Author Topic: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?  (Read 28230 times)


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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2019, 04:59:57 PM »
You are right! Tibetans are losing their favour as India is escalating their relationship with China. China definitely has more to benefits to share then CTA who has only been taking and using without much giving back although annually they receive millions in USD for simply being refugees. Imagine being refugees for 60 years and the billions of sponsorship received without much being done for their people or improvement for their living conditions. Instead, members of CTA are living in luxury while their people are squandering in camps selling sweaters to visitors. CTA doesn't extend any help to India in her times of need but instead request for more assistance. CTA is so adept at being the selfish beggar and will never give up this easy job for the good of their people, not even for the Dalai Lama, who will never see the fruition of his wish to return home to Tibet.

The Tibetans in exile are in so much of suffering already for losing their country and now their government is adding on to that suffering. The Tibetan government used the Tibetans like a pawn to get millions of donation from the western country. However, none of the donations actually been used to improve the welfare of Tibetans in exile in those Tibetan settlements across India.

As India's relationship with China improves day by day, it is just a matter of time that Tibetans will be totally neglected by the Indian government. As a matter of fact, it has already begun. The Tibetans in India has not given the Indian government any benefit while China is helping India a lot with their collaboration.

That is why India has been quiet about The Dalai Lama because they do not want to offend China. Sooner or later, the Tibetans in India will have to move out when India decided that they no longer want to host them. It is wiser for the Tibetans to join India as a citizen now or go back to Tibet under China now.

Tenzin K

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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2019, 08:10:15 PM »
India will stay quiet is because of China. This is actually a sign for CTA that they are already at the end of the juncture. India is will move further if China voice up and imagine what will happen to CTA? if CTA still didn't want to put effort to build the relationship with China they will be struggling big time. The host is just going to more difficult if needed. CTA will not able to achieve what they want to achieve. Their only way is either take up Indian citizenship which is an easy way out or works their way to be friended with China and go back to Tibet.


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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2019, 06:42:47 PM »
India will stay quiet is because of China. This is actually a sign for CTA that they are already at the end of the juncture. India is will move further if China voice up and imagine what will happen to CTA? if CTA still didn't want to put effort to build the relationship with China they will be struggling big time. The host is just going to more difficult if needed. CTA will not able to achieve what they want to achieve. Their only way is either take up Indian citizenship which is an easy way out or works their way to be friended with China and go back to Tibet.

CTA knows what is happening, but they are too arrogant to do what they should be doing, to have a dialogue with China to talk about the Middle Way approach. If the CTA is really worried or concerned about the welfare of the Tibetans, they will not be so arrogant.

If we look at the past, we will know that the Tibetan government has a history of exploiting the normal Tibetans so they can become and rich without doing much work. Now that they are in India, the CTA has not changed, they still rule the Tibetans using the old mentality. The CTA wants the Tibetans to remain as refugees in India so they can continue to ask for free money.

If CTA really strikes a deal with China, they will lose their power and the opportunity to make money for themselves. They are not that stupid to do that. That is why until today they are still not making an effort to talk to China.


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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2019, 11:07:25 AM »
CTA does not do any good to anyone, they only do good to themselves. How much have they done to the Tibetans in making their lives better? Sorry to say this, as much as the CTA claims China is suppressing the Tibetans in China, the Tibetans in China are actually progressing so much better than the Tibetans outside of China!

The Tibetans in China are given so much opportunity. Because of the better transportation infrastructure built by the Chinese government, there is an influx of tourists to Tibet which has stimulated the economy in Tibet. Many Tibetans are business owners and have been very successful. They are still able to practice Buddhism, many monasteries are restored and refurbished by the Chinese government.

When we look at the CTA, what they have delivered so far are conflict after conflict, scandal after scandal. They don't look for solutions when problems arise, they just avoid the problems completely. They tactic they always use is to blame others for the problems. It is never their faults. It is a miracle that they can survive for 60 years. But I guess if they continue at this pace, they will soon collapse.


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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2019, 10:47:19 PM »
India will stay quiet is because of China. This is actually a sign for CTA that they are already at the end of the juncture. India is will move further if China voice up and imagine what will happen to CTA? if CTA still didn't want to put effort to build the relationship with China they will be struggling big time. The host is just going to more difficult if needed. CTA will not able to achieve what they want to achieve. Their only way is either take up Indian citizenship which is an easy way out or works their way to be friended with China and go back to Tibet.

The time for CTA to build a relationship with China has passed. For 60 years, CTA did not put in the effort to connect with China as they wanted to use China as a tool to earn donations from the western countries. They had been touring the world, raising awareness about Tibetan cause and portraying China as a big bully did not help with their effort of connecting with China.

In fact, it pushed them further away from their goals and now they totally lost their chance when China stopped their effort in reaching out to have a dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This means that they are no longer interested in connecting with Tibetans and they have moved on.

Now CTA is telling the whole world they are trying to reconnect with China and China is the one refused to connect with them. Once again, the Tibetans are painting China in a bad shade again to get sympathy from the world. CTA can't use the same tactic forever and once the world realises this, CTA will fall flat on their face.

Harold Musetescu

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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2019, 11:49:20 PM »
CTA CTA CTA they are the problem.


The Dalai Lama is the one and the only problem.

He has failed for 60 years with his NO RELATIONSHIP POLICY WITH CHINA.

Stop saying it is the CTA who is the problem.

The Dalai Lama is the problem but you are to scared to tell the truth.

Shame on you!!!

Tenzin K

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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2019, 07:25:06 AM »
India no longer treating Tibetan like before. Time changes, motivation changes and needs changes too. With China growing stronger and his influences, many countries will go along with China instead because what CTA can provide in return? China has advice India to be silent on Tibetan events and that is what India going to do. There is more and more cooperation between China and India and their relationship is getting closer. No way India will take any risk for CTA to jeopardize their relationship. In fact the closer they are it's going to affect CTA more.


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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2019, 11:27:03 PM »
Stop saying it is the CTA who is the problem.

Some self-proclaimed Shugdenpas are just disgruntled courtiers wanting to replace the CTA as the evil dalie's entourage.

Such so-called Shugdenpas are disappointed because they were used by the CIA and its puppet the evil dalie, just in order to be later discarded, as useful idiots always are.

They think that the evil dalie inherently exists, and fail to realize that Dharma practice has zero to do with sycophantic feudal courtiership.


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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2019, 11:31:58 PM »
Stop saying it is the CTA who is the problem.

Some self-proclaimed Shugdenpas are just disgruntled courtiers wanting to replace the CTA as the evil dalie's entourage.

Such so-called Shugdenpas are disappointed because they were used by the CIA and its puppet the evil dalie, just in order to be later discarded, as useful idiots always are.

They think that the evil dalie inherently exists, and fail to realize that Dharma practice has zero to do with sycophantic feudal courtiership.

Tenzin K

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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #24 on: July 26, 2019, 05:05:20 AM »
From the news, we can see India is every appreciative of the relationship with China and they are working on a lot of projects now. All the project is a win-win situation and some may a long pending issue that going be resolved soon. China had a great influence on this and will affect CTA and Dalai Lama. There will be more action from India and I beleive India would not want to be in between them and would want to get out from the equation. India may push Tibetan to either go back to Tibet or be an Indian citizen and this issue is done.


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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2019, 09:23:49 AM »
From the news, we can see India is every appreciative of the relationship with China and they are working on a lot of projects now. All the project is a win-win situation and some may a long pending issue that going be resolved soon. China had a great influence on this and will affect CTA and Dalai Lama. There will be more action from India and I beleive India would not want to be in between them and would want to get out from the equation. India may push Tibetan to either go back to Tibet or be an Indian citizen and this issue is done.

India has shown very clearly to the CTA that they want to keep their distance away from the Tibetans. After so many years of supporting the Tibetans, there is no sign indicating the Tibetans are aggressive in making their situation better or making the Free Tibet movement a success. They continue to be a trouble makers for India and China.

Lobsang Sangay is still touring around the world telling people how China is treating the Tibetans badly when the standard of living of Tibetans in China is so much better than those in India. He encourages Tibetans in China to self-immolate so he can have more cases to go against the Chinese government. Life worths nothing to Lobsang Sangay, money is more important than everything else.

India in some way feels its been used by the CTA. Therefore, India chooses to stay further away from the Tibetans. The Tibetans is getting the the way for India to have a better relationship with China. Like it or not, China has the resources to help a country to progress, this is what people want. If CTA genuinely care for the welfare of the Tibetans, they should really work on building a good relationship with China now before it is too late.


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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2019, 10:50:00 AM »
From the news, we can see India is every appreciative of the relationship with China and they are working on a lot of projects now. All the project is a win-win situation and some may a long pending issue that going be resolved soon. China had a great influence on this and will affect CTA and Dalai Lama. There will be more action from India and I beleive India would not want to be in between them and would want to get out from the equation. India may push Tibetan to either go back to Tibet or be an Indian citizen and this issue is done.

India has shown very clearly to the CTA that they want to keep their distance away from the Tibetans. After so many years of supporting the Tibetans, there is no sign indicating the Tibetans are aggressive in making their situation better or making the Free Tibet movement a success. They continue to be a trouble makers for India and China.

Lobsang Sangay is still touring around the world telling people how China is treating the Tibetans badly when the standard of living of Tibetans in China is so much better than those in India. He encourages Tibetans in China to self-immolate so he can have more cases to go against the Chinese government. Life worths nothing to Lobsang Sangay, money is more important than everything else.

India in some way feels its been used by the CTA. Therefore, India chooses to stay further away from the Tibetans. The Tibetans is getting the the way for India to have a better relationship with China. Like it or not, China has the resources to help a country to progress, this is what people want. If CTA genuinely care for the welfare of the Tibetans, they should really work on building a good relationship with China now before it is too late.

Tibetans should pack up and leave India as soon as possible so that India can have their land back. The Tibetans have been in India since 60 years ago and there is not one day that their presence benefitted India. Now, India is having a rocky relationship with China because of the Tibetans.

No wonder India has to make a stand to show China that they are standing on China's side in the China-Tibet issue. Sooner or later, India will make their stand firmer and Tibetans will have a tough time staying in India. It is better for Tibetans to leave India before that happens and find a better future elsewhere.

CTA will not give them the chance in the Tibetan settlements and they are leading the Tibetans to nowhere. There is nothing in those settlements and Tibetans are suffering so much there. Just look at those Tibetans to manage to escape to foreign countries. There are a lot of success stories out there and all they need to do is to abandon their government who is holding them back.


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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2019, 04:17:40 PM »
Finally India has enough of the Tibetans who have a good time in India but give zero back. There is no reason for the Tibetans to stay in India because why are they still refugees after sooo long?

They have the opportunity to become Indian citizen which is only fair after so many years benefitting from their host. India is clearly telling the CTA it has been long enough. We get so much from good relations with China.

This is well deserved CTA! Enough is enough.


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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2019, 09:28:11 AM »
Finally India has enough of the Tibetans who have a good time in India but give zero back. There is no reason for the Tibetans to stay in India because why are they still refugees after sooo long?

They have the opportunity to become Indian citizen which is only fair after so many years benefitting from their host. India is clearly telling the CTA it has been long enough. We get so much from good relations with China.

This is well deserved CTA! Enough is enough.

India has hosted Tibetan for the last 60 years, it is a very long time. After 60 years of hosting, there is no result in Free Tibet movement. There is no clear plan from the Tibetan leadership how to move forward. How much longer does the Tibetans want India to host them for?

Tibetans are using the resources in India but never contribute anything to their tax system. Yet, the Tibetans are not happy, they still want more help from the Indian government. At the same time, they are creating problems to the Indian government by condemning China.

Tibetans will not be satisfied, they have live a life a beggar for the past 60 years. Money comes easy for them, they will not work hard for it. They will continue to use Tibet issue to beg for free money.


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Re: Why is India quiet about the Dalai Lama?
« Reply #29 on: August 20, 2019, 07:42:11 AM »
Finally India has enough of the Tibetans who have a good time in India but give zero back. There is no reason for the Tibetans to stay in India because why are they still refugees after sooo long?

They have the opportunity to become Indian citizen which is only fair after so many years benefitting from their host. India is clearly telling the CTA it has been long enough. We get so much from good relations with China.

This is well deserved CTA! Enough is enough.

India has hosted Tibetan for the last 60 years, it is a very long time. After 60 years of hosting, there is no result in Free Tibet movement. There is no clear plan from the Tibetan leadership how to move forward. How much longer does the Tibetans want India to host them for?

Tibetans are using the resources in India but never contribute anything to their tax system. Yet, the Tibetans are not happy, they still want more help from the Indian government. At the same time, they are creating problems to the Indian government by condemning China.

Tibetans will not be satisfied, they have live a life a beggar for the past 60 years. Money comes easy for them, they will not work hard for it. They will continue to use Tibet issue to beg for free money.

Tibetans do not just simply stay in India and uses their recourse. Those Tibetans did all they can to reap maximum benefit from the Indian government. There was an incident where the Tibetans were found out to have been receiving welfare from the Indian government which they are not entitled to receive.

After all those kindnesses that were shown to the Tibetans, the Tibetans still does not treat Indians with respect or gratitude. Tibetans are known to look down on Indians and treating them as if they themselves are higher when compared to those Indians.

India should just throw the Tibetans out of their country and not waste any more time on them. Just ask them to leave and let their own government take care of themselves.