Four Days of Purification with H.E. Daknak Rinpoche in Taiwan
Recently, H.E. the 14th Daknak Rinpoche presided over a four-day puja: a one-day Yamantaka peaceful Fire Puja and a three-day Medicine Buddha Puja. Highly respected in Taiwan, Daknak Rinpoche’s great dedication and hard work eventually led to the founding of the Daknak Genden Lhundup Monastery…

For more about Dorje Shugden, the Lamas who practice him and other pages of note, click on any of the links below that may be of interest. To submit more links for consideration, please leave a comment.

Daknak Rinpoche celebrates Lama Tsongkhapa Day in Taiwan
His Eminence Daknak Rinpoche is Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche’s brother, Daknak Rinpoche has a center in Taiwan called The Chinese Gandenpa Buddhist Center. These are some pictures of their celebration of Lama Tsonghkapa Day in December 2011. For more information about H.E. Daknak Rinpoche: The Opening of a New Dorje Shugden Monastery Kyabje 13th Daknak…

My Position on Dorje Shugden
This will not be a re-hashing of the pros and cons of this controversy. In this respect, I take a position of neutrality. Recent conversations with Lamas and other Dharma practitioners have convinced me that it is time for me to make a public statement. As a long-time Dharma practitioner in the Gelug Lineage, this…

Guru Tree with Dorje Shugden
Based on a landmark teaching by H.E. Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche, this Guru Tree incorporates Dorje Shugden as one of its main Protectors. On the bottom of this thangka, Dorje Shugden is depicted standing between six-armed White Mahakala and Palden Lhamo. Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche gave extensive teachings as to why Dorje Shugden should be on this…

Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche’s Teaching, Markham, Tibet, VOL l
(17:35) “IF YOU GO FOR REFUGE IN THE DHARMA, YOU HAVE TO RESPECT EVERY SINGLE LETTER OF IT…” Lama Jampa Ngodup Rinpoche speaks out against people who disparage the teachings and texts of the Gelug great masters like Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Dagom Rinpoche, especially texts related to the Dharmapala Dorje Shugden….

Dagom Gaden Tensung Ling Buddhist Monastery
Dagom Gaden Tensung Ling Buddhist Monastery (DGTL) in Bloomington, Indiana, USA was founded in 1996 by the renowned Tibetan Buddhist teachers Ven. Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche and Ven. Gonsar Rinpoche. Their deepest wish in establishing the monastery was to preserve for the benefit of all sentient beings the Buddha’s teachings as…

Dagom Rinpoche’s Powa Teaching
Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche was recognised by Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang, tutor to His Holiness, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, as the twelfth incarnation of the lineage of Dagom Rinpoches. He took novice ordination at the age of nine and full ordination (Bhikshu) at the age of twenty one years old. Watch this video of H.H. Kyabje Dagom…

Gelukpa Guru Tree, Updated by Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche
The Emergence of Dharmapala Dorje Shugden While Je Tsongkhapa was giving a Dharma discourse, Nechung appeared to Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen in the form of a white dove, urging him to manifest as a protector of Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings who are so sublime and precious that a special protector is needed to guard and further them…
Dagom Rinpoche Guru Puja Commentary
This video is part 1 (of two parts) of a commentary on the Guru Puja by His Eminence Dagom Rinpoche (in Tibetan, with no English subtitles). Dagom Rinpoche was the highly respected lama who had commissioned the Gelug Lineage tree thangka to include Dorje Shugden among the group of supramundane protectors portrayed in this thangka…