Retreng Rinpoche Trichen Tenpa Rabgye
Tritul Tenpa Rabgye (1759-1815) is a native of Lithang, Kham. Even at a young age, Tenpa Rabgye displayed strong affinity for the Dharma. At the tender age of 2, he did something very unusual for someone of his age – to request the Vajravidarna purification from the abbot of Lithang Monastery, Phuntsok Gyato. It wasn’t…

Sera Je Dragri Gyatso Thaye
The Dragri line of incarnations was significant enough for Trijang Dorje Chang, who is Heruka himself, to take an interest in them. Revealing the origins of this ancient lineage, Trijang Rinpoche wrote that the incarnations were some of the most profound Indian masters including Arhat Kanakavatsa (a direct disciple of Shakyamuni), King Chandrabhadra, and Pamting…