Kyabje Zemey Dorje Chang
His Eminence Kyabje Zemey Dorje Chang is one of the most erudite scholar-yogi masters of this century to arise from the esteemed Gaden Shartse Monastery.
Zemey Rinpoche was a very devoted student of H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and received many sacred lineages, transmissions and practices from Trijang Rinpoche. He became a most renowned Lama himself, holding and passing on these great transmissions and practices.
Zemey Rinpoche had many great disciples within Gaden Monastery as he was highly revered. The current translator of the Dalai Lama, Geshe Thupten Jinpa is a direct disciple of Zemey Rinpoche and lived in Zemey Ladrang (Lama’s household and private office) in Gaden Shartse, for many years studying directly under Zemey Rinpoche.
When HH the 14th Dalai Lama visited China in the 50s, Zemey Rinpoche was one of the esteemed masters that Dalai lama invited to follow him to China, see a beautiful photo here (1st row, middle photo): http://www.dorjeshugden.com/lamas/
The Zemey Rinpoche line of tulkus comes from the Yangding, Kham district of Tibet where is highly revered by the populace. He belongs to the same monastery as the recently retired 101st Gaden Tri Rinpoche, Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal in Yangding.
The current Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche’s incarnation has been successfully found in Tibet and enthroned.
Source: YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98gnYSNl0H4)
February 7, 2011
Regarding your picture of Zemey rimpoche groups picture~
this picture was taken in india and not china~
In background many indian Govt officials(tibetan) from sikkim and kalimpong~accompaning HHs tour.
and This pictures are still hanging in thier homes wall at present.!!
August 30, 2016
There are many erudite masters taught by H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. H.E, Kyabje Zemey Dorje Chang is among those and himself went on to be a great teacher. in Gaden Monastery. His students went on to be attained masters themselves one of whom is the current translator of the Dalai Lama, Geshe Thupten Jinpa.
H.E, Kyabje Zemey Dorje Chang is a fine example of students from Gaden Monastery. H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche is indeed a great master.