The ban persists because ignorance persists. Thus to lift the ban, we at are committed to spreading the truth about Dorje Shugden.

We have compiled this list of contacts, both postal and email, for you to write to. Write about the ban and its background, why you believe the ban is wrong, and why you practise Dorje Shugden. Teach people about Dorje Shugden’s enlightened nature, so they can come to their own logical conclusions about him. If you’re not much of a letter writer, then just take one from our precompiled letters here, and email it off to anyone on the list.

And yes, we have Chinese addresses here as China supports the practice of Dorje Shugden and treats all religious practices in Tibet equally.

As always, be respectful and show compassion to those who support the ban. Ignorance of a law does not negate the law, but oftentimes circumstances we are not fully aware of may compel people to act in certain ways.


Mailing Type
Starting with alphabet
Centro Budista Mahabodhi
Rua Mário Guastini
192 CEP 05420-010
Centro Budista Maitreya
R. Professor Pimenta da Veiga, 737. Cidade Nova. Belo Horizonte Minas Gerias
Centro Budista Paramita
c/o Centro Budista Dharmachakra : Ernestina Larrainzar No.17, Col. del Valle, Mexico City DF 03100 MEXICO
Centro Budista Rechung Dorje Dragpa
Rio Tesechoacán 41, Col. Cuauhtémoc
Xalapa Veracruz 91069
Centro de Budismo Tibetano Dudul Phurpa Ling
Caixa Postal 70.180
Rio de Janeiro
RJ 22422-970
Centro de Estudos Budistas Paramitta
Av. Kennedy
1313 80220-201
Curitiba Paraná
Centro de Estudos do Budismo
Rua São Cristóvão
516 / 424 Rio de Janeiro
Centro de Meditacao Vipassana
R. Almirante Alexandrino
3051 Santa Teresa
Rio de Janeiro CEP 20241-262
Centro de Meditación
Av. Mexico 2624
Jalisco 44130
Centro de Meditación
Callejon Blanco #4
San Miguel de Allende
Guanajuato 37700
Centro de Meditacion Vipassana
Puebla 389, Cnr. Acapulco
Colonia Roma Norte
D. F. 06700
Centro Kagyu
SQS Bloco E/402
Distrito Federal CEP 70387-050
Centro Lama Tzong Khapa
Director Danillo Ghirardo
Via Peseggiana 37
Zero Branco
31059 Treviso,
Centro Mexicano del Buddhismo Theravada
Dhamma Vihara
Apartado Postal 19 Banderilla
Ver. C.P. 91300
Centro Muni Gyana
Director Lucia Geraci
c/o Via De Gregorio, 9
Centro Nagarjuna Valencia
Director Steve Milton
C/ General Urrutia, 43 ptas 1 y 2

46006 Valencia
Centro Shiwa Lha
Director Neyl Soares
Rua Almirante Tamandaré, 66/505
Rio de Janeiro/RJ
CEP 22210-060
Centro Shiwa Lha
Rua Almirante Tamandaré
66/505 Catete
Rio de Janeiro CEP-22210-060
Centro Studi Cenresig
Director Marco Castaldi
Via A. Meucci 4
40138 Bologna,
Centro Tara Cittamani
Director Filippo Scianna
V. Lussemburgo, 4
Padova 35100,
Centro Terra di Unificazione Ewam
Director Paolo Mori
Via Reginaldo Giuliani 505/A
50141 Florence,
Centro Yamantaka
Director Olga Sierra
Centro de Meditación Yamantaka
Calle 101-71C-37
Centro Zen Budista da Ilha do Governador
Estrada da Cacuia no. 899 Cocotá
Ilha do Governador
Rio de Janeiro 21291-001
Centro Zen de Mexico
Andador Epigmenio Ibarra 16-106 ,
Col. Romero de Terreros
D.F. 04310
Centro Zen de México A.R.
Calle G, Manzana XII, No. 18 Col. Educación
Coyoacán  México
D.F Distrito Federal 04400
Centro Zen del Escorpion Negro
Camino al Ojo de Agua Santo Domingo Ocotitlan, Tepoztlan Morelos MEXICO
Centro Zen Maezumi Kuroda
Tlaxcantitla 22
San Miguel Tecamachalco
Edo. de Mèxico
Centrum Boswijk School voor Aandachtsontwikkeling
Burgerstraat 35 5311 CW Gameren, Holland and the Order of Interbeing. 
Chadud Gonpa Ordjen Katchod Ling
Rod. SC 434, Km 03
Caixa Postal 11
CEP: 88495-000
Chag-tong Chen-tong Centre
Director Ven. Lindy Mailhot
PO Box 195
Snug TAS 7054
Chagdud Gompa
Belo Horizonte/MG
Av. Nossa Senhora do Carmo, 660, 202
Bairro Sion Belo Horizonte – MG
Chagdud Gompa – Amrita Ling
2223 NE 137th Street, Seattle 98125
Chagdud Gompa – Padma Ling
West 1014 Seventh Avenue, Spokane 99204
Chagdud Gompa – Rigdzin Ling
P.O. Box 279
Junction City 96048
Chagdud Gompa – T’hondup Ling
3353 Rowena Avenue
Los Angeles 90027
Chagdud Gompa Tromge Ling
2550 Denali Ste 1301
Anchorage 99501
Chagdud Gonpa – P’huntsog Ling
1108 de la Vina #B
Santa Barbara 93101
Chagdud Gonpa Ati Ling
23125 Fort Ross Road
Cazadero 95421
Chagdud Gonpa Pidma Ling
1014 W. 7th Ave, Spokane 90204
Chagna Pemo Study Group
Coordinator Mirjana Ogrin
Krumperska 15
1230 Domzale
Public Service Commission
Central Tibetan Administration
Public Service Commission
Central Tibetan Administration
Chairman – Zhang Ping
38.S.Yuetan Street,Beijing, 100824, CHINA
Chakma Buddhist Temple
Village – Miya Bigha,Maya Sarovar Area, Bodhgaya, 824231 INDIA
3rd floor Block A
3 Lau Sin Street
Park View Mansion
North Point
Ven Tenzin Pemba and Esther Ngai
3rd floor Block A
3 Lau Sin Street, Park View Mansion
North Point, Hong Kong
Chaman Sharma
Friends of Tibet, PO Box 16674, Bombay 400050, India.
Chan Buddhist Temple of Rio de Janeiro
Rua Itabaiana 235
20561-050 Grajaú Rio de Janeiro
Chandrakirti Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre
Directors Phillipa Rutherford and Bruce Farley
PO Box 3319
New Zealand
Changhua Vajra Vidya Buddhist Center
Lama Kunchok (喇嘛昆秋)
Nan Xing Li, Yi Xing Road No.31-1,
Changhua City,
Taiwan R.O.C.
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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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