First Ever Dorje Shugden Graphic Novel in Chinese! (全球第一本多杰雄登绘本小说!)
为了将多杰雄登推广至全世界,xiongdeng.com 特别为你呈现全球第一本介绍多杰雄登生平的绘本小说。希望借由这个多杰雄登的生平故事,把祂的加持散播到全球每一个角落,并触动许多人的生命。这是我们的承诺。我们将这个绘本小说完全免费地呈现给你,只请求你能本着慈悲的心,与他人分享它,同时也将此护法法门带给更多人。

51st anniversary of Tibetans’ uprising
Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama offered prayers in Dharamsala to mark the 51st anniversary of Tibetans’ aborted uprising against the Chinese rulers…. Video 2 SFT Kolkata organised a Candle Light Vigil on this day to commemorate the Uprising and to stand in solidarity with the 6 million people of Tibet. Video 3 51st Anniversary of Tibet Uprising,…

SBS Media Coverage : Dalai Lama Urges Peace
The Dalai Lama urges Tibetans not to disrupt the Olympic torch relay in Tibet. Many people attended Dalai Lama’s talk as a group of protesters from around the world gathered outside the hall.