Ven. Geshe Tenzin Dorje
Versatile Ven Geshe Tenzin Dorje of Shar Gaden Monastery is the current school principal, the library director and now the preceptor. He has unparalleled skills in numerous fields yet it is his humility and desire to keep a low profile that makes him respected and well-loved by many. May he continue his dharma activities and lead us from the front as he usually does.
July 4, 2012
Ven Geshe Tenzin Dorje is a shinning example of a great man but chosed to be humble. As oppose to those who dont have half the amount of dharma knowledge that he had, he is very down-to-earth and always keep his students’ welfare at heart.
This world would be a much nicer place if we have more people like this great worker.
August 8, 2013
Ven Geshe Tenzin Dorje is a great example of a true practitioner. Never wanting any fame and fortune, he chooses to be humble and keeping a low-profile. He is down to earth and does not make stories out of the blue. It is great to be hearing that there is such a great school principal at Sha Gaden Monastery.
I believe that with such a great example like Ven Geshe Tenzin Dorje, it would demonstrate to the rest of the members at Sha Gaden Monastery to be more like him. Looking up to Ven Geshe Tenzin Dorje, and picking up his great points.