Kalachakra by Panchen Lama’s guru, a direct counter to Dalai Lama?
This is very interesting, official China newspaper carry news of Panchen Lama’s guru giving Kalachakra, are they trying to dissuade the Tibetans from going to the Dalai Lama and coming towards Panchen Lama instead? Source: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2012-06/03/content_15458177.htm XIAHE, Gansu – Thousands of pilgrims gathered Saturday on a grassland near a monastery town in northwest China to…

History of Various Gelugpa Monasteries
1. Ganden Monastery In 1409, Tsongkhapa instituted the Great Prayer Festival (sMon-lam chen-mo) at the Lhasa Jokang Temple (Lha-sa Jo-khang, Jokhang). Afterwards, his disciples, concerned about the effect of constant travel on their teacher’s health, offered to build him a monastery at any site of his choice. Tsongkhapa accepted and chose Drogri Mountain (‘Brog ri-bo-che), approximately…