Copenhagen: Peaceful Demonstrations Coverage
Immediately after the protests in Basel, Switzerland which took place from 7-8 February 2015, the International Shugden Community made their way to Copenhagen, Denmark where the Dalai Lama was giving a two-day public teaching at the Bella Centre…

Basel: Peaceful Demonstrations Coverage
On 7-8 February 2015, a group of 700 Shugden practitioners from both the International Shugden Community and Tibetan Shugden practitioners gathered in front of St Jakobshalle in Basel, Switzerland to protest against H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama’s ban against the deity Dorje Shugden…

New York City: Peaceful Demonstrations Coverage
New York City was the final destination in the Dalai Lama’s recent USA tour, where he was scheduled to give a 3-day teaching. Once again, the Dalai Lama had to face both Western and…

Boston: Peaceful Demonstrations Coverage
Following on the heels of protests in Princeton, New Jersey, devoted Shugden practitioners comprised of local Tibetans and the International Shugden Community followed the Dalai Lama to demonstrate at his upcoming teachings in Boston…

Princeton: Peaceful Demonstrations Coverage
Two days after demonstrating in Birmingham, Shugdenpas from both the International Shugden Community and and the local Tibetan community followed the Dalai Lama to his next teaching venue in Princeton University…

Birmingham: Peaceful Demonstrations Coverage
During his recent two-day teachings in Birmingham, Alabama, the Dalai Lama was met with hundreds of Tibetan and Western Shugden practitioners from the International Shugden Community, demanding that the Dalai Lama lift the ban on Dorje Shugden…

Vancouver: Peaceful Demonstration Coverage
The International Shugden Community is once again on the move, this time taking the peaceful demonstrations to Vancouver, Canada during the Dalai Lama’s teachings from 21-23 October 2014…