"sakya" tag
Ngawang Yontan Gyatso (1902 – 1963)

The Ambitious 69th “Bhutan Abbot” of Sakya Ngor Monastery

More than 50 years ago, there existed an extremely ambitious but destructive monk who courted the support of the Bhutan palace. As the 69th abbot of Sakya Ngor Monastery, he distinguished himself by creating a strong dislike for Dorje Shugden…


Tai Situ Rinpoche Criticizes Sakya and Gelug Lamas

Recently, a short video clip of the current 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche, one of the four Regents of the Karma Kagyu lineage, has surfaced showing him flaming fears surrounding Dorje Shugden, a Dharma Protector of the Gelug tradition…


CTA and the Kagyus

This article seeks to point out the selectivity of the CTA when dealing with Tibetan Buddhist issues, and how their bias and prejudice have the potential to destabilize Tibetan society. Is the real intention of the Dalai Lama and CTA to unite their people and pursue a genuine fight for freedom, or is it to divide the Tibetan community for their own selfish agendas? Based on hard facts and analysis of past events, it would seem that the latter is more plausible…


Dorje Shugden Enthronement Prayer

Composed by the 31st Sakya Trizin Kunga Lodro: HUM! With the Vajradhara root and lineage masters, the assembly of yidhams who grant all realizations, and protectors who remove all obstacles, we recognize you as a king among…


Dorje Shugden on a Black Horse

Dorje Shugden Tanag has been an important and integral practice of the Sakya Tradition for the past few hundred years. Furthermore, the line of Sakya Throneholders has viewed Dorje Shugden as a fully enlightened being who is one with Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri…

Sikyong Lobsang Sangay, the 14th Dalai Lama, and the Speaker of Parliament Penpa Tsering. Lobsang Sangay agreed to Tibet under communism, the Dalai Lama is accused of being a dishonest despot worldwide and Penpa Tsering shows contempt for high Tibetan lamas and penchant for untruths

UPDATED: Penpa Tsering Defames Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche

In a speech to students of Upper TCV School filled with lies and distortions of history, Tibetan Speaker of Parliament Penpa Tsering openly abused his position of influence and showed the world the CTA’s true colors, attacking Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo…


An Open Letter to Robert Thurman

Robert Thurman is promoted globally as a learned scholar and author of Tibetan Buddhism. He is also famous for being “personal friends” with the Dalai Lama. Which is more important then? The fact that he could be a strong authority of Buddhism in the West, bringing the many sacred, ancient teachings to millions in “the…


Shakya Shri Bhadra

In the year 1127, one of Dorje Shugden’s previous incarnations took rebirth in a Brahmin family in Dasobhara, Kashmir. Little is known of Shakya Shri Bhadra’s family except that he had a brother by the name of Buddhacandra. He was given the traditional Brahmin education of the time…


Sakya Pandita

Unparalleled Master of the Sakya School The next incarnation subsequently manifested in Western Tibet as the legendary Sakya Pandita, the renowned lineage holder of the Sakya School in Tibet. Many decades later, Dorje Shugden was first enthroned as a Dharma Protector and practiced within the Sakya school…


The Time of the Great Fifth

Dorje Shugden’s practice initially began in the Sakya school when the “spirit” of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen first travelled there after failing to enter Tashi Lhumpo to meet his Guru. One of Dorje Shugden’s previous incarnations was as Sakya Pandita. As such the Sakya patriarch at that time, Dagchen Dorje Chang Sonam Rinchen accepted him and…


Recognised by the Sakyas

The sacred relics that were left behind by the cremation fire were placed inside eight types of stupas, which were all made of silver. These were then brought to Drepung Upper Residence but strange voices and squeezing sounds were heard to arise from the relics. Following Nechung’s instructions, the Desi took the relics out of…

Tagphu Pemevajra final

Tagphu Pemavajra

Tagphu Pemavajra is most commonly remembered today as being the guru of one of our most significant lineage fathers, Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche. Also, he is more famously known for being the first to transmit the lineage of Dorje Shugden that almost all of us are now practicing. This incarnation lineage is a mystical and very…


Morchen Kunga Lhundrub (1654-1728)

Morchen Kunga Lhundrub is the epitome of non-sectarianism, known to have upheld and respected many lineages equally and without any problems. As a highly influential master of the Sakya tradition, he was also revered by the Gelugpas as a lineage master of Naropa’s Vajrayogini. Within his own sect, Morchen was revered as a lineage holder…


Canonicity and Divine Interference: The Tulkus and the Shugden-Controversy

Michael von Brück Centre for Religious Studies Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Religions are systems of social communication which at the same time create images of reality which become normative structures of perception, and these in turn define what is considered ‘real’ in a given society. In this way the legitimacy of social structures as well as structures…


Love Shugden, Love all Lamas, Heal the world

I have been edging to write this for the longest time to share this view of what has been both draining my well-being as well as empowering my spiritual self to clear the frustration and negative emotions arising from this unfortunate spiritual suppression. Loving Shugden At the early time, entering into the teaching of the…


Four Faced Mahakala

Who is he? Known as the ‘Great Black One’ in Sanskrit or Chaturmukha, Four Faced Mahakala is an emanation of the Buddha of Wisdom, Manjushri. He is popularly known to be able to quash our obstacles arising from ignorance and anger. Being an enlightened Dharma Protector, he has been propitiated by many great masters including…


A quick note on Dorje Shugden (rDo rje shugs ldan)

Paul Williams Centre for Buddhist Studies University of Bristol The following note is taken from an informal letter in response to a request for some further information on the current dispute over Dorje Shugden*. Dorje Shugden is a Dharma protector deity, and you can read one of the very few academic accounts of him in…


A Controversial Tibetan Buddhist Deity

Dorje Shugden is generally believed to be a worldly protector deity that was likely practiced first in the Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. According to some accounts he was inducted into the pantheon of Sakya protectors by Sakya Trizin Sonam Rinchen (1705-1741). Later placed together with the two protector deities Dorje Setrab and Tsi’u Marpo, they were collectively known as the Three…


Dorje Shugden Movie Project

Dorje Shugden: On The Trail Of A Buddhist Protector is a documentary film project. The general idea is to do documented research on the origin and practice of the Buddhist protector deity Dorje Shugden. It is important to show the practice as integrated part of a living Buddhist tradition without going into the recent controversy….


A Sakya Tale

The Mahasiddha’s Prophesy Imagine, if you will… The year is 1849, and the Sakya temple known as Mugchug resounds with the sonorous tones of a great assembly of high Sakya lamas engaged in a special ritual practice. The Sakya Throneholder Tashi Rinchen, head of the entire Sakya tradition, is in attendance. In fact, the entire…


The Tibetans Twice Exiled

Thank you Meindert Gorter for your writing. I would like also to give this story as I understand it, from my personal experience, research and reflections. No doubt some data I owe to the Charitable Society, and I’ve given them my thoughts too. But mainly because I’ve been inside the Tibetan Buddhist world since the…


Various Aspects of Tantra by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche

The Relationship between Buddhist Tantra and Hindu Tantra Translated by Gavin Kilty. Prepared by Michael Lewis. Printed in From Tushita, edited and published by Michael Hellbach, Tushita Editions, 1977. Although some scholars have maintained that Buddhist tantra was derived from Hinduism, this is not correct. The theory, prevalent among those who adhere to the tenets…


“Scholars and Yogis Please Check!”

The title of the blog (http://truthaboutshugden.wordpress.com)  comes from the writings of the great Sakya master Sachen Kunga Lodro. In his wrathful torma ritual for Dorje Shugden, Sachen exhorted the Scholars and yogis of his day to examine the truth, to discover for themselves that Dorje Shugden is a Buddha. He wrote with such confidence and joy, I feel…

Contemplate This

.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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