Get your copy of Modern Buddhism here!
A reader of DorjeShugden.com recently wrote to us saying that meeting Geshe Kelsang Gyatso changed his life. In his sincere comment, he drew our attention to this free eBook provided by the New Kadampa Tradition which he says includes “the entire path of sutra and tantra”. We wish to share the work of this attained…

Dalai Lama Will Stop Condemning Dorje Shugden
DorjeShugden.com has just received groundbreaking news from the monasteries that H.H. the Dalai Lama will stop openly condemning the practice of Dorje Shugden. From 30 November – 13 December 2012, H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama gave 14 days of Lamrim teachings at Gaden and Drepung Monasteries in south India. Commentaries included Atisha’s Lamp for the…

Current Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche Conducts Dorje Shugden puja
Reincarnation is the process where our mindstream leaves our old body and enters a new body. There are many components necessary for this process in order for us to obtain a new body ready to continue our previous lives’ legacies. However, in the case of highly attained beings like Trijang Rinpoche, the process is as…

Trijang Rinpoche Confers Initiation in Europe
All of us at DorjeShugden.com are very happy and excited to share with you these momentous videos of H.H. Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche’s recent teaching tour in Europe. These are the first videos we have of the young Trijang Rinpoche beginning to turn the wheel of Dharma again, and are very happy to share the opportunity…

A Weekend Dharma Celebration
While Losar festivities kick off in the Tibetan communities around the world and another year begins, practitioners throughout America celebrate in their own way to bring the blessings of Dharma to thousands. We rejoice to hear that centers of the New Kadampa Tradition will be organizing a grand Dharma Celebration weekend in February 2013, in…

Double Blessings
For 30 years of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s life, he received countless teachings, commentaries, initiations, oral transmissions, explanations and advice from his Junior Tutor, the incomparable Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. Many of the lineages that H.H. the Dalai Lama carries and disseminates in the world today come to us directly from him, which originally…

The Opening of a New Dorje Shugden Monastery
We have recently come to hear of the opening of a new Dorje Shugden monastery in Tao Yuan, Taipei, Taiwan, opened under the spiritual guidance of H.E. the 13th Kyabje Daknak Rinpoche, the Guru of Gadenpa Buddhism Center. Daknak Genden Lhundup Ling was opened in October 2012 and is known to be an institution that…

How Five Powerful Lamas Are Changing the World
A recent series of teachings given by Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche at Rabten Choeling Monastery in Switzerland saw the powerful convergence of some of the world’s most eminent, influential Gelug lamas today. Among the many photos of Lama Jampa Ngodup’s visit, the writers of DorjeShugden.com were especially taken by this heart-warming image of five of…

Trijang Rinpoche’s Personal Dorje Shugden Statue
We are very happy to share this rare spiritual treat with all our readers! This highly potent and blessed statue of Dorje Shugden was kept in the private bedroom of His Holiness the previous Trijang Rinpoche. His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche kept Dorje Shugden near him and by him throughout his life. They shared a very…

In Rumtek, a Generation of Buddhist Monks Loses Hope
By ANJANI TRIVEDI, The New York Times, January 21, 2013 RUMTEK, Sikkim (India) — In their 13th year of waiting for their spiritual leader, the Tibetan Buddhist monks at a mountainside monastery in Sikkim are starting to give up hope. “Our hearts have fallen – the master isn’t coming,” said Karma Yeshi, a monk and…

Are You Friends with a Shugden Practitioner?
This unusual, rare photo of H.E. Ling Rinpoche and H.H. 101ST Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal recently came into the hands of DorjeShugden.com. It has sparked our interest of course, as any images of high lamas do. This photo is a little more special though for it’s not just a picture about two lamas. Of greater…

How Can There be Violence in Paradise?
By: Proteus Quay For a religion known for encouraging peace, tolerance and kindness, and for discouraging harm, it is especially sad to hear of violent disruptions in Buddhism. In recent decades especially, several unfortunate political controversies within the Tibetan refugee communities in India have arisen from and involved the religious schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Sadly,…

The First Lama That China Sent Abroad
By: Mar Nee In December 2012, Lama Jampa Ngodup Wangchuk Rinpoche became the first Tibetan lama to be appointed by the Chinese Government to travel on an official trip abroad to give Dharma teachings in Switzerland. He was even received by officials of the Chinese consulate in Zurich upon his arrival. Lama Jampa Ngodup is…

Wisdom and Health from Dorje Shugden
Dorje Shugden practice have helped me to have a greater peace of mind and open up my mind to practice to bring improvements to my life and my family’s. The practice helps me to improve my memory and wisdom. My health problem like migraine and flu, have improved. I am always down with the flu…

Dorje Shugden Blessing Dogs
When my little dog was critically ill about eight months ago, he had to be hospitalized at the vet’s. I visited him every day, and gave him one Dorje Shugden blessed rice and also placed blessed rice into his water. While I was there daily, there was a little dog in the next room that…

The Power of Blessed Rice
My husband has been unemployed for two years and he works part time whenever there are jobs available. I have not been sleeping well for the past six months and whenever I do, I get nightmares. And most times I dream of my deceased mother glaring at me. My husband has been experiencing some bad…

Just Nice
My name is K.C. and I’ve been introduced to Dorje Shugden through a friend who told me that life seemed like it’s falling in place for him after chanting Dorje Shugden mantra. Also he told me to log on to www.dorjeshugden.com, which I did and eventually got hooked on to the website. I’ve learned so…

How Dorje Shugden Brought Me Back Onto the Path to Liberation
After having graduated from the college, I embarked onto the working life to begin my career. Throughout my working life, I have met many challenges and obstacles. I started to feel frustrated and disillusioned with life. I was constantly asking myself what is the purpose of life? I was always searching for the answers. It…

Caught in the Middle
By: TK One of the most difficult situations that has arisen from the ban on Dorje Shugden is that of Buddhist practitioners having to literally choose between their Gurus. In many cases, monks and lay practitioners have one Guru (such as the Dalai Lama) who has instructed them to stop the practice of Dorje Shugden…

Just a Matter of Time…
By: TK In the future, after the HH the Dalai Lama has passed away, there is only one direction the Dorje Shugden practice, lineage and practitioners can go: up. Whatever the Dalai Lama has said and done ‘against’ Shugden is only temporary. He has made Shugden famous and he continues to do so by keeping…

The Ban Has Made Us Stronger
By: TK There is more frequent news coming from Tibet and China these days that monasteries are practicing Dorje Shugden and lamas are bestowing initiations (sogtae) to practitioners there. From just one Geshe initiating so many people, many more will practice. The practitioners themselves will then initiate even more people and so on. This trend…

True Harmony or a Change of Tune?
His Holiness spoke on Religious Harmony and Dorje Shugden at Drepung Loseling Monastery in Mundgod, India, during a Lamrim teaching on December 9, 2012. Please refer especially to 21.00 minutes of the video onwards. A translated summary of what the Dalai Lama says can be found under the video. A translated summary of video above,…

H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden
His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche (1904-1984) was born in Kham, Tibet, studied at Ganden Monastery, gained renown as a learned Geshe and great debater and served as abbot for nine years. He left Tibet for India in 1959 and later served as principal of the Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies in Sarnath. Like his dear…

Xu Jing speaks for Dorje Shugden
Xu Jing has been a Buddhist practitioner for many years. On her path to Enlightenment, Xu Jing has received the blessings of and protection from Dorje Shugden. Because of this, she has been able to practise Dharma free from worries, and she is diligent in her practice. Financially, she is stable and feels calm and…

The Karmapas and the Forbidden Buddha
One of the most contested issues within Tibetan Buddhism is that of the recognition of the 17th Karmapa, the spiritual head of the Karma Kagyus sect. This has been a central dividing factor within the Karma Kagyus, which has since split into two divisions – each following one of the two Karmapas. First, a bit…

Banning of Tulkus in History
The CTA (Central Tibetan Administration) and its predecessor, the Tibetan government has long been well known for their hard-line policies against Tulkus and their spiritual institutions. If one were to take a long hard look at the history books, one would find a number of high-profile cases where great lamas were marginalized, their great residences…

The five families of Dorje Shugden in nathang style
The five families of Dorje Shugden is depicted here in a nathang (black thangka) style using traditional Chinese painting. We at DorjeShugden.com are so happy to have received these five paintings and have made them available online for everyone to download here. Please click on the images below to download the high resolution version. We…

How the Shugden Lamas Are Bringing Tibetans Back to Tibet
While the 60th Anniversary of the ‘peaceful liberation’ of Tibet was regarded as a cleverly masked attempt of the Chinese to ‘undermine the Dalai Lama’, the event has also marked a different sort of celebration. Whatever the intentions of the Chinese were for holding such an event and inviting leading Buddhist lamas to the celebrations,…

Is it Interference?
The Dalai Lama has long stood as the spiritual head of Tibet and the Guru of millions of Tibetans. However, although he has inspired hope and compassion in the hearts of many, the actual spiritual authority held by the position of the Dalai Lama is a little more complicated than what we have long believed….

The 17th Karmapa and the 11th Panchen Lama – a Chinese conspiracy?
Ogyen Trinley Dorje Rinpoche, one of the two main Karmapa incarnates, has been plagued by rumors for years that he is a Chinese spy. For this, he has been under scrutiny by both the Tibetan community as well as the Indian government. Yet he is considered close to HH the Dalai Lama and receives no…

Trijang Rinpoche confers Dorje Shugden initiation in Mongolia
Trijang Rinpoche’s visit to Mongolia was auspiciously punctuated by the fact that, for the first time during this present incarnation, His Holiness gave Dorje Shugden sogtae (initiation) and this event is taken to be extremely significant because it means that Rinpoche is resuming what he had been doing in his previous life – spreading the…

Long Life Puja for Gyudmed Kensur and Lama Jampa Ngodup
High lamas like Gyudmed Kensur and Lama Jampa Ngodup have worked tirelessly for the benefit of others their entire lives, as they probably did in their previous incarnations. Therefore, it makes good sense that these precious and beneficial lamas’ lives should remain long, because the longer they live and manifest their works, the more sentient…

Tibetan Buddhism: Erosion From Within Or Without?
By: Shashi Kei For centuries Tibet has been associated with the Buddha’s teachings and its reference as The Rooftop Of The World indicates its mythical status as the one place on earth where a person can get closest to the Buddhist heavens. It follows that the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and one-time temporal head of…

Tribute to Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche
We all know about many illustrious and high lamas who fled Tibet during the Cultural Revolution and continued to uphold the teachings while living in foreign lands. Little is heard of lamas who have survived the Cultural Revolution and on top of that studied, practiced and are spreading the sacred Dharma to thousands within the…

Operation Make Friends
The area in front of the Potala Palace is not a small space and to fill it up with people is no small feat. This mass gathering of people in July 2011 to listen to Xi Jinping (Vice President of the People’s Republic of China, and future leader of China) is indicative of the huge…

Dancing for Dorje Shugden
Indians are famous for their openness towards deities from other religions, believing that holiness and sacredness does not manifest as just the gods and goddesses they are familiar with. So it is no surprise that in a little village in India, these women dance joyously for Dorje Shugden… Dance is often described as an…

Trehor Khangsar Rinpoche
During the time of the 13th Dalai Lama Thupten Gyatso, Trehor Khangsar Rinpoche was the Abbot of the Tantric College of Gyumey. Among his students were high lamas such as Jampa Chodak, who held the post of the 90th Gaden Tripa. Jampa Chodak was also the student who wrote a biography of Trehor Khangsar Rinpoche….

Dagpo Kelsang Khedrup
Most Gelugpas would have known or heard of the great Lama Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche. After all, Pabongka Dorje Chang is the very reason we are all fortunate enough to have the precious text, Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand. This text is still being studied and used in Gelug monasteries and Dharma centers throughout…

Dorje Shugden nathang
DorjeShugden.com has just received this beautiful image from a very talented artist which we wish to share with everyone. Dorje Shugden, emanating in his peaceful form, is depicted in the style of a black thangka (nathang in Tibetan). This style is generally reserved for wrathful deities, so to depict a peaceful Dulzin using this method…

Ratna Shugden’s (Gyenze) iconography
One of the four cardinal emanations, Gyenze is the embodiment of Dorje Shugden’s increase energy. His form is particularly efficacious for increasing life, merit and prosperity. Like all Buddhist deities, every part of Gyenze’s holy form carries a profound meaning and is a teaching to guide us to Enlightenment… FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/introduction/mandala/dorje-shugdens-five-families/ TO…