Dorje Shugden Chapel Trode Khangsar – Built By The Dalai Lama
If you enjoyed the video, you can download it here. Situated behind the main chapel of Jowo Buddha or the Jokhang Temple, south of the Barkhor area in Lhasa is Trode Khangsar, one of the most famous Dorje Shugden chapels in Tibet and in the world today. Built by the Great 5th Dalai Lama at…

Yangting Dechen Ling Monastery, Kham, Tibet
Yangting Dechen Ling Monastery in Kham, Tibet has successfully completed the construction of the new main prayer hall recently after long hard-work and dedications. The original monastery was founded by Yogi Je Lodö Namgyal who was one of the foremost disciples of Je Tsongkhapa in 1421, a couple of years after…

The History and Significance of the Dharmapalas
‘Dharmapala’ – hoary Sanskrit from India, terra firma giving birth to the Vedas;’ The End of All Knowledge’, innumerable deities, home of the Ganges river and Buddha The Awakened One – means “…guardian of the teachings” Variously, the term is also used to mean defenders or protectors of the law of the ‘Diamond Vehicle’….

The Dalai Lama’s Reasons for the Ban and Refutations of These Reasons
1. Dorje Shugden practice is not “religion”, it is “spirit worship” To say that Dorje Shugden practice is “not religion” but “spirit worship” is plainly insulting to many peoples’ beliefs on different levels – not only to Buddhist practitioners of Dorje Shugden (who are not spirit worshippers) but also to other practitioners of other religions…

Spirit Worship or Authentic Buddhist Practice?
Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden practitioners have repeatedly been accused of being spirit worshippers, which is completely untrue. It is also a grave yet nonsensical insult because it implies that they are not pure Buddhist practitioners, whereas in fact they go for refuge to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha like every other Buddhist. They practice Buddha Shakyamuni’s…

Advice from Dorje Shugden that His Holiness should leave and that He guarantees H.H. safety
Watch this video to see proof of how Sera Monks recalls Dorje Shugden giving the actual advice Excerpt from the autobiography of Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang regarding the advice from Dorje Shugden that His Holiness should leave and that He guarantees H.H. safety When I was fifty-nine, in the year of the earth boar, on the…

The 100th Gaden Tripa with controversial Master Loo Sheng-yan together in Kurukule Puja
Master Loo Sheng-yan is a controversial monk based in USA originally from Taiwan. He openly claims he is an enlightened Buddha, that he had tea with Shakyamuni, and many other controversial statements. The 100th Gaden Tripa Lobsang Nyima was from Drepung Loseling. This Tripa openly discouraged and criticized Dorje Shugden s practice. He was not…

Why Does Dorje Shugden Appear So Fearsome?
Kwai Chang Caine: Master, why does such a fearsome statue stand at the entrance to our peaceful place? Master Po: These are the threshold guardians, grasshopper, set here to keep away those not ready for the silence within. Kwai Chang Caine: Must they be so… horrible? Master Po: Those incapable of understanding the Way see things…

Latest Video of Serpom Monastery
A collection of photos from Ser-pom Monastery. Sera has produced innumerable scholars, masters, yogis, abbots, reincarnated tulkus and even regents. Currently Sera is in South India 6 hours away from Bangalore in Bylakuppe Tibetan Colony, Mysore State . Due to the ban His Holiness the Dalai Lama has enforced, Dorje Shugden practitioners may not associate with non-Dorje Shugden…

The Oracle Taking Trance of Dorje Shugden at the Official Opening of Shar Gaden Monastery in Oct 2009
The Oracle taking trance in full regalia of wrathful Dorje Shugden Grand Audience for the public with Dharmapala Setrap and Dorje Shugden (from Ratna Shugden in dorjeshugden.com forum) I have typed out Dorje Shugden’s prophecy to Shar Gaden Monastery as featured in the video, for the ease of reference for all who are here, enjoy!…

Dorje Shugden Practitioners Pray for Peace
Dorje Shugden practitioners request the Dalai Lama to give religious freedom to innocent people who want to practice an ancient prayer. Watch this video as 400 protesters gathered from 16 countries around the world to make request.

Dalai Lama’s Stance on Non-Violence
In 1996 followers of the Dalai Lama stoned and hurled insults of followers of an ancient Buddhist practice that was banned. How did the Dalai Lama respond?

Firsthand Experience of the Dalai Lama’s Persecution
A Dorje Shugden practitioner and student of Domo Geshe Rinpoche shares her personal reasons for why she practises Dorje Shugden, and why she is protesting. Mob of Angry Dalai Lama Followers Attack Protestors On July 17, 2008 a group of hundreds of angry followers of the Dalai Lama attacked a group of peaceful Buddhist protestors. Imagine…

Dalai Lama Relies on Spirits for Political Advice
A CNN video explains how the Dalai Lama relies on spirit oracles for political advice on Tibet and China, for instance, with the State Oracle of Tibet in Dharamsala. Dalai Lama asks Spirit Nechung for Political Advice Nechung’s advice on Tibetan affairs has been sough by HH Dalai Lama for hundreds of years.

Dorje Shugden Oracle
Part 2 Part 3 Watch these footages of Dorje Shugden Oracle taking trance and answering the many requests and questions to spread the Buddha Dharma.

Dalai Lama Says Trijang Rinpoche Can Practise Dorje Shugden
or download this video In this video, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama made an exception for the incarnation of His guru Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche to practise Dorje Shugden. If Dorje Shugden is really a DEMON, shouldn’t Dorje Shugden be banned for all? Why made an exception for Trijang Rinpoche to practise a demon? Think…Think…Think……

Universal Protector of Future Buddhism
Part 1 – Great King whose Time has Come HUM Unimpeded in power and miraculous emanation, unrivaled in wisdom and compassion, Great King of Dharma Protectors whose time has come, Dorje Shugden, Five Families and Principal, and hundreds of thousands of millions of billions of entourage… It is a proverbial saying that nothing is stronger…