Hate Crimes
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected]. Hate Crimes When we consider how the earth’s resources are dwindling quickly, how wars have plagued mankind for centuries, how incurable diseases have become more virulent and how melting Arctic…

Indians openly demand Tibetans go home
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected]. By: Solaray Kusco In 2014, the Indian government initiated a policy called the Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy (TRP). Supporters say that the TRP was the Indian government’s attempt to boost the…

20 Years of Suffering: Lift the Shugden Ban
This short video sums up 20 years worth of information about the unethical Shugden ban and the discrimination, fear and coercion faced by Shugden Buddhists on a daily basis, especially those who are brave enough to stand up, speak and fight for their Religious Freedom…

World Shugden Convention Held in Bangkok
The World Shugden Convention was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 2-3 April 2016. Sponsored by the North America Gelug Buddhist Association, the meeting was graced with the presence of over 20 notable Shugden lamas, practitioners and defenders of the lineage…

Theological Implications of the Dalai Lama’s Religious Ban
In analyzing the Dalai Lama’s Dorje Shugden ban, it is easy enough to see how restricting a person from expressing his religious beliefs is a breach of his human rights. However, even as news about the ban acknowledges how it impinges on various ‘freedom of religion’ provisions in the constitutions of a long list of democratic countries and the United Nations Charter…

The Lord Dorje Shugden
The Mighty Lord Dorje Shugden is one of the most popular Buddhist protectors of all. Maybe some of the credit for his popularity goes to HH Dalai Lama for his tireless efforts in publicizing the controversy that had resulted in chaos within Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries as well as amongst Dharma centers around the world. If…

My Position on Dorje Shugden
This will not be a re-hashing of the pros and cons of this controversy. In this respect, I take a position of neutrality. Recent conversations with Lamas and other Dharma practitioners have convinced me that it is time for me to make a public statement. As a long-time Dharma practitioner in the Gelug Lineage, this…

The Tibetan Inquisition
In pursuing the ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden, fostering schism in the Kagyu tradition, as well as other instances of meddling in all four traditions of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama is creating a modern day inquisition. As tensions in the Tibetan exile community rise, he has started to manipulate the Tibetans’ raw…

Persecution within Buddhist communities world-wide: a request to everyone
Western Shugden Society Studio 177, 56 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9RG, United Kingdom Tel: + 44 (0) 2071939206 E-mail: [email protected] www.westernshugdensociety.org 17 August 2011 AN OPEN LETTER Persecution within Buddhist communities world-wide: a request to everyone Dear Everyone, With this letter, we, the Western Shugden Society would like respectfully to request you to use your…

Condemned to Silence – Part 3
A TIBETAN IDENTITY CRISIS (1996-1999) © by Ursula Bernis PART III – ATTEMPTING TO MAKE SENSE The Dalai Lama said about the Dorje Shugden conflict, “This is not my issue: it is the issue of Tibetan religion and politics…” I will follow this lead and examine the uniquely Tibetan mix of religion and politics primarily…

Condemned to Silence – Part 1
A TIBETAN IDENTITY CRISIS (1996-1999) © by Ursula Bernis Preface “Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world…” “Whereas…the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech…

Conventional Untruths: Orchestrated Deception in the ban on Dorje Shugden Prayer
Following the media coverage of the protests against the Dalai Lama by the Western Shugden Society, one inevitably comes across a very basic contradiction. On the one hand, here is this Buddhist group protesting the ban on Dorje Shugden practice, and on the other hand there is the world’s generally accepted “face” of Buddhism, His…

What does the Dalai Lama’s ‘retirement’ means for religious freedom?
There are recent reports that the Dalai Lama’s decision to retire from politics, expressed earlier this month, has been accepted by the Tibetan Parliament. So does this mean that the Dalai Lama has really retired, and what are the implications for Dorje Shugden practitioners who are still experiencing discrimination at the hands of the Tibetan…

Rejoicing Against Oppression
By Gregory Flannery Here’s a quick test: What comes to mind when you hear the word “Tibet”? The Chinese genocide against a small country; The Dalai Lama, apostle of nonviolence; An idiosyncratic Buddhist philosophy; or Momos, spicy Tibetan dumplings. All four are correct answers but momos are the most straightforward. Filled with beef or with…

Conflict, hypocrisy, and miscommunication
What are some human tendencies in responding to conflict? While walking this morning along the streets of Oxford (to a conference I am presenting at the weekend), I saw a group of people gathering and asked what was happening. They said the Dalai Lama was coming. So, like any tourist, I wanted to see him and get…

Sad, Relatively Unknown News of Tibetan Buddhists’ Infighting
Several of my friends have approached me with eagerness to say, “The Dalai Lama is coming to Cincinnati! Are you going?” I remained neutral and answered that H.H. the Dalai Lama has requested that anyone from my lineage not attend his teachings. “What! Why?” Because of a hundreds-of-years-old conflict concerning a certain Dharma Protector (protecting…

A Letter from Tibetan Shugden Practitioners in the USA to Radio Free Asia
Below is a letter written by Dorje Shugden practitioners living in the USA to Radio Free Asia in response to the article they published in which Prime Minister Samdhong is Encouraging Violence Against Shugden Practitioners. Dear Sirs: We are writing with regards to the recent news posting on December 24th 2010 on the website of…

Shugden Ban is Illegal and Unconstitutional
Legal References to support why the ban is unconstitutional TIBETAN GOVERNMENT IN EXILE CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 17. Every Tibetan shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. The right includes freedom to openly believe, practise, worship and observe any religion either alone or in community with others. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CONSTITUTION Adopted on:…

Dalai Lama and Human Rights
The Dalai Lama received the Lantos Human Rights Prize in Washington in October of 2009. Does he deserve it? Thousands of Shugden practitioners have been outcast from the Tibetan in Exile communities due to the Dalai Lama’s ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden. This video includes a speech by the Dalai Lama enforcing the…