A Stronger Commitment
I had made up my mind to do Dharma work full-time early this year. This decision was supported by my family and I felt like I had just won the jackpot. A lot of my friends thought that my decision to do get fully involved in Dharma was a brave move. To me, it was…

Keeping Him Close to You
I was introduced to Lord Dorje Shugden’s practice by my Lama’s assistant in early 2002. She called us to her office one day, gave us five sheets of Dorje Shugden’s prayers and advised us to do his prayers, mantra and serkyem offerings everyday. She explained that he is a Dharma Protector, and told us that…

The Meaning of Guru Devotion
Tashi delek, I’m going to try and keep this short – I just wanted to thank you and your government for banning Dorje Shugden. I know it sounds weird but because your government made such a big deal out of the whole thing, it pushed me to contemplate on my dharma practice and the meaning…