Vegetarianism in Buddhism
Buddhism has three main schools of thought – Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana – and a superficial examination of these three schools (or vehicles) reveals what appears to be conflicting views on the practice of vegetarianism…

A Teaching on Dharmapalas, from a Kagyu Perspective
by Choje Lama Namse Rinpoche Dharmapalas, Chos-skyong – “Protectors Lama Namse Rinpoche was born in Tsurphu, Tibet in 1930 and became a monk at the age of fifteen. He studied the Tibetan religious language, etymology, grammar, poetry, all major Hinayana and Mahayana texts and commentaries, as well as the philosophy of the various Buddhist schools…

Nagarjuna’s Life, Legend and Works
Precious little is known about the actual life of the historical Nagarjuna. The two most extensive biographies of Nagarjuna, one in Chinese and the other in Tibetan, were written many centuries after his life and incorporate much lively but historically unreliable material which sometimes reaches mythic proportions. However, from the sketches of historical detail and…

Guru Devotion by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave this teaching at Aryatara Institute, Germany, 7 April 2001 Every one of us has universal responsibility. If you have a good heart, loving kindness-compassion, then in your daily life, numberless living beings, including the people around you, animals, insects, in fact, all other living beings, do not receive harm from you….

The 100th Gaden Tripa with controversial Master Loo Sheng-yan together in Kurukule Puja
Master Loo Sheng-yan is a controversial monk based in USA originally from Taiwan. He openly claims he is an enlightened Buddha, that he had tea with Shakyamuni, and many other controversial statements. The 100th Gaden Tripa Lobsang Nyima was from Drepung Loseling. This Tripa openly discouraged and criticized Dorje Shugden s practice. He was not…