An Exclusive Interview with Claudio Cipullo
With over four decades of exposure to high lamas and key events in Tibetan Buddhism, Claudio’s experience provides important insights into the Dorje Shugden ban. It is interesting and noteworthy that with the onset of the Dorje Shugden ban, a practitioner of Claudio Cipullo’s caliber chose to continue with his Dorje Shugden practice…

Dalai Lama Owes Shugden Practitioners
In spite of all the abuse and false accusations hurled against Dorje Shugden and his practitioners, the honest truth is that the Dalai Lama owes his fame, success, and even his life to Dorje Shugden and the attained masters that uphold this practice…

A Tribute To H.E. Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche
In the great assembly of Gelugpa Masters, His Eminence Gonsar Rinpoche stands out, not only as an erudite scholar in his own right, but also for his crucial role in the protection, tutoring and nurturing of two of the most important masters of the modern era who represent the pure lineage of Je Tsongkapa, His…

Gameng Kuten in Rabten Choeling
In November 2014, the famous Gameng Duldzin Kuten (oracle) of Gaden Monastery visited Rabten Choeling in Switzerland, where he took trance of our great protector Dorje Shugden. The visit of the Gameng oracle is a much anticipated yearly tradition…

Rabten Choeling Switzerland
Rabten Choeling is one of the first Tibetan Buddhist monasteries to be established in the West after the exodus of Tibetans into India. Located on Mount-Pelerin, above Lake Geneva in Vevey, Switzerland…

Tugs Bayasgalant Nunnery
In Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, the Tugs Bayasgalant Nunnery faithfully remains loyal to the practice of Dorje Shugden. Established in 1990, the temple was built with great perseverance through a ten-year of struggle, and is now maintained and operated by a group of Mongolian women and lay nuns who have strong faith and devotion to Dorje Shugden…

A Tribute to Geshe Rabten Rinpoche
Geshe Rabten Rinpoche was born in January 1920 in the district of Kham, Tibet. A true Dorje Shugden Lama showing every sign of being a highly accomplished master in both Sutra and Tantra, his root-master was none other than the great Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche…

Tibet in Exile
In March 1959, the Dalai Lama, together with his two teachers and family, succeeded in escaping from the besieged Summer Palace in Lhasa. The escape route was secured by the guerrilla organization of the Khampas (East Tibetans), who suffered severe losses in the process. Approximately 100,000 Tibetans followed the Dalai Lama to India, and about…