Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche Gives Initiations
A great start to kick off the new year: Our fellow Shugdenpas in the East were fortunate to receive initiations and teachings from one of the greatest Lamas of our time, His Eminence Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche, who spent the best part of January 2015 in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Yongyal Rinpoche’s dharma mastery and attainments…

A Hugely Significant Geshe Lharampa Ceremony
22 January 2015 was a landmark day for all Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world. For the first time in history, learned monks from Shar Ganden Monastery and Serpom Monastery were presented with their Geshe Lharampa certificates from the Gelugpa Buddhist University…

H.E. Achok Rinpoche Gives Initiations in Serpom Monastery
On 17 January 2015, Serpom Monastery was scheduled to host a series of initiations for both monks and lay devotees. The initiations were originally planned to be conducted by Serpom Monastery’s Abbot, Kyabje Yongyal Rinpoche, who would be travelling to India from USA for the teachings…

Achok Rinpoche’s Teachings in Serpom Monastery
DorjeShugden.com is pleased to share these pictures of Achok Rinpoche giving teachings and oral transmission of Lama Tsongkapa and his two disciples at Serpom Monastery in India, in conjunction with the month of Saga Dawa…