Bhutan: The Rise of Kings and Dorje Shugden
Buddhism in Bhutan has a long and established link to the practice of the enlightened Protector Dorje Shugden. This actually stems back to the legendary founder of Bhutan, Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal…

Recognised by the Sakyas
The sacred relics that were left behind by the cremation fire were placed inside eight types of stupas, which were all made of silver. These were then brought to Drepung Upper Residence but strange voices and squeezing sounds were heard to arise from the relics. Following Nechung’s instructions, the Desi took the relics out of…

Drubwang Drukpa Kunley of the 17th Century (Dreuley lineage)
The Himalayan region is known for its deep spirituality and, aside from Tibet, is one of the most renowned Buddhist nations in the region is Bhutan. Bhutanese monks are predominantly of the Drukpa Kagyu lineage as the result of their founding lama Ngawang Namgyal acting on the advice of Mahakala, and fleeing Tibet following an…

Canonicity and Divine Interference: The Tulkus and the Shugden-Controversy
Michael von Brück Centre for Religious Studies Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Religions are systems of social communication which at the same time create images of reality which become normative structures of perception, and these in turn define what is considered ‘real’ in a given society. In this way the legitimacy of social structures as well as structures…

Karmapa Asked Anti-Shugden Statue to be Removed
I remember the admin posted this before, so I would like to repost here for everyone’s reference: While the Sixteenth Karmapa (the previous Karmapa) was on a pilgrimage in Nepal he stopped at Urgyen Rinpoche’s new monastery. At that time the Nepalese king and queen were there and came out to greet him with a…

Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the world
I have been edging to write this for the longest time to share this view of what has been both draining my well-being as well as empowering my spiritual self to clear the frustration and negative emotions arising from this unfortunate spiritual suppression. Loving Shugden At the early time, entering into the teaching of the…

His Eminence Loden Sherab Dagyab Kyabgoen Rinpoche
His Eminence Loden Sherab Rinpoche’s previous incarnation was the great translator Loden Sherab (1059–1109). The translator Loden Sherab was one of the renowned masters who went through much hardship to bring the Dharma texts from India to Tibet. Loden Sherab travelled to India and translated Dharma texts at Bodhgaya Monastery, and it was from here…

A quick note on Dorje Shugden (rDo rje shugs ldan)
Paul Williams Centre for Buddhist Studies University of Bristol The following note is taken from an informal letter in response to a request for some further information on the current dispute over Dorje Shugden*. Dorje Shugden is a Dharma protector deity, and you can read one of the very few academic accounts of him in…

Dorje Shugden
Overview Dorje Shugden (Wylie: rdo-rje shugs-ldan), “Powerful thunderbolt”; also known as Dhol-rgyal) is a relatively recent, but very controversial, deity within the complex pantheons of Himalayan Buddhism. There exist different accounts and claims on Dorje Shugden’s origin, nature and function. Origin, Nature and Functions According to researcher Kay: “Whilst there is a consensus that this…

A Teaching on Nyingma Protector Shenpa
By His Eminence Shenpen Dawa Rinpoche Los Angeles, California | September 1988 Secret: Only Initiated Practitioners The first protector I will speak about is Shenpa. Shenpa is very important for His Holiness’ swift rebirth, because he is the main protector of the Nyingma lineage. Shenpa is the main guardian for all of our practices: Troma,…

A Sakya Tale
The Mahasiddha’s Prophesy Imagine, if you will… The year is 1849, and the Sakya temple known as Mugchug resounds with the sonorous tones of a great assembly of high Sakya lamas engaged in a special ritual practice. The Sakya Throneholder Tashi Rinchen, head of the entire Sakya tradition, is in attendance. In fact, the entire…

The Tibetans Twice Exiled
Thank you Meindert Gorter for your writing. I would like also to give this story as I understand it, from my personal experience, research and reflections. No doubt some data I owe to the Charitable Society, and I’ve given them my thoughts too. But mainly because I’ve been inside the Tibetan Buddhist world since the…

New Statesman: Why did the Dalai Lama ban Dorje Shugden?
by Meindert Gorter 28 August 2008 Meindert Gorter explores the history and reasons behind the Dalai Lama’s ban on the deity Dorje Shugden The Dalai Lama has given several reasons to explain the excommunication of the protector, Dorje Shugden, back in 1996. However what he has actually seemed to be doing is adapting the gravity…

Letter to Newsweek – False Accusations Against the Innocent
Letter to the editor of Newsweek from Geshe Kelsang Gyatso in response to the article ‘Cult Mystery’ that appeared in Newsweek International, the 28th of April 97, and in Newsweek USA, 5th of May 97 (Click here to read the content of the original Newsweek article) Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Geshe…

The Secret of the Mind is Yamantaka and the Wrathful Ones
Vajrabhairava Yamantaka A Tantric Initiatory Vision The secret of the body is Vairochana and the Dhyani Buddhas; The secret of speech is Locana and the Buddha consorts; The secret of the mind is Yamantaka and the Wrathful Ones. (Ratnakarashanti) The form of Yamantaka represented here is known as Ekavira, the “Solitary Hero”. The Sanskrit term…

An Interview with Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso discusses Dorje Shugden as a benevolent protector god Geshe Kelsang Gyatso spoke with Donald S. Lopez, Jr., last summer at Manjushri Buddhist Centre in Ulverston, England. PROFESSOR DONALD LOPEZ: What is the importance of dharmapala (dharma protector) practice in Tibetan Buddhism? GESHE KELSANG GYATSO (GKG): Although dharmapalas appear wrathful, in reality they…

The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities
Extracted from Page 445 of Oracles and Demons of Tibet | by Réne De Nebesky-Wojkowitz NOTE: The material for this book was collected between 1951 and 1954, with the assistance of two Gelug lamas, and one Nyingma lama The various descriptions of Nechung Gompa, vivid and interesting as they may be, still do not suffice…

Phelgyeling Monastery
Phelgyeling Monastery now in Kathmandu, Nepal, was originally located in Nyanang, Tibet, not far from the Nepali border. It has a statue of Dharmapala Dorje Shugden made by the Fifth Dalai Lama himself, who converted the monastery from Kagyu to Gelugpa in 1665. It was in the original monastery in Tibet, but during the escape…

Thangka of Guru Rinpoche above Dorje Shugden
Antique thangka of Dorje Shugden with Guru Rinpoche directly above Dorje Shugden. Surrounding them are various well known Yidams propitiated by the Nyingmapa order as well as Yidams mostly propitiated by the Gelugpa order.