Jaya Pandita (1642 – 1708)
A boy with promising signs was born in Mongolia to the royal bloodline of the legendary Chinggis Khan. He would emerge as a most important figure between the Mongolian and Tibetan worlds, who would come to be among the most significant students of the renowned master Tulku Dragpa Gyeltsen. He is famous for having preserved…

Nyungne Lama Yeshe Zangpo (in the 1700s)
This great master became famous because of his long and intense fasting retreats to the 1000-armed Avalokiteshvara. Hence, he was bestowed the title Nyungne Lama and also sometimes known by his Sanskrit name, Jnanabhadra. At a young age, he was enrolled into the monastery and was ordained by one of the most influential Gelug masters…

Lobsang Tamdin (1867 – 1937)
Lobsang Tamdin, a Mongolian scholar and master, was a lineage holder of many practices. He became especially known for collecting many important texts written by Mongolian and Tibetan masters throughout his life. He was also known for having composed rituals to Dorje Shudgen. Lobsang Tamdin began his studies first in Gaden Monastery, Ulanbataar (Mongolia) where…