Appeal to Improve the Condition for the Tibetan People

Kalon Tripa Lobsang Sangay
Central Tibetan Administration
Dharamshala – 176215
September 10, 2011

Dear Katri,

First, Congratulations to you for becoming new Kalon Tripa. I wish you good luck and hope you can do a lot of good things for the Tibetan people. I pray His Holiness Dalai Lama bless you and all of us for success.

Many Tibetans living in exile in India and also all around the world have a lot of hopes with you. For so many years since we left Tibet, there is still so much difficulty for Tibetans. For example travel is so difficult. Nobody recognize or accept Tibetan travel papers like the way they respect other country. Nobody respect us because nobody respect where we are coming from. How come no one respect us? How come Tibetan government doesn’t work on infrastructure or methods to make us respected so people don’t put us down in every place we go. Why Tibetan government doesn’t do more things on a world level to bring up reputation.

Now in modern world, there is no really famous Tibetan. Apart from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, no Tibetan has become world famous for anything like science, writing, music, art, business, medicine etc. Why? Why Tibetan have nobody famous except religious people. For last 50 years, Tibetan government in Dharmasala focus too much on religion issue, lamas, practice, protectors and sects. This focus on religion does not help us to get our country back, also does not help Tibetan cause in the world. You must stop talking so much religion things. Actually, whatever religion, practice, lama, sect, Buddha or protector that Tibetans choose, the government must give freedom. Government must not interfere in this kind of private things. Tibetan government should never talk about religion like all other government in the world don’t talk about religion and have focus on religion all the time.

The Tibetan government never provide any good opportunity for after education. There is no help for Tibetans to have good career and good work life and chances for growing. The government never help to produce any world-class Tibetans. If you can promote us to be successful in different area, then we will be more famous in the world and have more respect. Then if Tibetans talk about Tibetan cause, it will be more powerful and more people will listen to help us. But Tibetan government never help Tibetans to be successful. We cannot even travel so how we can achieve more bigger things?

Instead of trying to do more bigger things for your people, the CTA spend so much time talking about small, religion things. This issue about the Dorje Shugden, I am not interested in this. Most people in the world is not interested. Even my friends asking me why Tibetan government always talking about this things and put down people because of religion. I heard these people cannot get medicine help or education. It looks very behind and for Tibetans, it is embarrassing. There is not progression or democratic action. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is so big and famous and good but why on his website, there is these things on Dholgyal and Dorje Shugden? ( This thing make Dalai Lama image go down. No big famous religion leader or nobel prize people putting things on their website talking bad about religion. This things makes Dalai Lama and Tibetans look like very not compassion and very small mind. Writing this thing does not look like give advice but make His Holiness look like suppressing religion freedom and religious practice. You must remove this section on Dalai Lama website please!

The Dalai Lama always say that everybody is welcome to go to his dharma talks. Anybody from every religion can go, except Dorje Shugden people. This is not fair. Why Dalai Lama have no compassion and love for Dorje Shugden people? If Dorje Shugden people so bad, Dalai Lama must accept them for his talk and help them to change to be good. If he don’t let them come in, how to help them? How can religious teachers stop anybody to join them for prayers and good religion talks? No religion leader today stop people to come and see them and help them. This kind of message make Dalai Lama look very small mind and not kind and have bias. We all know Dalai Lama is very kind and have a lot of love. But this things on website make him look opposite and make him look like bad although it is not true. The Dalai Lama is the doctor, dharma is medicine. Samsara people is all sick. Even Dorje Shugden people is sick and all need help like all of us. So why Dalai Lama don’t let them come to his talk to help them and give them healing? All people deserve to have this medicine and dharma. How can the Tibetan government support something like this? It makes Tibetans very old-fashioned. It is not modern and no democracy. There is no human rights and it will make the world have no more respect for Tibetan policy and ideas. Please do not mix up religion things and politics anymore.

Now it is so difficult for Tibetans. Later, when His Holiness Dalai Lama pass away, what will be the future for the rest of Tibetans? The rest of the world will respect us less when there is no more Dalai Lama. Until now, the Tibetan government did not create any respect for itself or its people. Without Dalai Lama, it will be even more difficult to make other people to listen to us.

Dr Lobsang Sangay, I really hope that you can improve condition for the Tibetan people. Many of us still having so many problems now because the government did not fight enough for Tibetans, always focus on small things and religion things instead of development. Now the world is getting smaller but Tibetan people still have so much trouble to be respected because we don’t have good opportunities for working life or for politics. Actually, it is very sad Tibetan government name already change to CTA. It shows that government reputation and name and honour already go down in the world. The CTA need to catch up to rest of the world and have progress. I hope very much you can achieve this progress.

I wish you many Tashi Deleks and I am sorry maybe my words hurt you. Also, I am sorry have to writing to you in English. My Tibetan writing is not so good, so I ask my friend to help me with writing this letter. I hope it is okay.


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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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