Robert Thurman Encourages Killing for Recreation
Menla Dewa Spa is Bob Thurman’s business built on an image of wellness and healing based on Tibetan Buddhist principles. He presents Menla Dewa Spa as “Tibet in the Catskills” which is how he takes advantage…

The Hypocritical Situation
Dear fellow Dharma brothers and sisters, By now, the religious ban on the deity Dorje Shugden, as instructed by the Dalai Lama, has drawn worldwide attention. For the first time in Buddhist history, Buddhists are being excluded from Dharma teachings and social welfare, brutally attacked and discriminated against by their own Buddhist community, simply because…

Having Enough to Pay Bills
Hello sir, I send my good greetings to you, and I also hope that my letter finds you well. I just wanted to thank you for being a member of a Buddhist government that does a lot to preserve Sakyamuni’s tradition in this world. It is quite a wonderful thing. There is something that I…