Nepal Arrests Activist for Holding Tibetan Flag
Recently, Nepal showed just how serious they are about the One China policy when they took Adak, a Tibetan activist, into custody after he posted a picture of himself holding a Tibetan flag in front of Kathmandu’s Boudhanath Stupa…

Fed up of waiting, Nepal embraces China
It is not surprising to see Nepal and India taking the necessary steps to create a closer relationship with China, and distancing themselves from the “troublesome” Tibetan leadership…

2018 International Buddhist Conference of Dorje Shugden Followers
In 2018, from 4th to 6th January, Gelugpa faithfuls from all over the world descended on the Yak And Yeti Hotel (Kathmandu, Nepal). They were there to attend what was one of the biggest gatherings of sons and daughters of Je Tsongkhapa who have been loyal to their teachers and persevered with their practice of Dorje Shugden…

१४ औ दलाई लामाले नेपाललाई रिस उठायो।
बुद्धधर्मिहरुका लागि दर्शन गर्नै पर्ने यहाँ चार तिर्थस्थल हरु छन् । त्यो मध्धे एउटा बुद्धको जन्मस्थान लुम्बिनी पर्दछ रा लुम्बिनी अहिले नेपाल भित्र पर्छ। सन् २४५ बि.सी. मा सम्राट अशोकाले त्यहाँ खम्बा उठाउँनका साथै शिलालेख गरि त्यो स्थललाई बुद्ध को जन्मस्थान पुष्ठी गरिको थियो।

The 14th Dalai Lama Angers Nepal
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected]. By: Shashi Kei There are four places of pilgrimage that are considered a must-visit for all Buddhist practitioners of all traditions. One of these places is the Buddha’s birthplace in…

Tibetans rejected by Nepal
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected]. By: Tsering Bruckman In an unprecedented move back in 2005, the Nepali authorities shut down two key offices associated with the Dalai Lama in the country’s capital city, Kathmandu. It…

A Helping Hand For Nepal
Since the catastrophic earthquake hit Nepal, killing more than 9,000 people, and causing tremendous suffering and pain, Lama Gangchen Help in Action sprung into action, collecting relief funds and dispatching much-needed help…

Dorje Shugden is the Bad Guy?
Dear friends of Dharma, The Dalai Lama has been extremely kind to bring Tibetan Buddhism and Dharma teachings out to the world. Because of the Dalai Lama, millions now know of the peaceful methods of Buddhism, which is what the Dalai Lama represents. However, over the last 10 years or so, there have been drastic…

Dogs are Much Smarter Than Humans!
I’ve not been practising Dorje Shugden for very long but since I’ve been reciting his mantra, a great many wonderful things have happened. I must tell you of this one incident involving my schnauzer Frodo. He’s the beloved of my beloved and means more to me than my family- I love him much more than…

First Ever Dorje Shugden Graphic Novel in Nepali
DorjeShugden.com proudly presents the first ever graphic novel on Dorje Shugden’s life. This graphic novel was produced with the motivation of bringing Dorje Shugden all over the world. So that the blessings of his life story may pervade and touch lives everywhere. We at this website are committed to this goal. This graphic novel is…

Inauguration of Jangchup Lamrim Temple, Lumbini, Nepal
His Eminence the renowned Gonsar Rinpoche has been a firm and strong practitioner of Dorje Shugden since day one. He is the root and heart student of Geshe Rabten and Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche among other teachers. He hails from Sera Je Monastery. He has wonderful centres in Switzerland, Mongolia and Austria. Gonsar Rinpoche…

Monastery with Dorje Shugden in Nepal
Another Monastery with Dorje Shugden in Nepal! H.E. Tritul Rinpoche of Taiwan is building this new monastery that incorporates Dorje Shugden as the main protector. When completed, it will house over 1,000 monks and located in Kathmandu, Nepal. It is incredible. The work started around a year ago and is in full progress now. Another…