Serkong Dorje Chang (1856 – 1918)
Among the many wonderful texts on Dorje Shugden, there exists a very famous incense offering that can also be found in the Dorje Shugden be-bum which was composed by this great Lama. Incense offerings, otherwise known as sang are very powerful offerings that assist the practitioner to uphold his vows and morality, and to clear…

Incense Offering Prayer to Dorje Shugden
Jam mgon rgyal ba’i bstan srung Rdo-rje Shugs-ldan rtsal chen po’i bsangs mchod [dge legs mchog stsol] bzhugs so – by Ganden Serkong At the time of wanting to make a bsang offering, collect the incense substances; repeat the refuge and bodhi mind generation verses three times. HUM, visualising myself as the yidam, from the heart…