Gaden Trisur is Ostracized
Dear Friend in Dharma, I am writing to share with you the life and works of very special, courageous and extraordinary Buddhist master, one we must always remember for his contribution to Dharma. His Holiness Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal is a remarkable Buddhist teacher, who was chosen among many other elite scholars to become the…

A Tribute to His Holiness the 101st Ganden Tripa
His Holiness the 101st Ganden Tripa Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal showed great courage when he left Gaden Monastery in January 2010 to join the monks of Shar Gaden. As the former head of the Gelugpa lineage, and one who is considered an emanation of Tsongkhapa on earth, His Holiness’ decision sent shockwaves through the Tibetan Buddhist…

Interview with His Holiness the 101st Gaden Tripa Lungrik Namgyal
Gaden Tripa – Supreme Head of the Gelugpa Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism The following is an interview with His Holiness the 101th Ganden Tripa – Supreme Head of the Gelug Tradition. The interview is conducted on the occasion of His Holiness the 101th Ganden Tripa’s first official visit to Singapore. The interview is conducted by…

H.H. Gaden Trisur meets Panchen Rinpoche in Tibet 2011!
It’s amazing the Tibetan Govt in Exile and HH Dalai Lama still have not spoken up against HH Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal Rinpoche till now! His Holiness Dalai Lama has spoken against a few senior lamas like Denma Locho Rinpoche of Drepung Loseling. Dalai Lama asked Denma Locho Rinpoche to travel to Tibet and speak…

H.H. Gaden Trisur & Yongyal Rinpoche visiting in Chengdu, China
Recently many high lamas of the Dorje Shugden lineage gathered at Chengdu, Sichuan, China. They are the 101st Gaden Trisur Lungrik Namgyal Rinpoche, the abbot of Serpom Monastery Yongyal Rinpoche, the young and current incarnation of Zemey Rinpoche, Geshe Wangchuk who has been diligently giving Dorje Shugden initiation in Kham Tibet, and a few others….

Yangting Dechen Ling Monastery, Kham, Tibet
Yangting Dechen Ling Monastery in Kham, Tibet has successfully completed the construction of the new main prayer hall recently after long hard-work and dedications. The original monastery was founded by Yogi Je Lodö Namgyal who was one of the foremost disciples of Je Tsongkhapa in 1421, a couple of years after…

Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche
His Holiness Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche is one of the most erudite scholar-yogi masters of this century to arise from the esteemed Gaden Shartse Monastery. Zemey Rinpoche was a very devoted student of H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. And Zemey Rinpoche held all the lineages, transmissions and practices that Trijang Rinpoche had. When HH the 14th Dalai Lama…

H.H. Ganden Tripa’s Dedication to Kyabje Trijang Choktrul Rinpoche
April 23, 2009 I, the undersigned, Lungri Namgyel, the official head of the Gelug order of Tibetan Buddhism (Ganden Tripa) and successor to the said order’s founder, Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419), whose headquarters are Ganden Monastery in Karnataka state, south India, hereby confirm that: • His Eminence Trijang Chocktrul Rinpoche, having been educated in the teachings…