Dragshul Trinley Rinchen (1871-1935) – the 39th Sakya Trizin
Traditionally, the Sakya Throne Holders (Sakya Trizins) are considered to be incarnations of divine beings and succession is via a hereditary line, from father to son. Over the past hundred years, the position of Sakya Trizin evolved to alternate between two “houses” or Phodrangs, called Drolma and Phuntsog. Throughout the Sakya tradition, there has been…

Sakya Throne Holders: Sonam Rinchen (1705-1741) & Kunga Lodro (1729-1783)
Originating from the 11th century, the Sakya Lineage has been closely tied with the Khon Family since early times. The Khon Family is also known as one of the “holy families” of Tibet. One of the Khon family members, Khon Lui Wangpo Sungwa, became a disciple of the great Indian saint Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche)…