H.H. Gaden Trisur & Yongyal Rinpoche visiting in Chengdu, China
Recently many high lamas of the Dorje Shugden lineage gathered at Chengdu, Sichuan, China. They are the 101st Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal Rinpoche, the abbot of Serpom Monastery Yongyal Rinpoche, the young and current incarnation of Zemey Rinpoche, Geshe Wangchuk who has been diligently giving Dorje Shugden initiation in Kham Tibet, and a few others….

Jampa Ling – A Monastery with Dorje Shugden in Chamdo, Tibet
Jampa Ling in located in Chamdo, Tibet. It was buily by Lord Tsongkhapa’s disciple in 1444. It has 12 dratsangs and there used to be 5000 monks during its prime. It is surrounded by many small chapels, and is especially famous for its annual “Lama Dance”. This monastery currently has 1300 monks. Overlooking the town…

Dorje Shugden Initiation to 5000 People at Chamdo, Tibet
In early 2011 at Jinka Monastery in Dingqing County of Chamdo, Tibet, Khenpo Zongluo Jampa Khedrup Rinpoche of Chamdo Jampa Ling Monastery gave Dorje Shugden initiation to around 5,000 people!