of Dorje Shugden ban, he chose His Holiness the Dalai Lama over his gurus who gave him the practice. I also heard that 2 of his Guru who practices Dorje Shugden was going to confer Dorje Shugden's sogtae initiations. He was denied on both occasions.

He was making a scene when he begged for it but still, the answer is no. Now that there is a Dorje Shugden ban going on, the public attacked Dorje Shugden people for not following Dalai Lama's instruction. From this, we can see he is a man that loves fame and money and he certainly does not care about anyone else including his daughter.

You said his Guru gave him Dorje Shugden? Who was his Guru that gave him Dorje Shugden practice? So who was the other two who was supposed to but did not confer sogtae to him? I am confused... cos if you say he did not get sogtae, then who gave him Dorje Shugden in the first place and how did he end up giving it up and why would hen then ask for sogtae if he already got the pactice?

What is sogtae? Can you explain?


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2018, 02:51:22 AM »

Robert Thurman is known to be the Dalai Lama's man in America and he has alot of fame and money from that. He was the first westerner to be ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama but he disrobed just after 2 years to get married. He has been maintaining his image being on Dalai Lama's good side because Dalai Lama will endorse his books and he will get alot of sales from it.

During the announcement of Dorje Shugden ban, he chose His Holiness the Dalai Lama over his gurus who gave him the practice. I also heard that 2 of his Guru who practices Dorje Shugden was going to confer Dorje Shugden's sogtae initiations. He was denied on both occasions.

He was making a scene when he begged for it but still, the answer is no. Now that there is a Dorje Shugden ban going on, the public attacked Dorje Shugden people for not following Dalai Lama's instruction. From this, we can see he is a man that loves fame and money and he certainly does not care about anyone else including his daughter.

You said his Guru gave him Dorje Shugden? Who was his Guru that gave him Dorje Shugden practice? So who was the other two who was supposed to but did not confer sogtae to him? I am confused... cos if you say he did not get sogtae, then who gave him Dorje Shugden in the first place and how did he end up giving it up and why would hen then ask for sogtae if he already got the pactice?

What is sogtae? Can you explain?

Sogtae conferment ritual is where the lama generates himself as the yidam to forge a spiritual bond between the practitioner and Dorje Shugden. Then the initiate swears to take Dorje Shugden as their Protector until they attain bodhicitta. And likewise, Dorje Shugden is sworn to protect the initiate until they have achieved bodhicitta, whether it’s in this life or in future ones. Why until they receive bodhicitta is because then the practitioner does not require the assistance of a Dharma protector anymore.

One does not need initiation to practice Dorje Shugden. Hence Robert Thurman could have gotten the practice from Dromo Geshe Rinpoche but not the Sogtae initiation. So even when he was denied the sogtae initiation, he could have still practice Dorje Shugden until he joined the Dalai Lama.

When Dalai lama imposes the ban on Dorje Shugden, he has to give up to be with the Dalai Lama. He needed Dalai lama's fame to boost himself and sell his books. He even got His Holiness to endorse his books. He then uses the Dalai Lama's name and acts as a religious police on Twitter by telling Dorje Shugden people off and attacking them with hateful speech.


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2018, 05:09:57 AM »

Robert Thurman is known to be the Dalai Lama's man in America and he has alot of fame and money from that. He was the first westerner to be ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama but he disrobed just after 2 years to get married. He has been maintaining his image being on Dalai Lama's good side because Dalai Lama will endorse his books and he will get alot of sales from it.

During the announcement of Dorje Shugden ban, he chose His Holiness the Dalai Lama over his gurus who gave him the practice. I also heard that 2 of his Guru who practices Dorje Shugden was going to confer Dorje Shugden's sogtae initiations. He was denied on both occasions.

He was making a scene when he begged for it but still, the answer is no. Now that there is a Dorje Shugden ban going on, the public attacked Dorje Shugden people for not following Dalai Lama's instruction. From this, we can see he is a man that loves fame and money and he certainly does not care about anyone else including his daughter.

You said his Guru gave him Dorje Shugden? Who was his Guru that gave him Dorje Shugden practice? So who was the other two who was supposed to but did not confer sogtae to him? I am confused... cos if you say he did not get sogtae, then who gave him Dorje Shugden in the first place and how did he end up giving it up and why would hen then ask for sogtae if he already got the pactice?

What is sogtae? Can you explain?

Sogtae conferment ritual is where the lama generates himself as the yidam to forge a spiritual bond between the practitioner and Dorje Shugden. Then the initiate swears to take Dorje Shugden as their Protector until they attain bodhicitta. And likewise, Dorje Shugden is sworn to protect the initiate until they have achieved bodhicitta, whether it’s in this life or in future ones. Why until they receive bodhicitta is because then the practitioner does not require the assistance of a Dharma protector anymore.

One does not need initiation to practice Dorje Shugden. Hence Robert Thurman could have gotten the practice from Dromo Geshe Rinpoche but not the Sogtae initiation. So even when he was denied the sogtae initiation, he could have still practice Dorje Shugden until he joined the Dalai Lama.

When Dalai lama imposes the ban on Dorje Shugden, he has to give up to be with the Dalai Lama. He needed Dalai lama's fame to boost himself and sell his books. He even got His Holiness to endorse his books. He then uses the Dalai Lama's name and acts as a religious police on Twitter by telling Dorje Shugden people off and attacking them with hateful speech.

Alex, are you sure he received Dorje Shugden practice? Or are you just assuming? Please fact check and show me your sources. From what I understood from this article he did not receive any practice to beging with >>>

If you did not receive sogtae then you did not give up anything/any commitments. When you receive Sogtae, you have commitments to do the practice for life, if not there is no "giving up" per se.

If any Tom, Dick of Harry goes and pick up Shugden mantra today and starts chanting and then tomorrow stops, there is no issue because he did not take Sogtae/initiation as you have described above. So based on the article published on he did not, hence there was nothing for him to give up.

Gelek told me [...] that Thurman even begged him, and it was no. For however that is decided. [Dr. Ursula Bernis] (personal attendant to Dromo Geshe Rinpoche) told me Dromo Geshe Rinpoche denied Bob several times. [She told me] that Bob used to push and connive for the Empowerment and he was always denied. Dromo Geshe said, Bob crawled across his floor begging and crying for it and he told him no way.

But what he gave up was his Guru to be on the other more popular camp and that's just VERY LOW & DISGUSTING - show you the kind of character he has. Now that is what's bad. Hope this is clear Alex.


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #27 on: October 30, 2018, 03:19:12 PM »
Robert Thurman is just like FPMT, guru devotion doesn't have any value to him. Money and fame hold more values than the guru. Enlightenment is not what he is looking for.

Both Robert Thurman and FPMT do not deserve respects from people. They abandon their gurus to chase after money and power. They turn around and become hostile to the Dorje Shugden practitioners. They claim they are expert in Buddhism but they don't walk the talk.

As a Buddhist, we should not criticise other religion or faith, we should respect the difference. Why is there a need to condemn Dorje Shugden to say how bad the practice is? Why do Robert Thurman and FPMT still study the teachings of Dorje Shugden lamas such as Pabongka Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche and then at the same time criticise their practice? Are they higher than their gurus?


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2018, 05:31:12 PM »
Robert Thurman is just like FPMT, guru devotion doesn't have any value to him. Money and fame hold more values than the guru. Enlightenment is not what he is looking for.

Both Robert Thurman and FPMT do not deserve respects from people. They abandon their gurus to chase after money and power. They turn around and become hostile to the Dorje Shugden practitioners. They claim they are expert in Buddhism but they don't walk the talk.

As a Buddhist, we should not criticise other religion or faith, we should respect the difference. Why is there a need to condemn Dorje Shugden to say how bad the practice is? Why do Robert Thurman and FPMT still study the teachings of Dorje Shugden lamas such as Pabongka Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche and then at the same time criticise their practice? Are they higher than their gurus?

You know when you say "study the teachings", do they really study? If they did, then they would have taken in the gravity of the karma that they are creating or had created. I think they are spending their time trying to look good or proof their 'loyalty' to the Dalai Lama. Robert Thurman is just keeping his eye out for the anyone famous he can attach himself to so that he thinks he is credible. See how he got friendly with Sogyal irregardless of his reputation as a sex predator? Well not a pipsqueak came out of him even when Sogyal was exposed or when his daughter claims #MeToo. Does that mean that he is guilty too? There is absolutely no integrity about Robert Thurman. Just a sleaze.


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Re: If she says #MeToo, why is Robert Thurman empowering sexual abusers?
« Reply #29 on: August 22, 2019, 09:09:15 AM »
Robert Thurman is just like FPMT, guru devotion doesn't have any value to him. Money and fame hold more values than the guru. Enlightenment is not what he is looking for.

Both Robert Thurman and FPMT do not deserve respects from people. They abandon their gurus to chase after money and power. They turn around and become hostile to the Dorje Shugden practitioners. They claim they are expert in Buddhism but they don't walk the talk.

As a Buddhist, we should not criticise other religion or faith, we should respect the difference. Why is there a need to condemn Dorje Shugden to say how bad the practice is? Why do Robert Thurman and FPMT still study the teachings of Dorje Shugden lamas such as Pabongka Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche and then at the same time criticise their practice? Are they higher than their gurus?

You know when you say "study the teachings", do they really study? If they did, then they would have taken in the gravity of the karma that they are creating or had created. I think they are spending their time trying to look good or proof their 'loyalty' to the Dalai Lama. Robert Thurman is just keeping his eye out for the anyone famous he can attach himself to so that he thinks he is credible. See how he got friendly with Sogyal irregardless of his reputation as a sex predator? Well not a pipsqueak came out of him even when Sogyal was exposed or when his daughter claims #MeToo. Does that mean that he is guilty too? There is absolutely no integrity about Robert Thurman. Just a sleaze.

I think they do study but they never put what they have studied in practice. They know all the theory, they can explain to everyone what guru devotion is, what karma is but they don't walk the talk. If they truly practise guru devotion, they will not force people to give up Dorje Shugden practice which is given to them by their teachers. They will not abandon their teacher and try to be in the good book of the Dalai Lama.

From the spiritual aspect, if the Dalai Lama is not one's teacher, it is ok to not listen to the Dalai Lama. Not listening to the Dalai Lama does not mean not respecting him. In Vajrayana practice, we have to follow the instruction of our teacher, not to follow someone who is more famous.

Robert Thurman is a very bad example of how a Buddhist should be. He has no compassion for anyone, he wanted to hire hackers to hurt Dorje Shugden followers. He is acting like a hooligan.